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Google Glass and Apple’s iBeacon on the way to a bank near you. Westpac NZ customers will be able to check their account balances and transfer funds via Google Glass once the device is widely available. Photo: AFP Paul Smith Westpac NZ’s chief digital officer officer Simon Pomeroy said wearable technology would become more popular throughout 2014, and that the bank was intent on making services available on all new technology platforms Westpac Banking Corporation is poised to take a fresh step in the increasingly competitive banking technology race with trials of apps for Google Glass and smartwatches and also branches kitted out with Apple’s iBeacon technology.

The bank’s general manager of digital Harry Wendt told The Australian Financial Review that pilot projects were under way in St George Bank to put its account balance monitoring MoneyMeter app on Google Glass, and that in-branch iBeacon trials would begin in the next few months. In NZ Google Glass trials of its MoneyMeter equivalent app called Cash Tank are also under way.

Banking by Appointment

Parcours. Brèves : Swift, Citi, ING, Soon. Les Canadiens et les services bancaires. Dernière modification 06 mai 2013 En bref 47 % des Canadiens utilisent Internet comme principal moyen d’effectuer leurs transactions bancaires; de plus en plus, ce moyen devient le premier choix parmi tous les groupes d’âge. Bien que les GAB et les services en succursale perdent de leur popularité, ils demeurent des moyens importants et valorisés quand il s’agit d’effectuer de nombreux types de transactions bancaires. Pour 91 % des Canadiens, ces innovations qui permettent aux clients d’accéder à leurs comptes de n’importe où et à n’importe quel moment ont rendu les services bancaires plus commodes.

Les faits Les banques donnent aux Canadiens de plus en plus de moyens pour effectuer leurs transactions bancaires. Les banques offrent aux consommateurs un vaste choix de services financiers ainsi qu’un nombre de moyens d’accéder à ces services. L’exclusivité de la succursale bancaire est révolue. Les Canadiens adoptent ces nouveaux choix. Les services bancaires mobiles gagnent du terrain.


Branch of the future | Microsoft Feature | Best Practices for Monitoring Multi-channel Banking Environments. 5 Best Practices for Monitoring Multi-channel Banking Environments I came across the embedded & hyper-linked blog post and thought the members of Bank Innovation might find it of interest. Are you feeling the mounting pressure to keep up with evolving self-service banking applications and meeting consumer expectations around “on-demand” accessibility, consistency and choice? Are your virtual channels exploding due to high speed internet, security advances and mobile accessibility? Are you experiencing creative convergences between direct services offerings, social media and personalized marketing campaigns?

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