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10 Little Known Social Media Tools You Should Be Using -- Now. Editor's note: A version of this article previously appeared at Social media is everywhere. It's in our homes, places of worship, schools and, of course, our businesses. Everywhere you look, people are using social media and are talking about it. And it seems that every week a new type of social site pops up. And as the number of social networking sites grows, so does the number of services that are created to measure, track and monitor those services. What's a marketing professional to do? To help you cut through the clutter, here are the 10 must-use social media tools that can not only help you make sense of your social media efforts but make them more effective. 1.

With it, you can get a snapshot of your month-to-month content with the calendar feature. Who should use it and why: Any business owner who manages a multi-author website should give EditFlow a look. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To uncover top trending topics search that topic plus –rt filter:links. 8. 9. Free Data Visualization Software. 19 Tools for Pinterest Pros. By Bliss Hanlin, Community Manager at eModeration (and Pinner extraordinaire) As Pinterest growth skyrockets, so follows the number of tools available to help us manage our content, understand our metrics, and be better pinners. Below are just a few of the tools and services now available for use with Pinterest that are especially handy for brands, marketers, and Pinterest devotees. (Are we crazy for Pinterest? Little bit! For more from eModeration on Pinterest, try our look from a legal standpoint at the new Terms of Use going into effect April 6, our Everything Pinterest guide, and of course, eModeration's boards on Pinterest.)

General Use Tools Official "Pin It" Pinterest Bookmarklet - sometimes the simplest answer is the best one. Pin a Quote - a bookmarklet that turns a text quote into something pinable, although for a more alluring visual, you'll need to PayPal the creator for an upgrade to the Pro version. Enlarge Pin Images Tools Screen Capture to Pin Tools Snapito! Curation. Pinterest e content curation: 19 tool per pinnare meglio e diversamente. Ogni giorno spunta una novità col­le­gata a Pin­te­rest. Que­sto social, cre­sce giorno dopo giorno, inte­grando nuove dina­mi­che, stru­menti e metri­che per utenti e brand. L’ultima novità è quella delle coper­tine sulle board, che si pos­sono impo­stare in modo molto sem­plice sce­gliendo tra le imma­gini all’interno della car­tella.

Assieme alle novità gra­fi­che nascono esi­genze di misu­ra­zione e per­so­na­liz­za­zione con­nesse a que­sto social. Esi­stono in que­sto senso alcuni tool molto utili in ottica con­tent cura­tion. Riporto di seguito una sele­zione, rie­la­bo­rata da Social Media Today, di tool spe­ci­fici per la cura­tion di Pin­te­rest che mi sono diver­tito a testare. Tool gene­rali Pin It. Tool per le immagini Imma­gine Expan­der Pin­te­rest. Tool per cat­tu­rare screenshot Cura­tion Tool Cura­late. Tool di analisi Pin­Reach (ex Pin­Clout). Social Media & Customer Experience Management notizie dei gruppi. Free Downloads From The Social Media Management Handbook. I. Social Media Strategy: How organizations can address the high-level, strategic aspects of social media.

Chapter 1: Managing both the power and business risks of social mediaChapter 2: Developing a social media strategyChapter 3: Measuring social media ROIChapter 4: Selling social media within the organization II. Marketing and Sales in Social Media: Making social media a vital part of the marketing and sales process. Chapter 5: Using social media to listen to the voice of the customerChapter 6: Integrating social CRM insights into the customer analytics functionChapter 7: Leveraging social media to drive product developmentChapter 8: Marketing and selling to social communities III. Chapter 9: Integrating social media into the traditional customer service organizationChapter 10: Dealing with complaints and negative sentimentsChapter 11: Dealing with U.S.

IV. V. Chapter 2: Developing a Social Media Strategy published in January 2011 View Chapter 2 on Google Books. 5 Superior Social Media Management Tools [MASHABLE AWARDS] As part of the ongoing Mashable Awards, we're taking a closer look at each of the nomination categories. This is "Best Social Media Management Tool. " Be sure to nominate your favorites and join us for the Gala in Las Vegas! Sponsorships are available. Please contact for more information.

So many statuses, so little time. As the popularity of social media continues to grow, so too do the number of networks to update and monitor. Luckily, tools to help you manage a growing social sphere are popping up just as frequently as new networks. Here are five social media management tools that can make your life easier. 1. TweetDeck is your best (and free) bet if you’re looking to manage all your personal social media profiles. The design is clean, user friendly and even makes some networks more fun. As you might have guessed from the name, TweetDeck is best at managing Twitter accounts.

Also worth checking out: Seesmic 2. Also worth checking out: Postling 3. 4. 5. Metrics posts, articles, and infographics. Le qualità per essere un Social Media Manager | Il Social Media Manager è una figura importante per tenere sotto controllo tutta la strategia improntata sui Social Media che si è realizzata per un brand o un personal brand. Spesso, sbagliando, viene confusa con una figura quasi improvvisata che cerca di tenere sott’occhio tutte le fasi della strategia. Invece non è così, il Social Media Manager è un professionista che ha, anzi deve avere delle caratteristiche particolari, basilari direi, affinchè il lavoro che si realizza sia efficace.

E quali sono queste qualità, queste caratteristiche? Ci viene in aiuto un post su Social Times, a sua volta ispirato da Fundraising Success Magazine che dal libro “Social Media for Social Good: A How-To Guide for Nonprofits” traccia quelle caratteristiche che devono essere presenti per poter fare questo mestiere. Le ho adattate ed elaborate, quindi vediamo quali sono. Nel libro citato esiste un intero capitolo dedicato alle qualità per essere un bravo Social Media Manager.

Social Media Manager: Un Lavoro Impegnativo. Nell’immaginario comune, la figura del Social Media Manager è abbastanza fumosa, e spesso si ha la sensazione che sia una persona che passa tutto il tempo a propria disposizione online, fondamentalmente divertendosi. Gestire la presenza online, su Social Network, di un’azienda, però, è un lavoro decisamente complesso, e l’immagine qui a lato riassume la giornata tipica di chi ha scelto questa professione.

I dati sono ovviamente generalizzati, e possono variare da persona a persona e da azienda ad azienda (primariamente relazionato alle richieste delle aziende), ma fanno comprendere la complessità e l’impegno che stanno dietro questo nuovo tipo di figura professionale. Il Social Media Manager, infatti, deve non solo garantire una presenza all’azienda sui Social Network, ma fondamentalmente dare al “pubblico” l’immagine dell’azienda che questa vuole trasmettere di sé stessa. [Blogosfere High Tech] English Please: Managing a brand’s online profile is not easy.