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Gaming Control Using a Wearable and Wireless EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interface Device with Novel Dry Foam-based Sensors. Acquérir des signaux EEG de votre cerveau avec un kit Arduino. Voici une technique simple qui permet de connecter un simple gadget utilisant vos EEG à un kit Arduino.

Acquérir des signaux EEG de votre cerveau avec un kit Arduino.

Vous pouvez ainsi développer de nouvelles applications utilisant l’électroencéphalographie. Une dérivation est réalisée sur le gadget pour être acquisse par le kit Arduino qui mettra en forma les données à l’aide d’un Parser. Dans l’exemple qui suit en vidéo, c’est un modèle de capteur MindFlex de Mattel qui est hacké par un kit Arduino. Tous l’environnement de développement logiciel pour IDE Arduino est disponible sur Le logiciel de visualisation des vos ondes est disponible sur DIY EMG uses an audio recorder. EEG Page. Around 1967 a fellow named Maurice "Barry" Sterman discovered that cats could be trained to alter their brain waves, and that these same cats were less susceptible to having seizures when injected with monomethylhydrazine (rocket fuel); hence the start of some very interesting research into neurofeedback.

EEG Page

I was told of two books on the subject, which I have purchased, read, and would recommend: A Symphony in the Brain, by Jim Robbins, and Getting Rid of Ritalin, by Robert Hill and Eduardo Castro. I have purchased and would NOT recommend ADD The 20-Hour Solution by Steinberg and Othmer. Only click this if you want to hear me rant. Besides the above mentioned books, and general Googling, I've have learned the most about measuring brain waves (EEG signals) from The OpenEEG Project.

EEG Probe. EEG for the braindead « Unlocking the secrets of the mind… I was hoping to start this blog yesterday but I couldn’t find the time coz I went for a rock show.

EEG for the braindead « Unlocking the secrets of the mind…

This little project is a resurrected version of something similar I worked on a few years ago. A lot of my inspiration comes from the OpenEEG project. So, if you’re ready for the ride, let’s begin! EEG Schematic « Unlocking the secrets of the mind… Alright, so here it is!

EEG Schematic « Unlocking the secrets of the mind…

Finally, after all that experimentation, it all boils down to this. Resources / EEG/EKG Schematics. EEG & EKG (ECG) Schematics last updated 7-Jan 2005 I developed my 4-channel, dual-purpose EEG/ECG box between September 2003 and March or April of 2004 with the gracious help of David Rosenboom at Calarts for use in my medi[t]ations sound performance series.

Resources / EEG/EKG Schematics

We combined schematics from his book Biofeedback and the Arts (available thru Frog Peak Press) with schematics from the article "Computers On The Brain" by Steve Ciarcia (in the June 1998 issue of BYTE magazine). EMG Biofeedback. This biofeedback setup uses an EMG sensor to represent muscle tension as a series of beeps and allows you to train your body to adjust muscle tension at will.

EMG Biofeedback

In short, the more tense you are, the faster the beeps become, and the more relaxed, the slower. Using this device you can learn how to regulate your body to speed up and slow down the beeps; hence increasing and decreasing muscle tension. With some practice, you will have enough understanding of your body to be able to control muscle tension without use of the device. Pulse Oximeter. Pulse Sensor: an Open Source Heart-rate Sensor that Rocks by Yury Gitman. OpenBCI. Simple ModularEEG. The idea of this page is that, if you follow the directions in the "Simple" column, you will have a ModularEEG with a minimum of fuss.

Simple ModularEEG

The Links columns is reference material, often with ways of doing things more cost effectively (although this usually involves more fuss). The links will give you more information, some of which may be relevant. Just a warning that, although these are the simplest instructions, they still involve putting the PCBs (see below) in a case and wiring them to the case.

So maybe "Comparitively simple" would be better. Term definition: PCB = Printed Circuit Board. Open source neural activity monitors. Medical and Health Related Projects with Arduino. Projects/BioSensor. From OLPC Name: Paola Lira City: Lima (Peru) Email: arilyes at I would like to design a low cost sensor for sensing pathogens and contaminants in food, water and soil.


I would develop a permittivity based sensor for real time sensing of pathogens and contaminants. Each individual sensor or a group of them can be functionalized for a given specific target: E. coli, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Hg, Pb, As. With the use of mathematical algorithms, the rate of positive events provides data about the concentration of the target pathogem or contaminant. The sensor will use low costs chips and insumes for sample preparation. Bio-Sensing. Thermographic camera. Image of a small dog taken in mid-infrared ("thermal") light (false-color) A thermographic camera or infrared camera is a device that forms an image using infrared radiation, similar to a common camera that forms an image using visible light.

Thermographic camera

Instead of the 450–750 nanometer range of the visible light camera, infrared cameras operate in wavelengths as long as 14,000 nm (14 µm). History[edit] Precursors[edit]