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The Social Era Is More Than Social Media. Editor's Note: This story contains one of our 11 New Years resolutions you can actually keep in 2014.

The Social Era Is More Than Social Media

For the full list, click here. Things we once considered opposing forces--doing right by people and delivering results, collaborating and keeping focus, having a social purpose and making money--are really not in opposition. They never have been. But we need a more sophisticated approach to understand business models where making a profit doesn't mean losing purpose, community, and connection. Finding the right balance among them is key. Here are the social-era rules that allow both people and institutions to thrive: 1.

The social era will reward those organizations that realize they don't create value all by themselves. 2. Power used to come largely through and from big institutions. 3. 4. The foundational element starts with celebrating each human and, more specifically, something I've termed onlyness. CCK08_Wk5. Groups Vs Networks: The Class Struggle Continues. It's a genuine pleasure to be here in New Zealand.

Groups Vs Networks: The Class Struggle Continues

I've traveled all the way from Stewart Island up to Northland and this is an astonishingly beautiful country. I come from Canada. I don't say stuff like that lightly because we're pretty proud of our beauty in Canada, but this is a place that is relentlessly beautiful. I took the bus from Auckland to Wellington a couple of days ago and people sort of looked at me like I was nuts. Conectivismo como teoria do conhecimento.

Posted to the Connectivism Conference forum (which hits a login window - click 'login as guest' (middle of the left-hand column) - I'm sorry, and I have already complained to the conference organizer).

Conectivismo como teoria do conhecimento

At its heart, connectivism is the thesis that knowledge is distributed across a network of connections, and therefore that learning consists of the ability to construct and traverse those networks. It shares with some other theories a core proposition, that knowledge is not acquired, as though it were a thing. Hence people see a relation between connectivism and constructivism or active learning (to name a couple).

Where connectivism differs from those theories, I would argue, is that connectivism denies that knowledge is propositional. That is to say, these other theories are 'cognitivist', in the sense that they depict knowledge and learning as being grounded in language and logic. Connectivism is, by contrast, 'connectionist'. Response to comments by Tony Forster. Nuevas tecnologías para la innovación social y el empoderamiento ciudadano. CyberVolunteers: New technologies for social innovation and citizen empowerment.

Nora Miriam Mena, profesora de Educación Artística y cibervoluntaria en Lima, nos habla sobre su proyecto de TIC para la educación Nora es Licenciada en Educación Artística y desarrolla proyectos educativos con el apoyo de las TIC.

Nuevas tecnologías para la innovación social y el empoderamiento ciudadano. CyberVolunteers: New technologies for social innovation and citizen empowerment

Hablamos con ella sobre "Proyectos de Arte y Tecnología" una fascinante iniciativa que está teniendo mucha repercusión en redes. Measuring Volunteerism. UNV Online Volunteering Service │ Newsletter. Previous editions 1. FROM THE SERVICE: UNV Online Volunteering Award 2012: Nominate your volunteers 2. EXPERIENCE: Stimulating social transformation in poor communities in Managua --------------------------------------------- 1. FROM THE SERVICE: UNV Online Volunteering Award 2012: Nominate your volunteers The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is calling for nominations for the UNV Online Volunteering Award 2012, which will be presented to ten online volunteers or teams of online volunteers for their contributions to peace and development projects and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

A jury made up of UNV representatives and external experts in volunteerism and development cooperation will review the nominations and select the 10 winners. In the run up to International Volunteer Day (IVD) on 5 December, we will invite the global public to vote for their favorite winner. Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding - The Industry Website. Myths About Online Volunteering / Myths About Virtual Volunteering. Revised with new information as of October 20, 2010 Myths About Online Volunteering (Virtual Volunteering) Quiero tener esta información con respecto a voluntariado en Red, voluntariado en Internet, voluntarios sin fronteras, etc., en español y ofrecer en el Internet.

Myths About Online Volunteering / Myths About Virtual Volunteering

Necessito una organización español o un departamento de universidadque español traducirá la presentación en español. Escríbame por favor con el nombre de su organización o departamento de universidadque, su ciudad y el país, y si usted quiere traducir esta información en español. Si usted querría ofrecer esta información en español en su propia página web, eso sería razonable. Culture News, Rumors & Product Reviews. A Evolução da web. Com Microvolunteering. Skilled Online Volunteering. - Microvolunteering. Gateway to doing good. Mobilização « Movimento Cultura Digital. Via Nelson Pretto.

mobilização « Movimento Cultura Digital

“E vamos lutar que essa peleja é arretada demais”, bradou no microfone Beá Tibiriça, ativista conhecida dos movimentos Telecentros pelo Brasil a dentro. Era praticamente a última fala no encerramento o II Fórum da Internet no Brasil, promovido pelo Comitê Gestor da Internet, o CGI.BR. Durantes os últimos três dias estiveram (estivemos) reunidos em Recife/Pernambuco ativistas, militantes, empresários, acadêmicos, políticos e representantes do governo Federal para discutir a internet no país. Richard Stallman propõe reforma da lei de direitos autorais em carta a José Sarney « Movimento Cultura Digital.

Via Zona Livre.

Richard Stallman propõe reforma da lei de direitos autorais em carta a José Sarney « Movimento Cultura Digital

Richard Stallman, o famoso guru do projeto GNU, enviou recentemente uma carta para o atual presidente do Senado Federal, o Senador José Sarney. Por concordar com os itens apresentados, incluindo uma sugestão de mensurar partilha via redes peer-to-peer, republico aqui a carta, na íntegra.