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EdWebet71 Future Ready Librarians

Facebook Twitter - Cookies Required. K–12 Districts Find That Education and Awareness Are Key to Privacy Protection. Over the two decades that Rose Muller has been working in school technology, the challenge of maintaining student and staff data security has grown beyond a level that IT departments alone can meet. The entire school community now needs to be enlisted in the effort to keep sensitive information safe, she says. “The IT staff used to be able to police information security, making sure technologies were in place to protect the network infrastructure and enforcing access and password policies,” says Muller, the technology director of Bristol Warren Regional School District, which has six schools serving about 3,500 students in Bristol and Warren, R.I.

“But as we implement more educational technology and services that gather sensitive data, we have to make sure that everybody in our community is aware of security issues for themselves and our children.” Focus on Digital Citizenship Digital Education as the Best Defense Building a culture of data security takes time, cautions Tebbenkamp. Untitled. Future Ready Librarians Survey. Week One of BYOD at New Canaan High School. FR Librarians Factsheet. Sara Trettin (@saraesuiter) | Twitter. Mark Ray (@_TeacherX) | Twitter.

PFA Meeting: Know Your School 2016. National Education Technology Plan - Office of Educational Technology. About the National Educational Technology Plan The U.S. Department of Education released the 2024 National Educational Technology Plan (NETP): A Call to Action for Closing the Digital Access, Design and Use Divides. First released in fulfillment of Improving America’s Schools Act of 1994, NETP has been updated multiple times since its original release, most recently in 2016. While past NETPs have largely served as surveys of the state of the field, the Department of Education’s 2024 NETP frames three key divides limiting the transformational potential of educational technology to support teaching and learning, including: The Digital Use Divide, addressing opportunities to improve how students use technology to enhance their learning, including dynamic applications of technology to explore, create, and engage in critical analysis of academic content and knowledge;

Mackin TYSL | Transform Your School Library. Launching Future Ready Librarians. The Future Ready Librarians initiative launched at ALA and ISTE this week. We heard the buzz at AASL sessions, in the ISTE Librarians Playground, at the ISTELibrarians breakfast, and more importantly, at sessions at both conferences where others outside our little tent could hear the message.

The Future Ready Schools (FRS) initiative itself launched at the White House in October 2014. When a superintendent signs the Future Ready Pledge, he or she commits to implementing meaningful changes toward a digital learning transition that supports teachers, and addresses the district’s vision for student learning. district-wide outline seven tenets relating to digital learning. The program focuses around those seven tenets, or gears, with personalized student learning at the center: curriculum, instruction, and assessment;personalized professional learning;use of space and time;data and privacy;community partnerships;technology and infrastructure;and budget and resources. About the Effort - Future Ready Schools. Future Ready Librarians - Future Ready Schools. We are super excited that you are registering to join us at the Denver Future Ready School Institute. Complete the registration below to make it official!

The Future Ready Librarians (FRL) strand of the Institute will provide opportunities to explore how librarians can support FRS via the FRL framework;learn how to develop teacher librarians as educational and instructional leaders;create conversations about the role of librarians supporting strategic work of schools; anddevelop networks and cross-functional teams to support and sustain FRL in districts. Since you are registering as a Future Ready Librarian, don’t forget to check to make sure your superintendent has taken the pledge and become familiar with the FRS Framework as well the FRL program.