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Ecstasy Slideshow (This Is Your Brain on Ecstasy) | DanceSafe.Org. An MDMA Neurochemistry Slideshow © Copyright 1998-2014, Emanuel Sferios This slide show will explain the effects of MDMA on your brain. The effects of a normal dose of MDMA last from four to six hours. We will explain what happens in the brain during the various stages of the MDMA experience, and we will describe some changes in the brain that may occur after long-term, frequent use. The Brain This is a model of a typical human brain, showing some of the basic brain areas. Brain Cell This is a model of a typical type of brain cell called a neuron. A cell body, which stores the DNA and other things that the cell needs to do it’s job;Dendrites, which receive chemical signals from other cells; andAn axon, which carries an electrical signal from the cell body to the axon terminals.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, and some brain cells have axons that contain only serotonin. Two Cells Serotonin Axons Serotonin Cells Actual photograph of serotonin cells (mostly axons) in a rat’s brain. Vesicles Yes. MDMA Main Page. MDMA is Schedule I in the United States. This means it is illegal to manufacture, buy, possess, or distribute without a DEA license. Addictive Potential: Low (MDMA is not considered physically addictive, yet it may be psychologically addictive) Emergency Room Visits Yearly: 21,836 hospital visits related to the use of MDMA or ecstasy were reported in 2010 in the United States Mandatory Minimum Sentence: 6 years for 800 pills Mechanism of Action: Increases the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, among others.

Overview: MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine), a common component in ecstasy pills and powders, is an entactogen that has gained popularity over the past 20 years because of its ability to produce strong feelings of comfort, empathy, and connection to others. MDMA is frequently sold in tablet form, although it is also occasionally sold in capsules or as a powder.

The Difference Between MDMA and Ecstasy MDMA for PTSD on Amazon Kindle Substance Identification: How do u make MDMA. It's not simple, even though it is considered "simple" from an organic chemical synthesis point of view. Nor is the information in any way secret or illegal to know or understand. Of course, it's completely illegal to actually do, and likely to get you arrested, plus full of ways you could horribly injure yourself with thermal burns, chemical burns, explosions, and poisonous fumes. So, in the interest of scientific freedom, here's a simple overview. If you want to actually understand it, go take some organic chemistry classes! And, of course, it's not recommended that you actually do this. You start with a cool mixture of 30% hydrogen peroxide in water and 80% formic acid in water. Dissolve the residue in methanol treated with 15% sulfuric acid, heat for three hours in a steam bath, refluxing the methanol.

Extract the result three times using standard polar/nonpolar solvent extraction techinques. You may want to do a distillation to purify this. Disregard Everything I Say - The Potential Negative Effects of MDMA and How to Counteract Them. I recently added a comprehensive health effects, potential addiction, and tolerance as well as a legal issues section to everyone of my specific substance guides. I wanted to add this article to specifically include with the MDMA health section; since there was so much information and preventative tips, it was necessary to make it an article on its own. This was so all the information was in one simple place, so people no longer have to trawl through random forum posts. Once again, this article is not written by me, but the same friend of mine who wrote the previous article on “An Explanation of the Effect of Hallucinogens upon the Nervous System”.

Negative Effects on HealthSerotonin syndrome occurs when there is an excess of serotonergic activity in the central nervous system (CNS). Serotonin syndrome can often be overcome by resting in a cooler environment. However, occasionally it will turn into a medical emergency, which can be fatal. Autonomic Neuromotor Cognitive-behavioural. Ecstasy (MDMA) And Sex. MDMA / Ecstasy.