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Patchimals - Educational and cultural contents for children: apps, worksheets and resources. Flash cards: emotions in english and spanish Print and cut the flash cards to learn about emotions in both languages.

Patchimals - Educational and cultural contents for children: apps, worksheets and resources.

Loading... Resources We have prepared some resources in addition to the apps so you can have more fun with our Patchimals; backgrounds and printables: worksheets and coloring sheets. Select the content you would like and download it free of charge. How many spooky silhouettes do you see? Count the silhouettes and write the correct numbers. Download Fill in the vowels Autumn themed - Look at each picture, and complete the words with the missing vowels.

Download Count and match Count the items in each group and match with the correct number. Download Flash cards: autumn in english and spanish Print and cut the flash cards to learn about autumn in both languages. Download Counting skills Count and encircle the correct number. Download Scissors and shapes Cut out the shapes and paste them to complete the Patchimals. Download Count and color Color the correct number of objects. Download Download Zilu. One Extra Degree.


TRANSLATION. CONVERTERS. VECTORES. Technology rocks. seriously.: Infographic Creation. Infographics are a great way to share data and statistics information visually and are super popular these days.

technology rocks. seriously.: Infographic Creation

{An inforgraphic is a graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge.} Here is a fabulous animated infographic that explains the 13 reasons why your brain craves infographics and a few of my favorite educational technology infographics can be found here. In addition to being a great way to share information with students, they can be created BY students to understand and connect their learning, vocabulary, and other info. How neat would it be to have students create their own for a research project they are doing instead of a traditional essay, poster, or powerpoint?

It could be a visual essay! Here are some great infographic creators that make the task super easy! Piktochart is a great online creator that allows you a free account to make some basic infographics. Sign up is super quick and allows you to get started creating right away! Dom's English at HOME. 10 Ted Talks Every English Student Should Watch. Google for Education: Education on Air. Posted by Tia Lendo, Head of North America Marketing, Google for Education (Cross-posted on the Google for Work Blog.)

Google for Education: Education on Air

What do a student in Florida, a special advisor to the Ministry of Education in Finland, a filmmaker, a veteran teacher, and a researcher for the Economist Intelligence Unit have in common? They’re all speakers — just a handful of the 130 — who shared their ideas during Education on Air. We wanted to tackle the question of how to help students become digital leaders, and it turns out we weren’t the only ones. More than 53,000 people registered for Education on Air, the free online conference we held last week on May 8 and 9.

You might imagine it would be difficult to recap the highlights from more than 60 hours of programming, but we noticed a handful of common themes. Check out the highlight reel that includes the most prominent themes from the conference: Go ahead, get involved. OUP. SlideShare. PicMonkey. PIXLR. Create infographics & online charts. Classroom Management Ideas. - create Infographics online. Celta syllabus. Schoology. Create your own books online for free - Cliptomize. Education on Air: Keynote. Free Printables - Scattered Squirrel. Untitled design - Canva. Pinterest: Discover and save creative ideas.

Brainstorm and mind map online. Friend Ship by Sphia Sadek - Cliptomize.