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Types of humus in soils. Humus occurs in soils in many types, differentates in regard to morphology and fractional composition.

Types of humus in soils

A type of humus is it a morphological form of naturals accumulation of humic substances in profile or on the surface of soil, conditioned by general direction of soil-forming process and humification of organic matter. Self Sufficiency. Gardens Delight. Ecohabitat. Humane Ecology. Land Water BioMass. Recycle Reuse. Eco Solutions. Earth Scientia. Mini Agros. Stella Natura 2015 Biodynamic Planting Calendar and Planting Guide – What is Biodynamic Agriculture? Seeds at Risk in AgroBusiness. Agros Technica. Agros Cultura. New Organica. O Cultura. Soil Amendments. How to start a compost pile in 4 steps. Now is the perfect time to start a compost pile.

How to start a compost pile in 4 steps

You can do it fancy or simple. And if you know me, you know I always prefer simple. Compost is the most important thing you can use in your garden to improve your land’s fertility (lawn, garden, and landscape), get rid of kitchen and yard waste efficiently, and save time and money. The only science involved is the science of decomposition — when things decompose, they turn into the most potent, valuable fertilizer on the market. Why buy it in the store when you can make it at home for free? Step 1: Figure out where to put it, and if you need to put it in something. If you are lucky to live on a nice patch of land, you can simply make a compost pile in a back corner somewhere. Step 2: Start collecting stuff to put on your pile. From outside the house, you can put weeds (but not poison ivy please), leaves, old dying plant material, and garden waste. Step 3: Wait. The science of compost. Composting at home is fairly straightforward, but can go wrong quickly, and your nose knows when the compost container isn’t working properly.

A functioning compost pile should smell faintly like warm earth. There are several causes of foul-smelling compost, and several practical solutions. Mark King is a compost expert with the division of solid waste management at the Maine Department of Environmental Protection. Can compost kill? Before we get started, let me get this disclosure out of the way: I love compost.

Can compost kill?

From peeing on my garden mulch to composting the waste from my house move, I've written prolifically about my adventures in rotting biomass. I never fail to be amazed how nature’s regenerative powers can take dead, rotting waste, and cycle it back into life-enhancing black gold. 75 Things You Can Compost, But Thought You Couldn't - Planet Green. The basics of composting are simple.

75 Things You Can Compost, But Thought You Couldn't - Planet Green

Most people know they can compost fruit and vegetable peels, leaves, and grass clippings. But what about that tea bag you used this morning? How to become a composting guru. Composting. Coffee compost. If you are a big coffee drinker and are just getting into composting, use your grounds as a fantastic, free, natural fertilizer.

Coffee compost

(And if you ever have cold, leftover coffee in the pot, go ahead and pour that directly onto your garden or lawn, too.) You’re right that grounds can be a teensy bit acidic (though used grounds are far less acidic than raw grounds), so they’re great for clay-based alkaline soils. Or sprinkle the grounds over acid-loving plants (which like a low pH of around 4 or 5) like azaleas, rhododendrons, potatoes, and blueberries. The ultimate urban composting guide. If the idea of composting fills your head with images of a large backyard and a big compost bin, it's time to rethink what composting means.

The ultimate urban composting guide

Today, everyone can compost — even if you live in a bustling urban center. If you think your city balcony is too small for composting, think again. Even a fire escape is big enough for a small compost bin. There are many compost options that allow city dwellers to save valuable landfill space. Read on to learn how to compost in the city — without attracting pests or creating a bad smell. Battling for the decomposed crown. Here's an interesting new form of product vetting from respected green web retailer/lifestyle company/yoga mat peddler, Gaiam: a heated Compost-Off where two composters (there was initially four in the running) are tested in the Gaiam gardens to see which has the most functional, easy-to-use design and performs the best.

Battling for the decomposed crown

The illustrious champion will be added to Gaiam's already healthy roster of composters available for sale. The two decomposition devices duking it out are the Bio-Orb and the Earthmaker. In the below video, Gaiam's brightly gloved judges, Jessica and Nicole, assess which composter has the leading edge. The parched, slow-acting Earthmaker's composting prowess seems to disappoint while the plenty-wet Bio-Orb is working so well that it nearly makes Nicole vomit on the spot. In the Field: Creating compost on a massive scale. What happens when the fruit and veggies at your local grocery store go bad?

In the Field: Creating compost on a massive scale

Farmer D goes to Athens, Ga. and talks with two colleagues about transforming thousands of pounds of green waste each week into Farmer D Organic Compost. Learn more about Farmer D and his partnership with Whole Foods stores. (Nick Scott/MNN) Farmer D: Hi, I am Farmer D. I am here with Charles James from Whole Foods who handles all of the compost logistics from the stores to the compost facilities and I am here with Mark McConnell who is composting here, we're outside of Athens, Ga. I want to talk to Charles for a minute here about how you get this product to us.

30 things you should never compost or recycle. Remember the good ol' days — back when we only had one bin for trash?

30 things you should never compost or recycle

In retrospect, those days were actually more wasteful than good. We sent things to the landfill that might have nourished our yards, and buried them side-by-side with materials that should have been reclaimed and put back in the production chain.