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Modern Socio Paths. 100th Meme Keys. Curatorial Curiosity. NeWeb Teams. Social Curation. Exploring Social Curation. D-Lib Magazine November/December 2012 Volume 18, Number 11/12Table of Contents Exploring Social Curation Michael Zarro and Catherine Hall Drexel University {mzarro,ceh48} doi:10.1045/november2012-zarro Printer-friendly Version Abstract This work investigates social curating activities on the website Pinterest, and relates them to digital libraries.

Exploring Social Curation

Introduction Curating collections of digital objects found on the Web is a popular way of storing resources for future use. Social Media and LAM Social curating offers a way for digital libraries to get a "social life" (Marshall & Bly, 2004). Past LAM social media projects have seen success. Pinterest's growing popularity makes it a prime candidate for the attention of LAM professionals. Pinterest Digital objects are collected on Pinterest in two ways. The design of Pinterest as a "lightweight shared place" (Marshall & Bly, 2004) is a likely explanation for its success in comparison to independent efforts on LAM websites (Marty, 2011). Creating a Content Curation System and Increasing Social Media Productivity. One of the most common questions we hear from prospects and clients is: How can you be effective with social media marketing while preventing it from being a major time sink?

Creating a Content Curation System and Increasing Social Media Productivity

To be honest, this is a daily challenge even for us. The fact of the matter is social media marketing is very labor intensive and difficult to scale. Between upfront strategic planning, creating unique content that genuinely helps and engages people, and constantly monitoring customer feedback, time management quickly becomes a struggle. Creating a Content Curation System and Increasing Social Media Productivity Having simultaneously managed social media for Strategexe and multiple clients, I’ve been pushed to find the most efficient ways to stay on top of social media. Below is a description of how I find and organize content for social media updates, which you can easily use for your business! The Emerging Science of Superspreaders (And How to Tell If You're One Of Them) Who are the most influential spreaders of information on a network?

The Emerging Science of Superspreaders (And How to Tell If You're One Of Them)

That’s a question that marketers, bloggers, news services and even governments would like answered. Not least because the answer could provide ways to promote products quickly, to boost the popularity of political parties above their rivals and to seed the rapid spread of news and opinions. So it’s not surprising that network theorists have spent some time thinking about how best to identify these people and to check how the information they receive might spread around a network.

How Much of an Article do you Read Before you Share? Question of the Week. We’re all busy.

How Much of an Article do you Read Before you Share? Question of the Week

I’m busy, you’re busy. There’s always something interesting to read, watch or play. When it comes to life online, these statements couldn’t be more true. Recently, I read a Slate article that explained that only a very small number of readers actually finish an article before they share it to social media. The author got together with a data scientist and analyst from Chartbeat, a real time web analytics site. So are we to just assume that if someone is recommending a story online they probably haven’t read it? Your answers were all across the board: many of you claimed to read an entire article every time, some honestly explained that its only the first couple of paragraphs. These followers answered honestly and stated that they usually don’t read an entire article before sharing it with their friends and followers.

We recently wrote about the reasons why people share content over social media. Usually by this point, most of you have already left. The Difference Between Content Curation and Link Spraying. "Content curation" is one of those phrases that gets repeated ad nauseam without much thought into what it actually means or what role it should play in our digital marketing strategies.

The Difference Between Content Curation and Link Spraying

It is a term that that is widely used, yet the definition of content curation (at least in the social media marketing sense) is murky and unspecific. This blog post is an attempt to define what digital content curation is and how we can begin to think more creatively about this throwaway term.