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Felted. Cowl. Shawl. Shopping. Sewing. Hat. Quot;Finishing: Picking Up Stitches" Pick up stitches using a knitting needle or crochet hook and yarn.

quot;Finishing: Picking Up Stitches"

For a neater edge, use needles or a hook one or two sizes smaller than the working needle. After the pickup is finished, change to the needle size indicated in the instructions. The right side of the work is facing, unless instructed otherwise. If the number of stitches to pick up aren't included in the instructions, measure the area of pickup, and multiply that number by the stitch gauge of the border pattern to be applied. Divide the area of pickup into quarter sections, or smaller spaces if necessary, and mark with pins or thread.

Picking Up Stitches Along a Bound-off Edge With the right side of the garment facing you, insert the tip of the right-hand needle into the first full stitch beneath the bind-off row (fig. 24a), wrap the yarn around the needle, and pull it through the stitch, creating a new stitch on the needle. Along a Bound-off Edge: Figure 24a Picking Up Stitches Along a Side Edge. Title - Winter 2007. SK2P: Sl 1 knitwise, k2tog, pass slipped st over.

Title - Winter 2007

T3: Sl next 3 sts to cable needle, rotate cable needle 180 degrees clockwise, k3 from cable needle. Placing Beads: As shown, Version B uses beads which have holes large enough to accommodate a small crochet hook. If you use beads with similarly large holes, beads may be placed using the technique detailed here. Scroll down to "Hooking beads as you go". Version A as shown uses beads which are too small to placed using a crochet hook. Picot Bind Off [CO 2 sts using Knitted Cast On; k2tog tbl, k1 tbl, pass first st worked over second st as if binding off, BO 2 sts, sl st from right needle back to left needle] until all sts have been bound off.

Beaded Picot Bind Off [CO 2 sts using Knitted Cast On; k2tog tbl, place bead on next stitch on left hand needle, k beaded st tbl, pass first st worked over second st as if binding off, BO 2 sts, sl st from right needle back to left needle] until all sts have been bound off. And Arelate Studio. SIDEWAYS SOCKS ADAPTATION. July 2008. This is not exactly a pattern but more a way to use your favourite sock pattern and turn it into a project that can be knit on a single circular needle.

July 2008

As you can see from the picture, it is a bit of an odd looking way of knitting socks, or any other project whose circumference is smaller than the length of your circular needle, but it's easy and with a little patience, you may be hooked on this method that never has you worrying about double pointed needles falling from your project. To achieve the same results with this method there are probably many different ways to hold your needles, to get the stitches around the needle, to work your project to its successful completion, but this is the way that I find the easiest... Give it a try for the fun of it. - A sock pattern, -appropriate yarn for your pattern, -circular needles at least 32" (80cm) long of the same size that the pattern calls for. -2 stitch markers of different colours. Warning! Casting on First Row: The second row and beyond Heel. Fall 2006. Note: Throughout this pattern, yarns are alternated every 2 rows.

Fall 2006

When switching yarns, drop the old yarn and begin working with the new yarn, carrying the yarn not in use along the side of the work. Step 1: First Triangle: *Using A, CO 3 sts. Row 1 [RS]: K1, kfb, p1. 4 sts. Row 2 [WS]: Kfb, kfb, k1, p1. 6 sts. Row 3 [RS]: Using B, kfb, k1, kfb, k2, p1. 8 sts. Row 4 [WS]: Kfb, k2, kfb, k3, p1. 10 sts. Row 5 [RS]: Using A, [kfb, LM] twice, k1, p1. 12 sts. Row 6 [WS]: Kfb, k4, kfb, k5, p1. 14 sts. Row 7 [RS]: Using B, [kfb, k1, LM, k1] twice, k1, p1. 16 sts.