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DIY: T-shirts Upcycled / braided scarf tutorial. DIY: Hem Jeans Fast & Easy. Copyright-All Rights Reserved Loving my slippers this Winter. Anyway.... We short people find it hard to buy jeans that fit us length wise. I bought some jeans from Buckle and they hemmed them for free for me leaving the original hem on the jeans. I picked them up, took them home, looked closer at the hem and I thought to myself, "I could have done that. " A couple years went by and I did nothing about all my long jeans, until today. I did just what she said; put the jeans on, find where you want your jeans to lay and pin it.

Sew right next to the original hem, like so. Here is where I do my thing. Unroll it and iron flat. That's it! *Update- I just made the blog post Tips on Hemming Pants With the Original Hem. *Update - We now have a video tutorial so click here to watch! Much better. Recycle Old Tees with these DIY Fashion Statements | Dig This Design. Easily Dunn. So I got this shirt in the 6th grade. And I keep on keeping it because I like the stripes or something…and maybe the colors. But I can’t wear it because a) it’s too short and b) it’s too thick to layer with anything. And in the middle of last week’s closet-purging, in a blinding stroke of genius, I decided to make it a cardigan. But the fastest, kind of laziest way possible. use a ruler and cut a line down the center of the front of the shirt. ok. you’re almost done. hem the edges with your hem tape, using the instructions that came with it. pick a button. then sew it on one of the sides where a normal button should theoretically go. it’s just for show so it looks like a legit cardigan. you’re not going to dilly-dally with making a button hole or anything because that’s just out of the realm of my patience.

I know you probably found this on pinterest or some craft blog somewhere…or something to that effect. Bow Belt. We're always looking for fun ways to add embellishments and touches of color to our outfits especially in the winter when we tend to get bored with everything and anything. With bows being fiercely back in style, what better way than with a bright bow belt! You can pick any color for this but we'd recommend something solid and cotton. You'll need a simple snap as well to hand stitch on. The measurements for the three pieces you'll need to make are in the directions below. Measure your waist (over a thin shirt) and add 2 inches to that length.

Making the belt: Fold in half the long way and sew along the long side. Fold over one open end and hand stitch one side of the snap into the inside. Flip right side out now. Once it's right side out, measure it around your waist. Now sew the second snap on through both pieces. Making the bow: For the bow cut a piece of fabric 6'' x 10''. Turn it inside out and move the seam to the middle. Sew the ends together as shown. Straighten and fluff your bow!