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Ten Great Ways to Crush Creativity - Stepcase Lifehack. Leaders have more power than they realize. They can patiently create a climate of creativity or they can crush it in a series of subtle comments and gestures. Their actions send powerful signals. Their responses to suggestions and ideas are deciphered by staff as encouragement or rejection. If you want to crush creativity in your organization and eliminate all the unnecessary bother of innovation then here are ten steps that are guaranteed to succeed. 1. When you hear a new idea criticize it. 2. Treat brainstorming as old-fashioned and passé. 3.

The CEO and senior team should shoulder the responsibility for solving all the company’s major problems. 4. Focus solely on making the current business model work better. 5. Establish a culture of long hours and hard work. 6. Plan in great detail and then do not deviate from the plan regardless of circumstances. 7. If someone tries an entrepreneurial idea that fails then blame and retribution must follow. 8. 9. 10. Talent cannot be taught. Contents. Projetos web : Definição do escopo. Atualizado em 23.12.2011 O escopo de um projeto descreve todos os seus produtos, os serviços necessários para realizá-los e resultados finais esperados. Descreve também o que é preciso fazer para que alcance seus objetivos com os recursos e funções especificados.

Embora concentremos nosso interesse em projetos web, examinamos aqui alguns aspectos que se estendem à definição de escopo de projetos de modo geral. O escopo de um projeto se divide em escopo do produto, que descreve as características do produto final, e escopo do projeto, que descreve o trabalho necessário para que seja entregue com as características especificadas. -> Por exemplo, o escopo de produto de um sistema online de pagamento de contas descreve como este vai funcionar, suas características, as tecnologias necessárias. Já o escopo deste projeto descreve as etapas, os recursos disponíveis, como o produto será desenvolvido. Embora avaliado continuamente, o escopo é examinado em momentos definidos: Formalização de acordos. Other Companies Should Have To Read This Internal Netflix Presen. Ever since Netflix’s awesome vacation policy was revealed to the public (basically, there is no policy, it’s take the time you think you need), the company’s work policies have been of interest to people.

A new 128-page presentation called “Reference Guide on our Freedom & Responsibility Culture” was recently sent around the company, and then put on SlideShare, where the blog Hacking Netflix found it. The presentation, which you can see for yourself below, is as interesting as any 128-page document can be. If you read it over, about half-way through, you’ll probably start wishing you worked for Netflix.

This was meant to be an internal document for employees to read, but it’s also one hell of a recruitment pitch. Early on, a lot of it deals with workplace efficiency, and not being afraid to let someone go if they’re not doing their job. The idea is that if someone just wants to do mediocre works, that’s fine, they’ll get a nice severance package. Project | Find a new job. Pricing and Plans - Goalkeeper, online project management softwa. Six Free Tools for Online Reputation Management : MarketingProfs.

Online reputation management consists of tracking your brand and reacting when necessary. Though sometimes tedious, brand monitoring can save you from a potential disaster when someone cites your name in an article that misrepresents you. Aside from protection, it can help you proactively join conversations around your topic area, helping to get your brand name out there. It's almost 2009... and if you aren't active online you are missing valuable opportunities to advertise your value to the world—through articles, blog entries, social-network profiles, comments, videos and more.

As both a content producer and consumer, your name is being spread throughout each of these circuits by people you might not even know. Part of your brand is in the hands of others, so it's critical that you monitor it before a flame becomes a forest fire. Do you know what people are saying about you? If you want to know how to track your presence and monitor your brand, then you are in luck. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 25 Best Business Books Ever. What makes a business book the “best”? Best-selling? Most influential? Timelessness? Categorical relevance? Business Pundit sifted through numerous categories and resources to come up with this list of the 25 Best Business Books Ever.

We didn’t concern ourselves with categories (management, sales, etc.) or timeliness of subject matter. We think that really smart, successful businesspeople know that their education is lifelong and diverse. Also check out: The 50 Best Business Books (2012 Edition) 25. First published in 1776, this broad-ranging exploration of commercial and economic first principles laid the philosophical foundations for modern capitalism and the free-market economy. Click here for more information on The Wealth of Nations 24. This collection of Barnard’s lectures on management, though dated in its language, remains relevant, notably in his promotion of clear, short communication channels and managerial morality. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9.