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[GUIDE] Genymotion | Installing ARM Translation and GApps[Updated Nov.16] [GUIDE] Genymotion | Installing ARM Translation and GApps[Updated Nov.16] Genymotion is a Virtual Android Environment built on x86 and Virtualbox. It's not an ARM emulator so it's performance is way better than the Android SDK Emulator. However in their latest update they've removed both ARM Translation and Google Play Apps. (This is what causes the "INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE" errors) Many Devs and Users still find these features very useful for various reasons and their removal has forced people to look for alternatives to Genymotion. This guide is for getting back both ARM Translation and Google Play apps in your Genymotion VM. ATTENTION(April 11th): Sadly Dropbox has informed me I've surpassed reasonable Bandwidth Usage and has temporarily disabled my Public Links.

I don't blame them considering I've reached a steady 1400+ downloads per day, which equals an impressive 12.5+GB of bandwidth per day. PS: I'm sorry if I haven't been very talkative and helpful lately. [GUIDE] Genymotion | Installing ARM Translation and GApps[Updated Nov.16] FAQ. Genymotion requires Oracle VirtualBox to run (see Installation procedure). For Microsoft Windows platforms, the VirtualBox installer 4.2.12 is packaged within the "ready-to-run" Genymotion installer. Make sure you have downloaded and installed this package. For Mac OS X or Linux, you will have to download VirtualBox. Then, you should install and configure it before running Genymotion. If VirtualBox is already installed, make sure it is up-to-date and runs with no errors.

If you are running Linux, make sure that the "dkms" package is installed and that it compiles VirtualBox kernel modules each time a new kernel update occurs. If you get this message: VirtualBox kernel modules (vboxdrv, vboxnetflt, vboxnetadp, vboxpci) are loaded., then you are ok. Dashboard. NTFS-3G + Ntfsprogs | Tuxera. NTFS-3G is a stable, full-featured, read-write NTFS driver for Linux, Android, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenSolaris, QNX, Haiku, and other operating systems. It provides safe handling of the Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Windows 8 NTFS file systems. A high-performance alternative, called Tuxera NTFS is available for embedded devices and Mac OS X.

The release notes and the software changes can be found on the Release History page. Subscribe here for new release notifications. Download The latest stable version is ntfs-3g_ntfsprogs-2014.2.15, released on February 23, 2014. Availability: Installation Linux: Most distributions include and use NTFS-3G by default. . Non-Linux: Please see the OS specific installation and source packages above. Usage If there was no error during installation then the NTFS volume can be mounted in read-write mode for everybody as follows. Mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows. Partitioning - Ubuntu 13.04 is unable to mount a disk drive from ex-windows system. Printing - How to add a printer in gnome-shell.

Command line - How to add Android Studio to the launcher. Installing Android Studio IDE in Ubuntu – Hello World Application. Google I/O started yesterday, and Google released an early access preview version of Android Studio, a new IDE based on IntelliJ IDEA with drag-and-drop GUI layout editor, Gradle-based build system, Lint tools, the ability to preview how apps look on different screen sizes, and more. This may eventually replace the Eclipse + ADT Plugin combination currently used, so I’ve decided to give it a try in Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit, but it’s also available for Windows and Mac OS X. First, head over to Android Studio Installation instructions, and download Android Studio for you operating system via your Browser (You’ll have to accept an EULA), then open a terminal to extra it: tar xzvf ~/Downloads/android-studio-bundle-130.677228-linux.tgz Now let’s start Android Studio: cd android-studio/bin/ .

Press Enter to continue. I did press enter to continue, but Android Studio complained about JAVA_HOME no being defined. Let’s install, and configure the system to use the JAVA JDK Success! Installing Oracle Sun Java (JDK) and setting JAVA_HOME in Ubuntu. This post is not only for people who are new to Linux or Java but also quick notes for me to setup my environment next time I install my system or setup a virtual machine. Installing OpenJDK can be very simple but not Oracle JDK. You can use one of the two following commands (depending on which version you which to install) to setup OpenJDK in your linux environment. sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk or sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk But I have always used Oracle Sun JDK for my development. Here is the stackoverflow link to help you choose between the Oracle JDK or OpenJDK. But users who prefer to use the Oracle JDK binaries over OpenJDK builds packaged in their Linux distributions of choice can of course download the package from under the same terms as users on other platforms.

Coming the point I have downloaded JDK 7 (update 4) for Linux x86 (32-bit) – file: jdk-7u21-linux-i586.tar.gz tar -xf jdk-7u21-linux-i586.tar.gz sudo mkdir /usr/lib/jvm ALL DONE. Cheers. Error to run Android Studio. Ide - Android Studio 'tools.jar' file is not present in classpath. Ide - Android Studio 'tools.jar' file is not present in classpath. How to Compile Android on Ubuntu (12.04) | Mark Loiseau. I ran into a few errors when I tried to compile Android on my Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit laptop. Here are my notes on fixing them and compiling successfully: “You are attempting to build with an unsupported version of java.” Java 7 update: I ran into this problem recently while trying to build Android/Cyanogenmod on Arch Linux. brunch game me the following error: brunch: You are attempting to build with an unsupported version of java.

Checking build tools versions... ************************************************************ You are attempting to build with an unsupported version of java. Your version is: java version "1.7.0_17". The correct version is: Java SE 1.6 or 1.7. To fix this, I changed line 129 from Android: You are attempting to build with an unsupported version of java. ifeq ($(strip $(java_version)),) to Android: The correct version is: Java SE 1.6 or 1.7. ifneq ($(strip $(java_version)),) and everything worked.

Android: You are attempting to build with the incorrect version of java. or. Installing Android Studio IDE in Ubuntu – Hello World Application. FAQ. Site - Downloads. Install GenyMotion in Linux/ubuntu 13.04. Genymotion, is the next generation of the AndroVM open source project, it is a fast, cross-platform Android emulator that comes with pre-configured Android in it. It’s so easy use and has lots more functionalities that normal android emulator doesn't. How to install Genymotion in linux: Sign up for the genymotion account.After logging in download genymotion for linux from this link.Download and install virtualbox for linux from the this link.

Now nevigate the genymotion from the terminal. Chmod +x genymotion-1.1.0_x64.bin. After the process Genymotion it is ready to be used. to open it write below command. Using GenyMotion: Now login with your Genymotion username and password. Now you can see the screen like below, click next to begin the download of virtual device. The successful installation will display you the below screen.

Then you will be asked to enter a name for the downloaded Genymotion virtual device. Ubuntu : Installing, Removing, and Searching for Packages & Apps from Terminal. This is a quickie on how install, uninstall, and search for applications/packages in Ubuntu Linux from the Terminal window. Searching for Packages / Applications from Terminal 1. Open the Terminal window (Applications > Accessories > Terminal). 2. at the commandline, type: apt-cache search xxyyzz xxyyzz being the full or partial name of the package/application Installing Packages / Applications from Terminal 1. 2. at the commandline, type: sudo apt-get install xxxxxxx (xxxxxx = name of pacakge to install, ie wacom-tools ) you will then be prompted for your password or the admin password; enter it and hit enter. 3. the terminal session will now go and check the source locations for the package, if it exists, it will then download and install it. 4. type:exit reboot to be sure that the package/application was installed properly.

Uninstalling Packages / Applications from Terminal sudo apt-get remove xxxxxxx (xxxxxx = name of pacakge to remove, ie wacom-tools ) 3. Set Up An Ubuntu Local Development Machine For Ruby On Rails. Advertisement So, you want to develop Ruby on Rails applications? While loads of (introductory) tutorials are available for developing Ruby on Rails applications, there seems to be some uncertainty about setting up a lean and up-to-date local development environment. This tutorial will guide you through the steps of setting up an Ubuntu local development machine for Ruby on Rails.

Part 2 of this tutorial, which will be published here later, will help you through the steps to set up an Ubuntu VPS. For now, knowing that VPS stands for virtual private server is sufficient. It will be able to host your newly developed Ruby on Rails applications. But let’s focus on the local development machine first. Ruby On Rails? What are Ruby on Rails and Ubuntu? Ubuntu, meanwhile, is a “Debian-derived Linux distribution that focuses on usability.”

A Quick Overview In this tutorial, we’ll install Ruby and RubyGems using the Ruby Version Manager (RVM) script. Getting Up To Date First, let’s get up to date. 20 Must-Have Ubuntu Showdown Apps. Last month developers across the world spent three short weeks crafting over 130 applications as part of the Ubuntu App Showdown contest. From these, three winners were picked by a jury of judges: RSS reader ‘Lightread‘, puzzle game ‘Picsaw‘ and web-app creator ‘Fogger’. But that’s not where the contest ends. It’s now up to you to decide which apps win the last 3 prizes up for grabs. To help you get started we’ve listed our top 20 submissions – jury winners omitted – that are worth installing regardless of whether you intend to vote or not. Note: The following are not presented in any sort of order. XKCD Browser As the name might suggest, XKCD Browser brings the popular online web-comics on to your desktop. Comics browser are cached for offline-reading; further infromation on the comic can be viewed by hovering over the image, and Gwibber integration lets you share anything funny you come across to Twitter or Facebook with a simple click.

Blubphone Postman Cuckoo Tastebook CuttleFish Discuvr Circle. Installation - How do I resolve unmet dependencies. Mein neues blog. Downloads - Kingsoft WPS Office Community. Downloads. Download yWorks' fine products. 60-day, fully functional evaluation version of the yFiles for Java graph layout and visualization library. 60-day, fully functional evaluation version of the yFiles for JavaFX graph layout and visualization library. 60-day, fully functional evaluation version of yFiles for HTML. 60-day, fully functional evaluation version of the yFiles.NET graph layout and visualization library for the Microsoft .NET environment. 60-day, fully functional evaluation version of the yFiles WPF graph layout and visualization library for the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). 60-day, fully functional evaluation version of the yFiles for Silverlight graph layout and visualization library for the Microsoft Silverlight framework. 60-day, fully functional evaluation version of the yFiles FLEX package. 60-day, fully functional evaluation version of the yFiles AJAX package.

Create high-quality diagrams with ease and seamlessly integrate them into your Atlassian Confluence wiki pages. RESIZE PDFS FROM COMMAND LINE IN UBUNTU. How To Install VMWare Tools v4 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server and 12.10 Server - Ghost TxGhost Tx. Written: March 13, 2012Last Updated: October 24, 2012Tested With: Ubuntu 12.10 Server, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server, Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS Server, Ubuntu 11.10 Server All the guides I found on the Internet, including VMWare’s website were outdated in some way, so I decided to write a guide of my own. I just went through these steps from start to finish on a fresh server and had no problems.

In about 5 minutes, you will be able to install VMWare Tools on Ubuntu Server. Use Install VMWare Tools option in VMWare Client to attach media Let me know if this worked for you! Use Conky In GUI in Ubuntu 13.04 With Conky Manager. Configure conky-Lua in Ubuntu (13.10 Saucy Salamander & 13.04), Fedora, debian and LinuxMint | Howto Conky. Updated 12-10-2013: Conky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X, that displays any information on your desktop. There are many nice themes available for conky that can display clock, CPU usage, ram usage, swap, disk, net and more, one of these nice themes is Conky-Lua, this theme (See screensot bellow) allow you to display nice rings for Clock, cpu …, the theme is available for Ubuntu, Linuxmint, fedora, and Debian. See also Next Generation, another nice conky theme from Conky-Lua author In this post i will show you step by step on how to install and configure this awesome conky script called Conky-Lua.

The installation has been done in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin also tested in Ubuntu 13.04 and Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander Raring Ringtail. As usual, i tried to make the post newbies freindly 1- First of all we need to install conky, use the folowing command: - For Ubuntu, LinuxMint and Debian use: sudo apt-get install conky-all -For Fedora use : yum install conky-all conky. XBMC 11.0 - Eden has been released! PPA Ubuntu. Ubuntu Linux - Tips and Tricks in using Ubuntu. Ubuntu Linux - Tips and Tricks in using Ubuntu - Tutorial Copyright © 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Lars Vogel Ubuntu - Typical Tasks This articles contains some information about handling a Ubuntu system.

Ubuntu Linux is a full fledged Linux system trailed for the desktop. Ubuntu builds a unique user interface and offers the users a solid choice of tools. Unity is the default windows manager on Ubuntu. It introduced the launcher on the left side of Ubuntu and the Dash to start programs. Press the Windows key to start the Dash. 2.2. To add new entries to the launcher you can create an .desktop file and drag file on the launcher. The following lists a few useful shortcuts for the Unity window manager. Table 1. To open a console open the Dash and type in Terminal. Ubuntu offers several editors which are installed by default. To install vim on your Ubuntu machine use the following command. sudo apt-get install vim A simple editor with a graphical user interface is gedit.

Table 2. 3.3. Ps -aux.