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Mohamed Fawzy Alnabarawy

How to Use Adobe Photoshop for Portraits. Here is a short, sharp guide on how to use Adobe Photoshop to enhance your portrait photos.

How to Use Adobe Photoshop for Portraits

There are hundreds of cool techniques that can be applied to portraits, but the purpose of this tutorial is to provide you with 5 quick and easy ones that will give your images are real boost (all possible using Photoshop Elements We all take loads of portraits and they frequently turn out not quite right! Build a Silent, Standalone XBMC Media Center On the Cheap. How to Recover Data From a Broken Hard Drive. If you are reading this article you are probably desperate, but before you panic let me tell you that there is hope, and there is probably more hope than you think….

How to Recover Data From a Broken Hard Drive

Even if your hard drive has an internal mechanical malfunction, data can be recovered without having to send the hard drive to a data recovery service. Yes! You heard right, I’m sure you have come across articles that will tell you how to recover data from a damaged partition, you will find a ton of those on the web, but when your hard drive starts malfunctioning none of those articles are going to help you solve your problem, This article will. Corrupted file system If the hard drive gets detected by Windows and can be accessed but you do not see any data inside, or you get a message saying that the drive needs to be formatted. The software does have its drawbacks. Clicking noise of death If your hard drive is making the common “clung… clung… clung…” sound your head are having trouble reading the contents of the drive.

How To Make a Cool Cinemagraph Image in Photoshop. No doubt you’ll have heard of the term Cinemagraph since it exploded onto the Internets.

How To Make a Cool Cinemagraph Image in Photoshop

Originally coined by Photographers Kevin Burg and Jamie Beck, a cinemagraph is a clever revival of the classic animated GIF. It combines features of video and photography to create a the illusion of a still image but with cool motion effects. Let’s take a look at how to create your own animated GIF cinemagraph by playing around with Photoshop’s animation tools. Some of the best cinemagraph examples can be found on the creators’ own website. Their original cinemagraphs from New York Fashion Week capture moments just like an ordinary photograph, but also preserve that living moment in time to re-experience endlessly. As the popularity of the cinemagraph grew we began to see mobile apps such as Cinemagram emerge, which allows the easy creation of amateur cinemagraphs using the device’s built in camera.

Use a tripod. Alternatively you could always play around with existing stock video footage. Computer Man-Caves That Make This Writer Drool And Cry. Steven On May 14, 2012 Ever since I first managed to start using a dual monitor setup I was hooked and really couldn’t see myself returning for any long period of time to some piddly laptop or tablet screen especially considering my workflow.

Computer Man-Caves That Make This Writer Drool And Cry

There are time that I wish I could even expand beyond those two monitors but that probably won’t happen for some time. So, like you I will have to make do with this awesome collection of computer man-caves with screens galore and make sure my drool towel is close at hand. Thanks to the team at Caveman Circus for putting together a nice collection of which the above are my favorites. Operating Systems.

Tech Support: "May I ask what operating system you are running today?

Operating Systems

"Customer: "A computer. " A girl walked into the computer center where I work. She said she was having problems with her Mac. I asked what kind of Mac she had. In an indignant voice, she replied, "Duh, Intosh. " Tech Support: "What operating system are you running? After conferring with her husband, it turned out she owned a Macintosh with System 8.1. » Cool case mods Computers. Review: New and old computers. Review. Create The Ultimate USB Rescue Drive « Not Just A Random Blog. Ever been at a friends house and needed to edit a photo, but all they have is MS Paint?

Create The Ultimate USB Rescue Drive « Not Just A Random Blog

Or have you ever been at grandmas and she asks you to remove the hundreds of viruses and spywares (she got from clicking the “You’ve won! Download this for your prize” banners), but she has no anti-spyware software and still on dial-up? Well that’s where a rescue USB drive comes in handy. There are many programs that can be installed and run from a USB drive. You can even run entire operating systems from one, which makes it easier to remove viruses buried in current OS files.

These make it much easier to find and run the programs off of your USB drive, but do not work with every program. Use these programs to edit images and view them. Microsoft Word does not come installed on most computers and WordPad just doesn’t cut it so here are some document based portable programs. My favorite section! These are must haves for uploading and downloading a lot or large files.

24 Really Cool Photoshop Actions To Enhance Photography. Photoshop actions are the best — they save time and make you more productive during post-processing.

24 Really Cool Photoshop Actions To Enhance Photography

They can be used to speed up repetitive tasks, make quick work of time consuming edits, and give you a little creative inspiration. So here are 24 Really Cool Photoshop Actions To Enhance Your Photography These actions are not simple, filter-playing actions. The steps they take have been studied and thoroughly tested, making these actions true image enhancers. The results of these actions are realistic re-creations of traditional effects, without any gimmicks. Download PROActions Bundle – Film & Special Effects → HDR legendary image actions work for any image size (doesn’t matter how large it is) Download HDR Legendary Image Action → So, here are 100 photo styles to quickly enhance your images. Download 100 Photo Styles → 90 Premium Actions Set is a pack of professional Photoshop actions perfect for photographers and graphic designers. Laurie McCanna's complete list of Photoshop tutorials.