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Vertical Gardens - Great Choice for Small Yards The Gardening Cook. I speak to people all the time who admire my large yard and gardens but say “I don’t have the room to do this.” While a large yard gives you lots of space to garden, those with small yards can still grow both flowers and vegetables by using Vertical gardens. Vertical gardening is on the rise in a country where many homes are land challenged. But this lack of ground area does not deter a fervent gardener. They just grow up instead of out. There are many ways to accomplish this. Many nurseries now offer vegetable seedlings which are suited to planters.

But what if your space is even more limited? A solution is to build or buy planters that will house many plant types in one large vertical planter. Here are some great examples where creative people have found a solution to this space problem. This is a great use of wall space. This step ladder makes a great vertical planter. Another good use of a wall. Short of vegetable garden space? Sturdy blind with planters attached. Share. Giant Sensory Lagoon. Last updated Sunday, January 5, 2014 Hello all! Earlier today I posted about last week’s ocean-themed Little Minds session, which you can read about here. One of the activities was so much fun that I decided it deserved a post all its own- our Giant Sensory Lagoon! Sensory play has long been established as an important part of early learning. Through sensory experiences babies and young children gather information about the world around them, developing cognitive and language skills.

For our ocean unit, I wanted to go beyond the typical sensory bin and do something on a larger scale. The evening before our session, I filled a large backyard pool with air (no easy feat- this thing needs an electric pump) on our covered patio. Before adding anything else to the pool, we let the kiddos get warmed up by exploring the “algae and seaweed.” Tex, our designated pasta fanatic, was not deterred by the fact that the spaghetti was dyed green and floating in a plastic swimming pool. DIY Hangers: How to Make Stamped Wooden Hangers. Are you ready for a new DIY tutorial that is utterly delightful?

Read on to discover our step-by-step instructions to create DIY hangers, perfect as we look towards fall and winter! Every summer, I like to dig into my closets. It’s a great big mess of out-with-the-old and in-with-the-new. I spend a whole day pulling everything out, sorting, making donation piles, dusting, washing, and then putting it all away. This week, my craft inspiration hit me when I tackled our coat closet. It’s a tight little space next to our front door that serves both the purpose of holding our coats, and also the coats of guests. DIY hangers are an easy way to add a small detail that makes a big impact. And, guess what? First, you must collect these supplies. Wooden Hangers: You can find these at any discount store such as Target or Wal Mart.

To begin, prep your work surface to protect it from the waterproof ink. A few examples of sayings you could use for your DIY hangers are: Feeling Inspired? 31 DIY Ways To Make Your Backyard Awesome This Summer | While you’re impatiently waiting for summer to just GET HERE already, start planning your outdoor space. 1. Set up a movie theater. 2. Plant a bunch of these giant allium flowers. 3. Build a super-simple tree house. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Here’s a very cool personal fire pit you can make for less than $25. Perfect for s’mores night. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Turn the tent into a pillow-filled reading nook. 14. 15. 16. Home Depot sells the whiskey barrels for $30, and Bed Bath and Beyond sells the glass tops for $9. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Comments comments. TableTalk: The Best Idea I’ve Had This Year. The Burlap Bag - High Quality Handmade Goods Shop.

Bobby Pin Storage! As I was getting ready to take photos for this little "project" (can you even call it a project if it takes 30 seconds?) , I realized I didn't know where my huge bulk of bobby pins were. You know, the ones that come all on a piece of paper at the store... and I have been carrying around... still on the paper. Yeah. WHICH IS WHY THIS PROJECT IS AMAZING! What to do: Get a box of tic tacs. Never lose those bobby pins again The containers can fit at least a normal pack of bobby pins… maybe 40ish?

And I had a great idea as I was clearing out the bobby pins from the bottom of my purse! Now go enjoy those tic tacs. Kodachrome Curtains - Updated! Now with lampy goodness! So, it's been a while since I've made anything Craftster-worthy, but my husband and I busted out the Dremel tool a few days ago and we made this: It's a pair of curtains made out of old Kodachrome slides! I'm really interested in photography, and will buy old cameras in antique and thrift stores in order to develop film that's inside of it. From time to time, I'll find collections of old slides and will buy those, too. Last fall, driving back from vacation, we stopped at an antique store outside of Kansas City and I found a box of a ton of old slides, mostly Kodachrome, from the 50s and 60s.

I hate the idea that these pictures would just be resigned to the garbage or something, and wanted to display them (besides just scanning them in and putting them on Flickr - here's a link to my old found negative/slide collection, though, if you want to check that out: ). Then I connected them all together with chainmail rings. Packed. Remember when I said I wanted to outfit a crafting suitcase? I chose this wooden case because, even though it was in pretty good shape, the outside had begun peeling a bit. I gutted the inside (which was actually pretty easy since the lining was a bit dry-rotted. I had this really fun fabric with desserts and the days of the it so much! I thought it would make a great new covering for the case. I cut the squares out and individually mod-podged them on, patchwork-style. It was a lot easier than dealing with large sections of fabric that can easily get air bubbles trapped underneath.

I still have some air bubbles but not as many as I would if I'd used bigger pieces. You can't really see it but I embroidered some of the squares and added embellishments. I lined the inside with pages from an old dictionary. But before I put in the pages, I glued a cookie sheet to the back of the interior of the suitcase top. So here I am, all packed and ready for my trip to St. Fabric Balloon Ball For Big & Little Kids — Try Handmade. Joyfolie: DIY Wednesday - Paper Bag Floor Finish. I have to say, of all the DIY posts that I have made so far, this one is my favorite!

While the kiddos were little and learning to walk, we were quite happy to have carpeted stairs. However, imagine running up and down the stairs coffee in hand or little kids carrying sippy cups full of chocolate milk and after awhile--the carpet on the stairs was in sad shape. We have wood floors through most of our home, so I wanted to replace the stairs with a solid surface and lose the carpet. However, to have pre-finished wood risers professionally installed would probably be around $6K, and we don't want to invest that much in this house, since we don't think we'll be in it much longer.

Plus, if I wanted to spend that amount of $, it would be on a trip to Sinta, Portugal. Pinning on Pinterest, I stumbled across this photo from Lovely Crafty Home of stairs refinished with paper bags--that's right--paper bags! Back to the paper floors, I am absolutely thrilled with the results! 10 Clever Kitchen Lifehacks. Lifehacks are just tips on how to simplify your life, save time and reduce effort for easy tasks. They are helpful home remedies. As we’re always on the hunt for the smartest tips for your homes, we think it is high time for this kind of posts. Let’s take a look at ten really great ideas and don’t wait to try them yourself.

Have another tip to add to this list? Tell us about it by leaving a comment below. #1 Use magazine holder for rolls of aluminum foil, plastic wrap, parchment paper, etc #2 Put ice cream in a zipper bag can keep it soft. #3 Re-use your broken hangers #4 Cutting board scrap bin #5 Fill awkward corner cabinets with pots and pans, using hooks or lazy susans. #6 Use a small curtain rod to store lids for easy access. #7 Great idea for the large empty wall in your kitchen. #8 Chalkboard + measurement hack. #9 Chalkboard for the kitchen. #10 Seal a plastic bag with the top of a water bottle or any plastic bottle and the lid.

Make Your Own Photo Puzzle With Craft Sticks. I have to say, I have the cutest nieces and nephews! My own kids are getting older–thank goodness my sisters keep me in babies. I got to borrow some photos from my sister for this project, I made the puzzles for my three year old niece. These are her pesky twin brothers: She has had a blast playing with the puzzles, and matching up the colors on the back of the pieces. Here is what you will need to make your own puzzles: Select the photos you would like to use for the project. For each photo, you will need 5 craft sticks of the same color. You will want to dig through the box of craft sticks to find the ones that are the straightest.

Apply adhesive to the back of your photos. Keep in mind, the entire 4″ side of your 4×6 photo will not be used. With this photo, I decided there was enough room for cropping above the heads of my nephews. Turn the photo over, and working with the end that you DO NOT want to crop, begin placing the craft sticks on the photo. Trim the ends of the photos as well: Tutorial for Painting Dandelion Wall Graphic. I’m back from a wonderful weekend getaway with three of my fellow mom friends. We enjoyed laughter (with a few snorts), good conversations (with no interruptions), cake (without a care about calories) and a few glasses of wine (with no whine from children!)

It was heaven. As promised, I finally have the tutorial for painting dandelion graphics on your wall. I know some of you may be intimidated by painting something graphic on your walls. But, I’m hoping if I break it down for you it won’t look so hard. Start by sketching out your design using chalk or pencil. From here on I’ll show you the design using black paint on white paper (because it will be easier for you to see.)

You will need a few different paint brushes. Chose a contrasting paint color for your mural. Start by using the flat brush and paint the two stems first. Next use your round brush or liner to make the lines on the dandelion head. Lightly set the brush on the wall and drag it away from the center in a straight line. Chore Chart for multiple children. Are you ready for this? … This is going to be the LONGEST tutorial you’ve probably ever seen, but don’t fret…it’s going to be worth it! An organized classy chore chart is headed your way. Can you even guess what this chore chart for multiple kids is made out of??? Yep, 2×4′s … another 2×4 decor idea.

We’ve included a free pdf template for the chores too! It also has a subliminal message for my kids to read all week, “Chores are fun”…one day they will agree… If you missed the ever exciting tutorial on how to use a miter saw you are in luck…I just posted it earlier today. Okay, on with the show: I cut with the miter saw 5 blocks of wood 4 of them were 3.5 x3.5 squares 1 of them was 8 inches long I drilled one hole into the top of each of the 3.5 by 3.5 blocks.

I ended up sandwiching the block I was drilling in-between 2 others just so I didn’t end up with more band-aids. Then I had to put a little shoulder into it because I hit a knot and I had to make it work. Here is an action shot. DIY Lunchable Jars {Guest Post} Hello everyone, my name is Kayla and I run I’m a Graphic Designer from Grand Rapids, MI and I love to craft, cook, and a variety of other things. ;D I’m very grateful for this opportunity to guest post on a Skip To My Lou, and to “meet” all of you! So, here goes!! There are some things you never outgrow. What did surprise him, and me, is that I found nothing. Now, I started this for yogurt and granola- but with this gadget the possibilities are endless! I just can’t get over how cute, useful and portable these are! Anyway, enough ranting about the jars, here’s how its done! You Will Need: 2 same mouthed mason jars. How To Make It: Take off the rings to your jars.

That’s it!! One of my favorite things about this project is the lack of garbage in my lunch box. The 8oz wide mouthed jars are very bowl-like. And, as promised a PDF for you to download and print to use with your schmancy new jars. I’m so happy to have shared my project with you. Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Crafty - 35 Pics. Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Crafty - 27 Pics. Click Here For More Fun Craft Ideas. Antiqued Acid Mirror. I am so excited to share one of my latest home décor projects with you. I am really happy with how this one turned out. I have seen these fun “antiqued” mirrors in quite a few places on the internet recently, but saw it them when my friend Mandi from Vintage Revivals shared some that she made for a Crafting with the Stars competition.

I have wanted to make one ever since. My Dad was recently going through some of his old stuff and asked me if I wanted this old mirror. Ummmm…yes please! It was perfect for what I had in mind. I took the mirror apart by removing the backing and the frame. Then I took the mirror outside and placed it on a thick layer of newspaper. **Important—When working with paint thinner you should always wear some protective gloves for your hands and protective eyewear!

Spray the stripper so that every surface of the mirror is covered and let it sit for several minutes. You will see when the paint is ready to be scraped off when the paint is all bubbled up. If I can do this, anyone can. (Zoe's bed) The Inadvertent Farmer: Do It Yourself Projects. Inspired Entertaining: DIY Chalkboard Wine Glasses. DIY: Striped Umbrella on What I Wore. Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius - 43 Pics. Clever Ideas to Make Life Easier. DIY Roman Shades. How to Turn Wine Bottles into Tumblers. Useful Life Hacks « The Bored Ninja - Fun, Interesting, and Cool Stuff on the Internet. The Best Of Genius Ideas - 50 Pics.

9fb3859c6db6d81fa23a9f334f4fc0b1.jpg.jpg (460×817) DIY Canopy Bed - Make Your Own Canopy Bed. Sharpie Guitar #4. A DIY Approach to Marimekko Wallpaper Curbly. DIY: Recycled Glass Chandelier. BOOKCASE DOOR THAT REPLACES YOUR DOOR. Cardboard Ball Chair. Anti-Boredom pocket kit. Magnetic sewing room catch all. Diy Liquid Hand Soap. Puff Daddy - knitted stool - free knitting pattern. Piano Recycling at its finest! - Piano World Piano. Geri Dönüşüm ile Eski Bavullara Hayat Verin. Wipe Off Weekly Menu Board. Amazing DIY & Crafts Ideas. Day 63 - DIY Corona Glasses.

AdelynSTONE: Mason Jar Love. One Lucky Day: Inspired at Costco, who knew? Vintage suitcase chair. Vintage Suitcase Storage. Little Lucy Lu: Ladder Laundry Rack. DIY Modern Outdoor Succulent Planter #2. DIY floating books shelves | Cool! 4863951194_f2a4eca464.jpg (292×500) Birthday Boy Pop Box Set. Pet ID Tag - Martha Stewart Pets. { Pretty Calendar Project } The Kurtz Corner: Makeup Magnet Board. Make fabric prints with tape. Garden Markers. 9 Pillowcases and 1 easy Tutorial. I've got pins and needles . . . . Allyson Hill: Eco Travel Lid.