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Colour. Fonts. Design-concept. Paper Browser: It's a Browser only in Paper. Mathematics and Web Design: A Close Relationship. Math is everywhere, even where you wouldn’t expect it.

Mathematics and Web Design: A Close Relationship

You can find mathematical ratios and constants in architecture, but also in the instruments we use to make music. You can find math in certain games we play, and therefore it should not surprise you that mathematics plays an important role in web design too. But what is this role? And how can we use these ratios, constants, and theories to make our web designs more beautiful?

Math is Everywhere Walt Disney once made a film about Donald Duck in Mathmagicland. The general lesson is simple: you can use some basic mathematical principles to design order and beauty in your own creations. A Little History In ancient Greece there was an elite group of mathematicians who called themselves the Pythagoreans. Rabbit Breeding A while after that, in the 12th and 13th century, lived a talented Italian mathematician. The Golden Ratio The Golden Rectangle, shown here, shows how you can divide it upon itself infinitely (and perfectly). The Rule of Thirds. Webdesigner Depot - Is design school neccessary - and when? for who? Education undeniably changes us.

Webdesigner Depot - Is design school neccessary - and when? for who?

Learning new things completely alters our perception of life and the world around us. But formal academic training is a touchy subject for some people. Going to school to learn a discipline is still not an option for everyone. As someone who has worked in the graphic design field for quite some time without an advanced degree, I understand that self-education is not to be underestimated. But just how far can this type of training get you in life before you reach an impasse? This is one of the big questions in the world of graphic design: is design school worth the time, money and effort?

We have all heard tales of such self-taught design heroes as David Carson, who single-handedly ushered in a new era of digital design. But is Carson’s extraordinary story relevant to us? Why Go to School? We have to consider this question in the right context. When I was going to school, my program focused mainly on print and had only two classes on web design. Degrees Help. Really Useful Tutorials You Should Have Read in January 2010. This update covers tutorials, tips and techniques that you should have read in January 2010.

Really Useful Tutorials You Should Have Read in January 2010

Featured publications include: A List Apart, Perishable Press, DevSnippets, Webdesigner Depot, Nettuts+, Inspiring Pixel, Gaya Design, PV.M Garage, Line25, Woork Up, Six Revisions, Tutorialzine, Papermashup, WPWebHost, TechPortal, Yehuda Katz, Codrops, NuRelm, Queness, PHP Web and IT Stuff, DLOCC,, Jon Galloway, DevMoose, CSSKarma, AEXT, Viral Patel, and JankoAtwarpSpeed. Featured authors include: Lam Nguyen, Tuhin Kumar, Chris Spooner, Jason Schuller, Louis Lazaris, Dan Wellman, Martin Angelov, Siddharth, Ashley Ford, Navjot Singh, Gaya Kessler, Burak Guzel, Piervincenzo Madeo, Peter Verhage, Yehuda Katz, Jeff Starr, Mary Lou, Chris Taylor, Kevin Liew, James Padolsey, Noura Yehia, Jason Cranford Teague, Devin Walker, Bill Peña, McBonio, Jon Galloway, Jean-Paul Bernadina, Tim Wright, Viral Patel, Shelley Powers, and Janko Jovanovic.

So which articles you found most useful. Examples of bad websites - Canton, Akron, Cleveland, Ohio - The Website Experts. There are countless examples of embarrassing website designs and development out there.

Examples of bad websites - Canton, Akron, Cleveland, Ohio - The Website Experts

These are the latest examples we have discovered. For each site below we provide a brief analysis to assist you in avoiding the same pitfalls. After looking at the websites and critiques below, please visit our free advice area. Heaven's Gate Is this for real? We just....can't. If anyone can find something GOOD about this website, please let us know. Rich and Associates This is a small website, to be sure. First of all...we thought the name/logo was for a law firm, but then noticed the words Hospitality, Advertising, Marketing, and Promotion. Then we noticed the four tiny Cs. What's odd is that this company appears to have done work for some very large corporations, and it looks like good work. Ultimate 80s. Bad Websites and Good Websites. 2) To Offer The End User An Easy Ride - If the website is presenting the end user with an obstacle course instead of a simple map from point A to points B, C, D, E, etc., business is being lost. 3) To Offer The Search Engine Bots An Easy Crawl - Anything that blocks bot access is going to result in lost rankings and lost traffic.

Bad Websites and Good Websites

Bad websites hiding their key content within image text, behind logins, Flash graphics and Javascript are showing Google blank pages instead of the compelling data that proves the web pages are relevant to the searches end users are performing. 4) To Present The Business In A Professional Way - Funky, clunky, ugly, outdated websites make a bad impression on potential customers and fail to convey that a business is trustworthy.

Your website acts as your business' 24-hour, on-line representative. It needs to present your company's very best attributes in an appealing manner. What Makes A Good Website? 5) Usability - How are users interacting with your pages? Best and Worst Web Sites. Thanks to everyone who suggested good and bad sites to go with my own suggestions.

Best and Worst Web Sites

Keep 'em coming! Currently they focus on bad interfaces. More to come in the future. How to make sure your site never gets on the "worst" list? Visit Creative Good's main site, its site, and its co-branded E-Business Best Practices e-commerce site with ZDNet for more examples and information on usability. Good Sites: Creative Good's Top 10 Best e-commerce sites Smarter is one of the leaders of toys in the dot com world. Poor Sites:

World's Worst Website - flashing, animations, blah. Web design techniques and principles from Web Pages That Suck - learn good web design by looking at bad web design - Home Page. Dan Ariely asks, Are we in control of our own decisions? Weblog. Webdesignarchive. CoolHomepages.