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Bedouin Dress by Fleet Foxes on Spotify. The Lake Isle of Innisfree. The Scientist by Coldplay. The Scientist by Willie Nelson. 180. When I heard the Learn’d Astronomer. Whitman, Walt. 1900. Leaves of Grass. Talk On Indolence by The Avett Brothers on Spotify. Ode on Indolence by John Keats. TED: Billy Collins: Everyday moments, caught in time - Billy Collins (2012) Analysis of Shakespeare's Sonnet 73 - That time of year thou mayst in me behold. Notes that time of year (1): i.e., being late autumn or early winter. When yellow leaves... (2): compare Macbeth (5.3.23) "my way of life/is fall'n into the sere, the yellow leaf. " Bare ruin'd choirs (4): a reference to the remains of a church or, more specifically, a chancel, stripped of its roof and exposed to the elements.

The choirs formerly rang with the sounds of 'sweet birds'. Some argue that lines 3 and 4 should be read without pause -- the 'yellow leaves' shake against the 'cold/Bare ruin'd choirs.' black night (7): a metaphor for death itself. Death's second self (8): i.e. In me thou see'st...was nourish'd by (9-12): The following is a brilliant paraphrase by early 20th-century scholar Kellner: "As the fire goes out when the wood which has been feeding it is consumed, so is life extinguished when the strength of youth is past. " that (12): i.e., the poet's desires. This (14): i.e., the demise of the poet's youth and passion. The fundamental emotion [in Sonnet 73] is self-pity. Writing a Sonnet. 3 of 5 Learn to write a sonnet in iambic pentameter, just like Shakespeare did.

Discover the rhythm and rhyme scheme of the quatrains and couplets that make up a Shakespearean sonnet. Credit: "Sonnet 18," © 2008 Jinx! , used under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license: Here are the rules for writing a sonnet: It must consist of 14 lines. If you're writing the most familiar kind of sonnet, the Shakespearean, the rhyme scheme is this: Every A rhymes with every A, every B rhymes with every B, and so forth.

Ah, but there's more to a sonnet than just the structure of it. First quatrain: An exposition of the main theme and main metaphor. One of Shakespeare's best-known sonnets, Sonnet 18, follows this pattern: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimmed;And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed; 2012-2013 poetry contest rules. Poetry Foundation. POETRY iPhone App. Poetry Out Loud. Poetry contest submissions. Why We Should Memorize Poetry. Much of our daily lives would be dizzyingly unrecognizable to people living a hundred years ago: what we wear and what we eat, how we travel, how we communicate, how we while away our leisure time. But, surely, our occasional attempts to memorize a poem would feel familiar to them—those inhabitants of a heyday of verse memorization.

Little has changed. They, too, in committing a poem to memory, underwent a predictable gamut of frustrations: the pursuit of stubbornly elusive phrases, the inner hammering of rote repetition, tantalizing tip-of-the-tongue stammerings, confident forward marches that finish in an abrupt amnesiac’s cul-de-sac. Actually, if the process has altered over the years, perhaps we feel the difficulties of the task more acutely than our ancestors did.

As a college professor of writing and literature, I regularly impose memorization assignments, and I’m struck by how burdensome my students typically find them. It turned out to be levelheaded advice. Six cents.

Reading& writing about poetry