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Jade Blakely

I'm a student at PSU. I love art, music, tattoos, animals, and lesbians.

Self Growth

Tutorials. We get a lot of emails asking how to use brushes correctly so I hope this helps you out a little!


A brow brush is designed to be stiff and angled for a reason. And we use the slanted edge to shade and the tip of the edge to outline. Put those components together and a brow brush is quite frankly a thing of perfection! Cooking. Super Tinker Swiss Army Knife. Method.

Super Tinker Swiss Army Knife

Shipments within the 48 states by default are by USPS First Class mail with shipment and delivery confirmation from Natick, Massachusetts 01760, near Boston. You can upgrade to US Priority Mail (1-3 days anywhere in the continental U.S.), or to UPS which shows progress en route.

Native American Info

Architecture. Crafting. Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread. I’m sorry.

Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread

I know it’s Monday morning and you probably came here for some pretty pictures of food that you could glance at, and then move on with your day… and here I go thrusting warm, soft cinnamon sugar bread in your face. It’s not fair. I know it’s not fair. Help.