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City Guides. Since opening in 2011, Agora has become one of the bastions of creativity in Berlin. Housed in a freestanding, yellow-and-red-bricked Altbau, this café, restaurant, co-working space, artist studio and event location ends up as way more than the sum of its parts. With the German capital firmly established as one of the world’s elite creative cities, here you can peek into the inner workings – the people and the projects – of a zeitgeist in the making. It’s edgy, original, and inclusive without being ‘oh-kumbaya’. Operating as a true platform for interaction and inspiration, Agora evolves and adjusts to the needs of its members while remaining open to the public at large. Extra curricular activities include frequent cross-media art exhibitions, film nights with up-and-coming directors, yoga and pilates sessions, and an all-star evening restaurant. Curious about how the creative set of tomorrow go about their daily business? Art Agenda. Artfridge. News - Circle Culture Gallery.

POLITZEKI | List of prisoners. Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien. Create Digital Music. Die buchkönigin: die buchhandlung in berlin neukölln. Pequod Books - International Second Hand - Neukölln, Germany - Librairie. A Complete Guide To Tumblr. Advertisement Think of Tumblr as micro-blogging on steroids (technically, it’s called “tumblelogging”).

Whereas Twitter and similar services limit posts to 140 characters or less, Tumblr lets you post updates of any length, although it’s best suited to short-format posts. Tumblr bridges the gap between full-blown blog and micro-blog. Tumblr is also an option for designers and creative people, because it gives you complete control over the look of your tumblelog. It also offers great opportunities for theme designers, especially with the recent launch of premium themes (which range in price from $9 to $49). Why Use Tumblr? Quite simply because Tumblr makes setting up a blog very easy. Post Formats The fact that Tumblr has built-in formats for a variety of content types makes it stand out from other blogging and micro-blogging platforms. Because of the unique post formats, Tumblr makes a perfect platform for vlogging and podcasting, as well as for photo blogging. Tumblr API Blog Options Bacon.