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Morgan Mullings


Interesting Videos. How to make a glow lantern. [VIDEO] - StumbleUpon. Funny. Internetz! Funnier sequel to Funny Pix: just kidding. Here is a series of funny pictures I had gathered just for our readers.

Funnier sequel to Funny Pix: just kidding

Actually, these wouldn't have been here, as I had other plans for the weekend. I'd been invited by a new radio station to participate in a live chat on birth control methods, but I pulled out at the last minute. I hope you guys like the pictures. Even if you diss them, please feel free to leave a comment. The ancient Incas Mayans must be laughing in their graves for this one Now you know why Walton’s been reluctant to open stores in third world countries Sooner or later your kid will become environment-conscious and protest exams Yeah, it’s dad’s problem, not the kids Speaking of exams, here’s one more point-of-view on cheating Momma knows who’s been a better girl Refuelling baby.

The latest in BMW bikes Try telling that to your teenaged son The owner really loves gull-winged cars A mosquito trying out the effectiveness of the ‘best’ repellent Kids will play when ma’am’s away And so you may go home now Formula-1 super fails digg. Music. 13 - Don't Let It Break Your Heart - Coldplay (Official) DIY. D.I.Y. Curls // How To Rag Roll Your Hair. I love the look of naturally curly hair!

D.I.Y. Curls // How To Rag Roll Your Hair

My sweet friend, Katie, told me about rag rolling. It's a quick and simple way to get natural looking curls without using a curling iron! I asked her to share her method here on A Beautiful Mess because I knew you'd be itching to learn like I was! Enjoy... You'll need some cut fabric strips, a comb and some water. How to rag roll your hair- First, dampen the bottom of your hair (the part you plan to roll) using a spray bottle. Have fun styling! Blogs. That's Chic. Blog favourites of&late - StumbleUpon. Stuff I want to make. Watermark Tee by Sweet Verbana - StumbleUpon. Hello U-Create readers!

Watermark Tee by Sweet Verbana - StumbleUpon

I am so excited to be guest posting here today. It just so happens to be my first guest post and I'm still a little shocked that it's here at Ucreate, one of my favorite blogs! A little bit about me.. I'm from a little town called Keller, Texas. I'm a junior at Texas A&M University (whoop!). I'm working on my education degree and expect to be an elementary school teacher in just two short years. When I'm not busy studying for classes, I love to sew. I just started blogging in May and have already met all kinds of wonderful women, I hope you'll stop by and say hi too! Watermark Tee Tutorial What I love about this project is that it's completely customizable. Materials: Elmer's Blue Gel Glue (it must be the blue gel, white won't work) Fabric Dye (RIT is my tried and true brand) A white cotton Tee, Tank, Dress etc.

Tutorial: If you're unfamiliar with Batiking, it's a method of dyeing fabric in which you create a design with a dye- resist. Step 1: Prepare Step 2: Design.