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Design Coding - YouTube (web/coding rap) Blue Beanie Day in support of web standards. We Perform Best When No One Tells Us What To Do. How can companies get the best possible performance out of their employees? Let them do whatever they want! And furthermore, don't offer incentives. Sound counter-intuitive? Not if you look at what research has shown regarding the economics of motivation. According to Dan Pink (lawyer, speech writer, author, and career analyst), the way to get the best original ideas out of people is to cut back on restrictions and rules regarding output, and stop offering incentives for work produced.

This may sound a little backwards, but science has shown that sometimes when we offer rewards for output or production, it affects the quality of the ideas or work as opposed to offering no incentive. In his TED Global 2009 talk last month, Pink says: "There is a disconnect between what science knows and what business does. " He goes on to say, "Traditional notions of management work great if you want compliance, but if you want engagement, self-direction works best. " The F Plus - terrible things read with enthusiam. A Corporate Guide For Social Media - A PC in every home and workplace, a smart phone in every hand, all connected 24/7 to the hundreds of millions (and growing rapidly) of other people actively participating online via blogs, social networks, Twitter and multiplayer games. Whether you call it Web 2.0, the social Web or any other neologism, the new network economy is about communities, collaboration, peer production and user-generated content.

It is a place where business reputations are defined by customer opinions and ratings, where press is delivered by independent bloggers, and product development and insight is driven by customers. As digital natives–those who have grown up with the Internet–flood the workplace, your employees will expect to be part of the social Web and they’ll have a lot to contribute. Does this sound like business as usual? It shouldn’t. Social technologies turn many corporate policies upside down. Social Web Guiding Principles for Employers Lead by example. Rules aren’t enough. Grant Equal Access.

Social media for disasters, emergency services and police

List of indicators appearing in the world telecommunications indicators/ICT database. Web design and graphic design on delicious. A List Apart: Articles: World Grows Small: Open Standards for the Global Web. If I made a list of the core best practices that have emerged on the web standards front, almost everyone reading this article would understand not only the practices themselves, but also the benefits that have caused these practices to emerge. Here’s my simple list: Use structural, semantic markup.Separate presentation from the (X)HTML document using CSS.Rely on JavaScript as an enhancement for, not a replacement of, website features. I hear readers of ALA shouting cynically aloud, en masse , “Brilliant Molly! Seriously, we know by now how structure gives us something to hang our proverbial hats on.

Naturally, we’ve all been reading about (or even following) best practices for JavaScript and related technologies such as Ajax, JSON and AHAH. So what’s gotten me so excited? The importance of internationalization#section1 Internationalization also: In simple terms, i18n means understanding that the thing you’re designing and developing will be used by audiences around the globe. South Australian Police (SAPOL) This year SAPOL is commemorating 175 years of policing in South Australia in a variety of ways - including the weekly publication of historic photos courtesy of the South Australian Police Historical Society. Today we look back on the history of police training. In the early days all training occurred at the Police Barracks located on North Terrace, Adelaide from where police also fired the noon day gun that enabled city residents and visitors to adjust their clocks and watches. New Police Barracks, built at Thebarton on 1917, featured a dormitory, kitchen with mess room, stables, chaff house, saddlers shop, quartermasters store, farriers shop, gym and administration buildings.

The training was still very basic until 1933 when Commissioner R L Leane introduced a revolutionary recruitment program to employ youths aged 17-19 years. A year later the Junior Constable system was introduced and remained in force until 1970. Read the full story in our Moments in Time. Welcome to the SA Country Fire Service Online.


Governance. WCAG. Social Media - a curation of ICT/social media policy/usage. Think Social Media Guidelines. As school districts explore the use of social computing throughout the school day and as an approach to extend instruction; many educators are making the decision to create a wiki, publish video online, or to participate in blogging, social networking or virtual worlds. Social media guidelines encourage educators to participate in social computing and strive to create an atmosphere of trust and individual accountability. Teachers who must hide their online activity because of nonexistent social media guidelines risk losing their jobs and reputations. A better approach is to collaboratively develop a policy that is acceptable to administrators, school board members, teachers and parents allowing for involvement in the global conversation in which many are contributing.

Teaching the 21st Century Student Conference Amarillo, Texas, January 17, 2011 R U In My Space? Wednesday, 7/1/2009, 10:30am–11:30am Teachers blogging and teaching in MySpace. Social Media in Plain English R U In My Space.pptx. 20 Guidelines for Twitter Success - Global Copywriting. Did you see the article called 7 Deadly Sins of Twitter? It's an evergreen post from October 2009 that pops up from time to time. I read it again the other day and posted it to my Facebook page. While the theme is irreverent a great technique to get more readers to your blog the advice from Zoey Dowling is spot on. Zoey compares each one of the 7 deadly sins with a corresponding Twitter behaviour. While I've been guilty of most of the irritants at some point in my Twitter history, it started me thinking about how my use of Twitter has changed with experience.

New users often struggle to balance professional and personal information in their stream. Always try to: Share the best content you can findReciprocate if someone tweets your contentAnswer every mention Reply to every direct message Keep most of your tweets related to your line of workPick YOUR battles, don't get involved in every drama going Never fail to: Things NOT to do: Keep in mind: Of course, these rules are meant to be broken. ICT AUP - a curation of ICT/social media policy/usage. Council of Australian Governments.