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A wife asks her husband, a software engineer… Real Actual Field Tests: BuckyBalls. LOLCat Poem. BREAKING NEWS: THE GOVERNMENT IS MAKING US ALL GAY WITH CHIPS AND JUICE. Bipolypagangeek: The chart of non-monogamous relationships.


Adorbz Kitty Superheroes MRVLCATS Can Has Our Hearts - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews. Following a Twitter back-and-forth between editor Ryan Penagos and cartoonists Chris Eliopoulos and Katie Cook, the social network was inundated Thursday with a great wave of cuteness the likes of which haven’t been seen since Commissioner James Gordon (the pomeranian, not the cop): Marvel Cats. Eliopoulos got the ball of yarn rolling with his lolcats-spoofing Catlactus. He also created the #mrvlcats hashtag, and things got progressively cuter from there, with Cook and artists like Skottie Young, Clayton Cowls, Adam Koford, Lar deSouza, Mike Maihack and Evan “Doc” Shaner contributing more kitten-ized versions of Marvel Comics characters. Check out some of our favorites after the jump. They’re really, really cute, so try not to die. Adam Koford Chris Eliopoulos Chris Eliopoulos Katie Cook Lar deSouza Evan “Doc” Shaner Skottie Young Mike Maihack.

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's very political 'joke' - Ben Smith and Keach Hagey. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have cast their faux dueling Washington rallies as a kind of grand satire of the current state of media and politics. “It’s just like everything they do – it’s really for the joke,” said one person familiar with the planning of the October 30 event, who asked – in the spirit of the “Daily Show” – to be described as a “senior administration official.” Continue Reading VIDEO: Stewart, Colbert rallies But if it’s a joke, it’s a practical joke — and the targets are Glenn Beck, his followers, and the Republican Party candidates who face election three days after the event. “Glenn Beck makes a big deal out of how, ‘whatever you believe, all these people are really passionate about the issues, and look at this amazing turnout,’” said the person familiar with the planning. “We’re going to show you how ridiculous Glenn Beck is because we’re going to put two comics up there and they’re going to have more people.”

Avoid-these-office-buzzwords: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance. Last year about this time, I posted a list (plus definitions and correct usage) of the office cliches least loved by a random sampling of executives polled by Accountemps. You may — like me — be too snobby and old-fashioned to want to sling the lingo, but you've got to know it or run the risk that your peers and superiors deem you hopelessly out of the loop. (Oops, there's a tired office phrase if there ever was one!) That's why I have made it my personal mission to keep you up to date. Alas and alack, Accountemps conducts its jargon survey only once every five years.

However, the company put me in touch with Brett Good, senior district president of its corporate parent Robert Half International, the global staffing firm. In the course of his work, Good is privy to bujillions of resumes where many of us festoon our mundane jobs and meager accomplishments with business gobbledygook to make them sound more important — or less unimportant. In Transition Brand Put a good face on.

Space. Science Journalism Parody. Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division - dihydrogen monoxide info. Twitter Is Down: 15 Alternative Things To Do. Girl Genius Online Comics! 11/11. "Skin Horse" By Shaenon K. Garrity and Jeffrey Channing Wells. Intamitts - For Romantic Gifts - Wedding Anniversary Gifts - Valentine's Day Gifts.