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Rock Hard Abs in 12 min. Your motivation for fitness training. - StumbleUpon. Featured Workout: Core Challenge - Snap Fitness. Animated Abdominal Exercise Examples, Ab Exercises, Abdominal Exercises, Abs, Get Sleek, Toned Arms. Here's something you'll love to learn: Your shoulders and upper back tend to carry less fat than the rest of your body, so the right exercises can give this area a nearly instant makeover, says Ramona Braganza, a celebrity trainer who has worked with stars such as Anne Hathaway and Jessica Alba.

Get Sleek, Toned Arms

Braganza's workout, below, hits every major upper-body muscle and will help stabilize your shoulder joints, improve your posture, and build that strong, toned look you're after. Using five-to eight-pound weights, perform 15 to 20 reps of each exercise and go from one move to the next with little or no rest between. Do two or three sets three times a week. Hold it right there: Build strength with this muscle-isolating isometric workout. Exercises That Are a Waste of Time: The Pressed Heels Sit-Up - 15 Exercises Trainers Would Never Do. The "pressed-heels" sit-up is performed like a typical sit-up, except both feet are flexed so that toes point up and heels are pressed into the ground, says Michele Olson, Ph.D., professor of exercise physiology at Auburn University in Alabama.

Exercises That Are a Waste of Time: The Pressed Heels Sit-Up - 15 Exercises Trainers Would Never Do

"It was thought that pressing the heels into the floor would increase the effort of the abdominal muscles while decreasing the load to the lower spine. But actually, EMG (electromyogram) data has shown that pressing the heels into the floor did the opposite. "