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The One World Currency. Other Moolah. New Found Moolah. Bit Coin Review. Cryptocurrencies. Crypto-Currency Con 2013. Beyond Bitcoin: Your Guide to Digital Currencies. Money has transformed from barter to skins to gold-backed currencies and fiat currencies based primarily on the faith its users have in the nation-states who issue it. In the past couple of decades, however, it has taken another turn to stateless digital currency. Once the work of science fiction or relegated to “in-game” systems like Second Life’s Linden Dollars, Tencent’s QQ Coins and Facebook Credits, digital currencies are becoming increasingly common.

They’re fueling speculation and attracting proponents who are responding as much to these monies’ philosophical implications as to their economic possibilities. Each currency brings something slightly different to the table, but there are a few overlapping characteristics: Each is a system in itself, some almost completely closed and others meshing into the wider global economy. Bitcoin Currently trades at $121 The airwaves are cracking with news about that new smart new digital crypto-currency, Bitcoin (BTC). Ven. VIRTUAL CURRENCY SCHEMES, OCTOBER 2012 - virtualcurrencyschemes201210en.pdf. Virtual currencies: Mining digital gold. Virtual currencies, real worlds | Conversation avec Jacques Attali. Everything Created Digitally Is Nearly Free--Including Money. (June 7, 2013) It is immeasurably easier to digitally create claims on real-world assets than it is to create real-world assets.

We all understand that the cost of everything that can be created digitally is near-zero. This is why music, videos, text-based knowledge and telephone calls (Skype) are now basically free. Since money is now created digitally, it too is basically free. We can see how easy it is to digitally create trillions of dollars in this chart of the U.S. monetary base. Roughly $1.2 trillion was created out of thin air essentially overnight back in the good old days of global financial meltdown: For another look at the wonders of the digital credit creation machine (a.k.a. digital printing press), here are the assets of the Federal Reserve banks: there's the $1.2+ trillion again--hum, Baby! Here's a detailed look at the assets the Fed bought with its digitally created money--mostly Treasury bonds and real estate mortgages: And where did the financial sector get the money?

News and Press Releases. Let’s be honest: you don’t like checks. You don’t like paying with a check, and you really don’t like getting paid with one. Yet even today, in 2015, you write a lot of them: over 13 billion checks every year are written for over $1 trillion. We introduced Square Cash in 2013 as the fastest, easiest way to pay anyone. All you needed was a phone number or email address, and a debit card. Individuals aren’t the only ones who don’t like checks. So we’re excited to announce today that Square Cash is now available for businesses everywhere in the U.S. But businesses aren’t being paid by just their friends and family. We think $Cashtags are a fantastic marketing service that lets your customers, donors, fans, or even friends pay you quickly and securely. Even America’s leading non-profits -- like Wikipedia ($Wikipedia), (RED) ($RED), Khan Academy ($KhanAcademy),The USO ($USO), and The Bay Area’s KQED ($KQED) -- are using $Cashtags to use Square Cash for fundraising.

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