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Internet surveillance and examples

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El artista Nick Briz nos cuenta por qué deberíamos dejar Facebook y cómo deberíamos hacerlo. Este artículo sobre el artista Nick Briz apareció originalmente en VICE.

El artista Nick Briz nos cuenta por qué deberíamos dejar Facebook y cómo deberíamos hacerlo

El año pasado, The Creators Project hizo un documental con el artista de nuevos medios sobre cómo crear animaciones interactivas y generativas, y previamente habíamos escrito sobre su programa theNewAesthetic.js, un software de fácil uso para hacer composiciones de la Nueva Estética. Nick Briz es un artista de nuevos medios, profesor y organizador de Chicago. Briz da clases en la Fundación Marwen y en el Instituto de Arte de Chicago, ha presentado su trabajo por todo el mundo y es cofundador de las conferencias GLI.TC/H. Netflix uses data for a lot more than just recommendations. Netflix is famous for the way it uses algorithms to determine what programs or movies its members might want to watch, but data plays a much broader role inside the company’s streaming service than just informing recommendations.

Netflix uses data for a lot more than just recommendations

In a blog post on Wednesday, the company explained how it analyzes data to do everything from optimizing playback quality to identifying poorly translated subtitles. The post, written by Netflix ‎director of streaming science and algorithms Nirmal Govind, highlights several areas in which better algorithms could improve the Netflix experience, focusing largely on how to ensure the best-possible playback in any given situation — or, at least, how to ensure users are getting the playback quality they expect.

“[W]e need to determine a mapping function that can quantify and predict how changes in [quality of experience] metrics affect user behavior,” Govind wrote. He continued: El nuevo mundo después de Snowden, de Evgeny Morozov en El País. Al igual que el calentamiento global refuta el discurso del crecimiento, el déficit democrático revelado por la vigilancia masiva debería llevar a cuestionarnos el principio de que “más información es siempre mejor”

El nuevo mundo después de Snowden, de Evgeny Morozov en El País

Untitled. Report: NSA Has Plans To Infect “Millions” Of Computers With Malware. Regulación del uso de medios electrónicos de pago. En estos días se debatirá en el Europarlamento una propuesta de Reglamento para concretar los aspectos regulativos de la normativa comunitaria sobre comercio electrónico, que entre otras cuestiones, introduce determinadas especificaciones sobre los servicios financieros de tarjetas electrónicas.

Regulación del uso de medios electrónicos de pago

Federico Kukso — Arqueología de la palabra escrita. Surveillance and Pressure Against WikiLeaks and Its Readers. The Intercept recently published an article and supporting documents indicating that the NSA and its British counterpart GCHQ surveilled and even sought to have other countries prosecute the investigative journalism website WikiLeaks.

Surveillance and Pressure Against WikiLeaks and Its Readers

GCHQ also surveilled the millions of people who merely read the WikiLeaks website. STD Social Network Aims to Make Dating 'Less Awkward' This may be the final frontier for privacy: a social networking mobile app to share information about sexually transmitted diseases.

STD Social Network Aims to Make Dating 'Less Awkward'

And while it may seem off-putting, a company called Hula is attempting to execute the concept in a way that is discrete and promotes healthiness. By enabling sharing of verified test results, the Hula app, which formerly went by, aims to make a certain conversation between prospective romantic partners "less awkward," according to the company's website. Hula has two main functions: helping a user to get tested and then sharing the results. The app provides lists of local testing clinics and doctors. After getting tested, a user can sign up for Hula with personal information and details about the test location. To share results, a user creates a profile, just like with other social networks. The Net is not a panopticon. NSA-Affäre - VfGH-Präsident fand harte Worte für USA.

Der Präsident des Verfassungsgerichtshofs, Gerhart Holzinger, findet harte Worte für die Rolle der USA in der NSA-Affäre.

NSA-Affäre - VfGH-Präsident fand harte Worte für USA

"Wenn da bis hin zu ausländischen Regierungschefs alles abgehört und aufgezeichnet wird, dann ist das die totale Negation der Privatheit und des Rechts auf Schutz der Intimsphäre", sagte der Richter den "Oberösterreichischen Nachrichten" vom Samstag. Nonopticon: Hide in plain sight. Record-breaking DDoS attack struck on Monday, according to reports. Bitcoin exchanges halt withdrawals as “massive” attack spreads. Bitcoin’s bad week got even worse on Tuesday as the chief security officer of reported that hackers are launching DDoS attacks across the Bitcoin eco-system in an effort to exploit a software vulnerability that allows attackers to tamper with transaction records.

Bitcoin exchanges halt withdrawals as “massive” attack spreads

CoinDesk has further details, but the bottom line is that the core code of Bitcoin appears to be secure, but that many other services — including exchanges like BitStamp — that are built on top of it, are exposed to the vulnerability. The Next Big Thing You Missed: A Would-Be Dropbox Meant to Thwart the NSA. BitTorrent Sync. Photo: Ariel Zambelich/WIRED BitTorrent was best known as an internet protocol that let people swap pirated movies and music at the expense of big Hollywood studios and record labels. The terrifying surveillance case of Brandon Mayfield.

During a live Web chat in late January, National Security Agency whistle-blower Edward Snowden explained one of the least discussed dangers of bulk collection.

The terrifying surveillance case of Brandon Mayfield

By indiscriminately sweeping up the call records and the international communications of Americans, the government has the ability to engage in retroactive investigation, or mining the historical data of targets for any evidence of suspicious, illegal or simply embarrassing activities. Sophisticated Spy Tool 'The Mask' Rages Undetected for 7 Years. Artikel von 1986 über NSA: „No Such Agency“

Snowden’s biggest revelation: We don’t know what power is anymore, nor do we care. By Mark Ames On December 29, 2013 It’s been a busy end of 2013 for the Snowden/NSA story: a pair of conflicting judicial rulings on the legality or illegality of the NSA’s phone surveillance program; an Obama-appointed panel recommending mild NSA reforms, including scaling back the NSA’s phone metadata vacuuming program; a rare and remarkably unrevealing interview with Snowden in the Washington Post, in which Snowden declared “Mission Accomplished”; followed up by a rather sad “Snowden Xmas Message” aired on Britain’s Channel 4; and more sensational revelations about the NSA spying on our closest allies, published last Friday in the New York Times, Guardian, and Der Spiegel.

Snowden’s biggest revelation: We don’t know what power is anymore, nor do we care

"Software is the Message" - new mini article (1000 words) from Lev Manovich. Software is the Message Lev Manovich. 2013. Forthcoming in Journal of Visual Culture, special issue "Marshall McLuhan's Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man @ 50" (Spring 2014). (Note: Some parts of this text come from my book Software Takes Command, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.) Report: NSA Considered Revealing Porn Habits To Discredit Radicals. I feel like when people freak out about the unknown threat of mass government surveillance, they’re secretly worried a clandestine agent will reveal their naughty web-surfing habits to friends and family. Today, that fear was revealed. At least for suspected terrorists. The Huffington Post* reports on new top-secret documents showing that the National Security Agency considered blackmailing suspected Muslim radicals by revealing their Internet porn history.

NSA infiltrierte 50.000 Computer-Netzwerke mit Späh-Software - Überwachung. Seattles new Big Brother Mesh-Network. El espionaje masivo de EE UU. Law and Policy in Internet Surveillance Programs: United States, Great Britain and Germany - stiftung neue verantwortung. Google Glass: Gesichtserkennung verboten - vorerst - Digital. The Banality of Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Despite accounting for an infinitesimal fraction of violent deaths globally, terrorism is a favorite brand in United States policy circles. This is a fetish that must also be catered to, and so “The Future of Terrorism” gets a whole chapter. The future of terrorism, we learn, is cyberterrorism. Cypherpunk rising: WikiLeaks, encryption, and the coming surveillance dystopia. 29inShare. For Europe’s spooks, the cloud is a ‘double-edged sword’ The shift to the cloud brings with it many security risks – just look at the scary stories told by security vendors such as Arbor Networks for some examples. But the cloud can also mitigate against certain risks, as the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) pointed out today in a new report.

ENISA is the agency charged with co-ordinating the fight across Europe, against various worrisome things prefixed with “cyber-”: “cybercrime”, “cyber attacks” and so on. Europe’s new cybersecurity strategy would make ENISA what security expert Ross Anderson recently called “a classified network of military and intelligence agencies”, but the fact remains that the agency is a relatively impartial observer of the security landscape. German state fights Facebook over alleged privacy violations. Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy.

DEBATE // The State of Surveillance. Technology and social control in the “smart city” Despiden a un profesor por usar el 'blog' para dar clase. "Who Gives a Tweet?" Who is to Decide?