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Tools, debuggers, documenting

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Undoing Changes. ‹ Back to Ry’s Git Tutorial In the last module, we learned how to record versions of a project into a Git repository.

Undoing Changes

The whole point of maintaining these “safe” copies is peace of mind: should our project suddenly break, we’ll know that we have easy access to a functional version, and we’ll be able to pinpoint precisely where the problem was introduced. To this end, storing “safe” versions isn’t much help without the ability to restore them. Our next task is to learn how to view the previous states of a project, revert back to them, and reset uncommitted changes.

How to Report Bugs Effectively. There are a number of ways in which non-programmers can contribute to software projects; documentation and testing are among the most frequently-requested services, but testing that results in useless bug reports accomplishes nothing but frustrating the programmer.

How to Report Bugs Effectively

Today, Simon Tatham shares what it's like to be on the receiving end of bug reports, and offers suggestions for how you can help resolve problems as quickly as possible. Introduction Anybody who has written software for public use will probably have received at least one bad bug report. SWIG: Wrapper and Interface Generator. Getting to grips with LaTeX. Here are some tutorials I have written for getting up to speed with this excellent document processing system.

Getting to grips with LaTeX

Funnily enough I wouldn't consider myself an expert, per se, but I'm learning all the time. I recall finding it quite taxing when I started to learn LaTeX, which is why I have started these tutorials. Collabtive - Open Source Collaboration. SyntaxHighlighter. Knotsbag. ZeroBUGS - Debugger.

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