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Earth Day Lesson Plans and Activities. In honor of Earth Day, April 22, Education World offers the following articles and activities for classroom teachers.

Earth Day Lesson Plans and Activities

Sustainable Products, Consumer Responsibility Students learn about the life cycles of common products and consider the impact of consumer behavior on the environment. Activities to Celebrate Earth Day! Two dozen across-the-grades activities for a big Earth Day celebration. "101 Amazing Earth Facts" Game Play this Jeopardy-like game on Earth Day, or anytime. The life cycle of a flowering plant. PresidentBioPoem. Friendshippoem. LiteraryMoodRing. MoodList. PoeticThoughts. Poetrybrstorm. FREEBioPoemsMadeEasy. The life cycle of a flowering plant. The Solstice. DIY Leaf Crowns and Animal Masks. Nature is generous with us in the autumn months.

DIY Leaf Crowns and Animal Masks

Leaves in wonderful colors everywhere! It’s time to head outside and hunt for them. How to Make Paper Plate Masks and Cardboard Wings for Kids Costumes. The life cycle of a t-shirt - Angel Chang. Watch NPR’s: Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt to get another view on just what it takes to create that piece of clothing you just bought at the store.

The life cycle of a t-shirt - Angel Chang

How Your T-Shirt Can Make a Difference from National Geographic is another great video perspective on this topic. The Travels of a T-shirt in the Global Economy by Pietra Rivoli is a book that also follows the journey of a t-shirt across the world. Read it to learn more. What is the environmental footprint of a t-shirt? Click here to find out. TED-Ed - Gifs worth sharing — The Life Cycle of a Plastic Bottle. The three different ways mammals give birth - Kate Slabosky. Mammals are very diverse group of animals.

The three different ways mammals give birth - Kate Slabosky

Mammals first appeared over 200 million years ago, but they didn’t start to become the diverse group they are today until after the extinction of dinosaurs, approximately 65 million years ago. In the 10 million years that followed, the relatively small group grew to 4,000 species through adaptive radiation. The result was mammals of all types and sizes: fliers, swimmers, carnivore, herbivores--the list goes on. A brief history of numerical systems - Alessandra King.

A numerical system is a set of symbols and rules used to represent numbers.

A brief history of numerical systems - Alessandra King

All civilizations had to deal with expressing ever larger numerical quantities and they all faced the same issues. A look at the different ways humans across the planet and across the ages handled this challenge is fascinating. Among the many accounts of this long intellectual adventure, a couple are particularly readable and useful for our ends: Steven Strogatz’s section in his book “The Joy of X", excerpts of which are available online, and the article “Historical Counting Systems” in the book “Math in Society” by Lippman (Pierce College) which also provides clarifying examples and practice exercises.

This fun video is also an amusing yet clear introduction to the origin and development of number systems. For a more in-depth look at the history of mathematics in various cultures, visit the MacTutor History of Mathematics created by the School of Mathematics and Statistics of St. ?target_url= The history of chocolate - Deanna Pucciarelli. Multi-Digit Multiplication (with and without... by Learning Lab. AnEyeforArt JoanMiro. Indire: corsi gratuiti in lingua inglese per docenti ed educatori di tutta Europa – Orizzonte Scuola.