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Consentement. Sex Degrees of Separation - Sexual Health for Men & Women - Lloydspharmacy. It's important to be aware of your sexual health.

Sex Degrees of Separation - Sexual Health for Men & Women - Lloydspharmacy

Cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are on the up. Chlamydia alone increased by eight per cent between 2006 and 2008. If you do not practice safe sex you are putting yourself at risk of contracting an STI. You may have heard of Six Degrees of Separation. It's the idea that we're all just six connections away from everyone else on the planet. Research Face of Global Sex 2007. How many people haven't had sex in the past month? When you look at a spreadsheet of numbers, it's useful to think about the people behind them.

How many people haven't had sex in the past month?

So, when I saw the percentage of 25 to 34 year olds that haven't had sex in the past four weeks, I asked my friends at dinner what they thought the number would be. And a funny (albeit slightly predictable) thing happened: those that hadn't had sex recently guessed a much higher percentage than those that had. Paul (in a long-term relationship) guesses 7% of men his age haven't had sex in the past four weeks while perpetually single Chris puts it at 55%. Both of them are wrong, a lot wrong. The National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles asks 15,000 British adults about their sexual experiences through face-to-face interviews. The great screen taboo: people who aren't having sex. Swear words: check.

The great screen taboo: people who aren't having sex

Sex scenes: check. Inter-racial relationships, gay relationships, unedited childbirth: check, check, check. Sexual activity. 15 idées reçues sur le sexe. Dossier du mois 15 idées reçues sur le sexe.

15 idées reçues sur le sexe

Notre sexualité, c'est grave. Vous pensiez pouvoir jouir sans contrainte dans une société libre?

Notre sexualité, c'est grave

Détrompez-vous: les experts sont là pour vous expliquer que vous êtes malade et qu'il faut vous soigner. De reportages télévisés en articles de presse, de «guides sexo» en sites web spécialisés, notre sexualité est devenue un terrain de jeux sans règle contraignante. Festive, joyeuse et très librement médiatisée, elle reflète une société affranchie de toute codification du désir et du plaisir. I Am Not a Sex-Fueled Robot. Le sexe... quand je v(i)eux, comme je v(i)eux, où je v(i)eux!

Assistanat sexuel. Mouvement contre la circoncision infantile. How I Learned That A Healthy Relationship Is More Than Having A Sexually Satisfied Partner. Originally published on Role/Reboot and cross-posted here with permission.

How I Learned That A Healthy Relationship Is More Than Having A Sexually Satisfied Partner

Skylar Shibata shares her deeply personal experience with rape, post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual dysfunction, and learning to accept love. My first sexual experiences taught me that sex is all about power and control. For me, being in a relationship meant relinquishing any power or control I had over my own body and my own emotions. Sex was the key to emotional security; when my partner was sexually satisfied, I was emotionally satisfied. It took four years of counseling with a therapist specializing in trauma for me to understand that this was a very unhealthy way of thinking.

I can still remember that session—how the memories suddenly flooded my mind. All I managed to vocalize to my therapist was that he made me do things I didn’t want to do. And Other Myths Endangering America's Youth. By Tara Culp-Ressler on March 17, 2013 at 3:30 pm "‘Kindergartners Shouldn’t Be Taught Sex Ed’ — And Other Myths Endangering America’s Youth" “In case you missed it, Chicago public schools are set to begin teaching sex-ed to Kindergartners,” Family Research Council head Tony Perkins tweeted earlier this week.

And Other Myths Endangering America's Youth

Adding his voice to a growing chorus of right-wing fearmongering, Perkins is referring to the fact that the city’s Department of Education approved a new policy requiring public schools to teach age-appropriate, LGBT-inclusive sexual health instruction at each grade level. The youngest students — the primary subjects of the recent concern trolling — will learn about anatomy, reproduction, healthy relationships, and personal safety. In Pursuit of Sexual Pleasure Equality.

Sexual pleasure is not a one-way street.

In Pursuit of Sexual Pleasure Equality

If you are a woman who has had one, two, or any number of sexual partners, you may know that sex should always feel good for both partners. If you are a woman who has not yet had sex, you probably hope that your first time, and times subsequent, will be equally pleasurable for everyone involved. After all, our sexual relationships are outlets for pleasure. I mean, who doesn’t have a Kama Sutra app on their iPhone? But Then Again, Not Really. Society, the media, politicians, and religions are often obsessed with sex as an idea – not as it really happens in the flesh.

But Then Again, Not Really

The idea of sex is most often portrayed in extremes. Sex is, at times, depicted as a sure path to unwanted pregnancy, STIs, and hellfire. At the other end of the spectrum, sex is portrayed as the core motivation for all human pursuits, selling everything from cologne to makeup to magical weight loss yogurt, because it’s that amazing and vital! A Feminist Approach to Good Loving in 5 Steps. Most articles about being a good lover begin and end with “How to Please Your Man” directives.

A Feminist Approach to Good Loving in 5 Steps

This assumes 1) a heterosexual relationship and 2) that it is the responsibility of the woman to please her man. And, of course, if she isn’t doing something right, then she can surely expect her man to discard her. A woman’s value here is based on her ability to sexually satisfy her assumed male partner. Prostitution & Pornographie. Porno: Déni de réalité. Enquête sur le Contexte de la Sexualité en France (CSF)

Pourquoi les jeunes Japonais ne font-ils plus l'amour? SEXUALITÉ - Alors que dans nos sociétés le sexe est partout, tout le temps, au Japon, les jeunes ne font plus l'amour. Sex uncovered poll: Education and ethnicity. Seventy per cent of Britons would not consider having sex with someone who had a physical disability. Just over one in four would not rule out the possibility, while only four per cent have actually had sex with someone with a physical disability. Men are slightly more likely than women to rule out the possibility. Twenty-eight per cent of Britons have had sex with someone of a different colour to them and 57 per cent would consider it in the future.

Comment le désir sexuel se lit dans votre cerveau. Education sensuelle - Accueil. Sexuality & Sexual relationships — University Counselling Service. Self-help books on Sexuality & Sexual relationships Introduction There are so many popular psychology texts in the shops that it can be difficult to know where to begin. This set of book-lists was compiled by staff of the University Counselling Service to respond to those students who have asked us what they might read on this topic. Sexplique : Service d'information en contraception et sexualité de Québec.

OnSEXprime. Dossier - Mon corps, ma sexualité. Laci Green (Sex+) : "Ne cessez jamais de vous aimer et d'aimer les autres" Edit du 20 juillet 2013 : Grâce au formidable travail de nos madmoiZelles, plusieurs vidéos (plus bas dans l’article) sont maintenant sous-titrées en français ! Article du 4 juin 2012 : Lorsqu’on vous a présenté Laci Green pour la première fois, c’était pour parler de sa vidéo sur l’hymen.

Devant le succès remporté non seulement par cette vidéo mais par la nana en elle-même, on s’est dit qu’une petite interview était de rigueur. SEX WITH DISABILITIES? Sexualité féminine. Apprentissage masculin. Education sexuelle : je suis payée pour pervertir la jeunesse française. On entend beaucoup d’experts théoriser à rallonge sur les études de genre, ce qui devrait être fait, ce que ça entraînerait ou pas sur le psychisme et la construction sociale des enfants, invoquer Freud, Dolto, Jésus ou même John Gray, mais de professionnels de terrain, rien. Figurez-vous que l’éducation à la sexualité en milieu scolaire n’a pas attendu l’arrivée au pouvoir du socialisme et son lot de perversions, puisque la loi du 4 juillet 2001 précise qu’« une information et une éducation à la sexualité sont dispensées dans les écoles, les collèges et les lycées à raison d’au moins trois séances annuelles et par groupes d’âges homogènes ».

Making of. Les dangers du fétichisme. Centres de dépistage anonymes et gratuits. Les Centres de Dépistage Anonyme et Gratuit (CDAG) existent dans tout Paris. Ils permettent à toute personne de savoir si elle est atteinte par le VIH, l'hépatite B ou C. LGBT+