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Can open-source toolkits displace Matlab. Anime: What are some good underappreciated sci-fi anime. (2) How can one believe in science and religion at the same time. (2) C (programming language): What are the best tools to profile C code. (2) C++ (programming language): What are the disadvantages of dynamic arrays over traditional arrays in languages like C/C++ (2) What are some good JavaScript books for a web developer with intermediate skills. How are web 'frameworks' built. (10) What are some must-see Google Tech Talks. (14) What are the best web comics, and why. (14) What are the best mindfuck films.

(14) Life Advice: What life lessons are counter-intuitive or go against common sense or wisdom. (18) The Big Questions: What are the most fascinating known unknowns. Webdesign - What's the best launch strategy for a web startup. Webdesign - Life Advice: What life lessons are counter-intuitive or go against common sense or wisdom. Webdesign - (2) Theoretical Physics: What is the most beautiful idea in physics? And what is its beauty. Webdesign - (2) Graph Theory: What are the most ingenious theorems/deductions in graph theory. Webdesign - (2) What are the things that every JavaScript noobie should know. Webdesign - (2) What are the best frameworks for building an AJAX based web app. Webdesign - (2) C (programming language): What are the best tools to profile C code. Webdesign - (2) How do science popularization bloggers get their information.

Webdesign - (2) What's the best way to start a web startup if you are not an engineer and have little to no money. Webdesign - (2) What is the best way to educate yourself on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX. Webdesign - (2) What is the most beautiful theorem proof, and why. Webdesign - (2) How can I drive traffic to a brand new blog. Webdesign - (2) What are some good JavaScript blogs/aggregators to follow. Webdesign - (2) What macroscopic phenomena can only be explained through quantum mechanics. Webdesign - (2) Best Of: Who are the best minds of the world today, and why.

Webdesign - (2) What is the best contemporary art blog. Webdesign - (2) What are the most interesting tools to embed into my blog. Webdesign - (2) What are good resources which teach complete beginners Javascript. (4) What are some good JavaScript blogs/aggregators to follow.

