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How To Use One Superfan To Spread The Word To Millions. Techdirt has been a great believer in connecting with fans and giving them a reason to buy for many years, but it's always interesting to see people come up with new variations on this theme.

How To Use One Superfan To Spread The Word To Millions

Here's the idea in an extreme form, from a couple months ago: sharing a new album stream with just one "superfan" who then spread the word with dramatic results: To recreate the word-of-mouth phenomenon that made them famous, the xx shared their album stream Coexist with a single fan just outside London last week -- days before its official US release. It was a risky marketing move that set out to test whether the band could replicate their initial viral success with a map that tracked shares with a visualization on the Coexist stream's host site. Twenty-four hours after the stream was shared with a fan on Facebook, the site crashed from the millions of streams, with the average user spending 2.1 hours on the site. The Weird Connection Between Army Generals and Blogging? How can an army general teach you a lesson in blogging?

The Weird Connection Between Army Generals and Blogging?

Stop by my guest post at Basic Blog Tips to find out. The Grand Paradox of Social Communications. You cannot read a marketing or social media blog today without stumbling across the advice: “humanize your brand.”

The Grand Paradox of Social Communications

The advice is certainly not a new concept to marketing, but one that has had new importance breathed into it in the face of the ever-evolving digital relationships businesses have with their customers. It’s the grand paradox of digital and social communications; we’re racing to connect through inanimate computers and mobile phones in order to build stronger relationships with people. Messages are often misconstrued by our inability to effectively translate our intent to the written word. Social Savvy Geek. How To Make Money Online With Web 2.0 And Social Media Sites. If you aren’t using some of the Web 2.0 and social media sites to make money online then you’re missing out on a huge opportunity.

How To Make Money Online With Web 2.0 And Social Media Sites

These sites are free, they come with built-in page rank, and they’re scattered all over the Internet, in every nook and niche. You should be using them to build your brand, build your backlinks and increase your Internet footprint and if you’re not, then you need to get moving. You’re already way behind your competition. What are Web 2.0 properties? The most basic definition of a Web 2.0 site is a site with a static data base and content management system which allows individual users to enter layers of content.

There are thousands of Web 2.0 sites across the Web and each has it’s own features and benefits. The benefit of using these sites is that most of them are free and most have a relatively high page rank, some may even rank higher than your own blog or website. Breaking Through Berlin's B2B Wall. When I first applied for my current job at exploreB2B, I had to look up what the acronym “B2B” stood for.

Breaking Through Berlin's B2B Wall

“Business-to-business? Is that really it?” As my research deepended (my application was accepted) and I dove head first into the world of B2B, I quickly realized how the concept of businesses doing business with other businesses was everywhere. Period Table of Social Media. The Promise and the Perplexity of the New Social Construct. 5 Steps to Social Media Strategy for Novices. How can a social media novice start thinking about implementing a social strategy?

5 Steps to Social Media Strategy for Novices

Perhaps you're from a small or mid-sized business, which still hasn't gotten on the social media bandwagon. Or you've tried a few things, like creating a Facebook page, but the magic didn't happen. Ebay's Wehrmaker Wants More Creative Options In Facebook. Jennifer Wehrmaker, senior manager of eBay’s social business unit had some mild words of criticism for Facebook when she talked to AdExchanger recently.

Ebay's Wehrmaker Wants More Creative Options In Facebook

It's difficult to get creative within Facebook, she said. Lack of creative options in the format of Facebook ads is a longtime bugbear among advertisers. Wehrmaker's words will be taken seriously by Facebook global sales chief Carolyn Everson -- EBay is one of Facebook's biggest advertisers, according to our ranking of social network clients. On the subject of FBX (Facebook's ad exchange which allows advertisers to serve ads inside Facebook using cookie tracking data obtained from sites outside Facebook), Wehrmaker said: If she has a criticism of Facebook Exchange, it would be the restrictions on serving dynamic creative. Internally, Facebook has trained its creative guns on branded Facebook pages for companies. Social Media Is One Big Cocktail Party. Many businesses struggle with social media because they try to apply the rules of Internet marketing to social media marketing but the truth is that social media resembles a cocktail party or the town square much more than it resembles Web 1.0.

Social Media Is One Big Cocktail Party

So the way to be successful with social media is to embrace the simple but tried and true rules of relationship and word-of-mouth marketing. After working with hundreds of companies over the past six years, I can tell you that these five rules can help generate effective social media marketing for your business organization. 1. Listen First and Never Stop Listening For years, listening at scale was impossible. A Tour of Kred. ME Marketing Services Social Media Consulting | Social Media Marketing | Social Media Management Skip to content Home Meet Mandy. McKinsey: Social media spying to become crucial competitor intelligence approach. The role of social media insights is set to expand beyond simply consumer data and product feedback to become a key input into competitive strategy, McKinsey predicts.

McKinsey: Social media spying to become crucial competitor intelligence approach

Spying on competitors on Facebook or reading their blogs not only unearths information on their movements, but the use of social media can help companies overcome some limits of old-school intelligence gathering, an article by the management consultancy suggests. Information collection from a range of public and propriety sources for the purposes of competitive analysis, analytical methods and reporting techniques can be augmented by social technologies that automate and uncover new insights. McKinsey describes the approach as ‘social intelligence’. The most interesting man on social media.

20 Stats Every Global Social Media Marketer Should Know. "Social media is a lot like sex.

20 Stats Every Global Social Media Marketer Should Know

Everyone talks about it. Everyone wants to do it. Nobody knows how. " Twitter types [comic. Simple Tasks to Optimize and Maintain Your Online Presence. Maintaining your online presence for business is not difficult but it does require some effort on a regular basis, including time management. There are ways to simplify your approach so that your efforts will be optimized. I love this image of the astronomical clock of Prague in the Czech Republic. Installed in 1410, it is the only astronomical clock in the world that is still working. Producing How To Videos To Improve Engagement on Your Blog. 173 Flares Twitter 128 Facebook 5 Google+ 6 LinkedIn 19 inShare19 Buffer 15 173 Flares × My wife laughed at me recently for having my laptop on the kitchen counter watching a video on how to cook a curry. I’m certainly no cook but I found this a great way to learn as I watched and paused throughout the process. The Social Savvy Geek Daily. The social enterprise: nine insights.

MARANA, Calif. -- It's been a busy three days here at the Techonomy conference in Tucson, packed equally with amazing predictions for applied technology (that kind of stuff you can read on our sister site, SmartPlanet) and deep dives into business technologies. On the final day today -- over a hot breakfast -- LinkedIn's Allen Blue, Citrix Podio's Jon Froda and Jive Software's Tony Zingale discussed the social enterprise: what it is (a new path to productivity) what it isn't (Facebook for work) and the shifts that are making it vitally important to businesses of all sizes (namely, e-mail overload). It turns out that there's a better way to work -- one that decentralizes technology in an organization to empower individual employees. (Sorry, IT.) All three made many, many points, but unlike most of the panel discussions here I had a breakfast burrito in hand, rather than a reporter's notebook.

Still, I scrawled down some very interesting comments. Here are nine of them: What Google's Webmaster Tools Tells Us About CTR In European Markets. Last time, I was talking about the analysis of click through rates by position based on data from Google’s Webmaster Tools and I promised we’d look at a wider range of countries. The chart below shows you exactly that data extracted from a wide range of webmaster data to give some relatively consistent averages. The data covers many tens of thousands of clicks.

At first sight, you can see a fairly regular pattern (something we found across most European nations) and since the results are presented in largely similar ways by Google wherever you are, there’s a certain inevitability to that. But, look again… European Click Through Rates From Webmaster Tools And What They Tell Us: Source: Webcertain Research Firstly, the differences are fairly wide between the highest click through country and the lowest in each position and mostly are not overlapping. Very Wide Variation In Click Through Rate In First Position. Protect yourself from social-network malware (video) 7 Reasons why you should NOT use Hootsuite. Hootsuite Review Please note, although I wrote this article some time ago, it is being updated regularly.

(September, 2015) Social Media's Role In Understanding and Influencing Reputation. The newsjacking blunder. Facebook Ranked Comment Test Lets The Commenting Cream Rise To The Top. According to a Mashable report, Facebook is now testing a ranking system for displaying comments on fan pages. New Data Indicates Twitter Users Don't Always Click the Links They Retweet [INFOGRAPHIC] When you're picking, choosing, and crafting content to power your Twitter marketing efforts, it's easy to think that measurements like clickthroughs and retweets would both reflect "successful" or "engaging" content -- or insert your own unicorns-and-rainbows adjective there.

"Remarkable," "worth sharing," and "interesting" all work well, too. But, as it often is, reality can be different than what feels true. Infographics / infographics. How are Small to Medium Sized Business Spending? Social Media. How YouTube Channel Owners Are Building Audiences [INFOGRAPHIC] YouTube recently announced which contracts for its funded premium channels — featuring programming from chef personalities to The Wall Street Journal — are up for renewal and which are not.

The video-sharing platform also said it will be adding new channels to the mix this year. The team at FanBridge — a tool for monitoring audience growth and retention — has put together an infographic of funded and non-funded channels that highlights how channel owners are monetizing YouTube and keeping viewers engaged. 22 best Twitter apps for 2012. The microblogging service Twitter has become a very big deal, enabling everybody to depose dictators, mock X Factor contestants and lose their jobs for posting offensive things when they're drunk. Top 60 best free iPhone apps 2012 However, while the service itself is really simple the choice of desktop Twitter software isn't.

Why Your Speedy Social Media Marketing Doesn’t Work. <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there! New Facebook relationship pages get thumbs down (with images, tweets) · cbccommunity. Still, many were upset over the idea. Data: Only 5 Percent Of Search Advertisers Follow Mobile Best Practices. Google has been pumping out research and speaking at industry trade shows trying to educate advertisers and agencies about the growing importance of mobile in the consumer path to purchase.

One of the “best practices” advocated by Google, as well as those experienced with mobile paid search, is to separate PC and mobile campaigns. However new data from Wordstream indicate this is only happening in about 5 percent of cases. Wordstream founder and CTO Larry Kim looked at the company’s huge trove of data and determined that 55 percent of paid-search campaigns target mobile devices. Given that inclusion in mobile paid search results is Google’s default setting, Kim told me this means “Just under half of advertisers opt out of mobile search in their campaign settings.” Call Extensions Not Used But Mobile Consumers Want to Call. Social Media for B2B (Reminder: you are not B2C) The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Social Media. [Infographie] Social media : les 3 mythes autour du ROI 

3 Steps to Maximizing #LinkedIn’s Value. Pinterest - The Newest Social Media Platform. How to attract Facebook friends without sending a single friend request. How social media remains an enigma to big business. 5 Reasons why iLove Buffer. On page content SEO Puzzle. Do’s and Don’ts of Twitter Automated DM’s. CNN’s head of social news: Twitter forces journos to report the news better. LinkedIn: The Talent Machine Accelerates. Could A New Pop Secret App Re-Socialize Movies (And Popcorn)? Publications How SMBs View Online Media 11/02. Power of Social Media. Mobile Food Vendors Using Social Media. What Social Media Network Should Your Brand Use For Your Target Markets? Has Social Media Turned You into a Zombie? [INFOGRAPHIC] Business / Social Media and Customer Service [infographic]

72 Fascinating Social Media Marketing Facts and Statistics for 2012. The Social Media Strategist. 21 Social Media Marketing Trends for 2012 in Review. Don't Fear Social Media Failure. Google+: Social Epic Fail, SEO Epic Win. 15 Awesomely-Ridiculous Social Media Statistics. 10 Top Pinterest Boards. Behind the curtain: GigaOM debates @ComfortablySmug and web vigilantes. IT Mobile Article.

Infographics / Is Social Media Destroying Productivity? Behind the curtain: GigaOM debates @ComfortablySmug and web vigilantes. Database Error. Women Are Bigger Fans of Social Media than Men, Survey Says. Cloud Infographic: Cloud Growth, a big picture! Nonprofit Investor. The Grand Paradox of Social Communications. Smartphones Extend Our Workdays by Two Hours. Turbocharging your Business with Social Media Marketing. Trick or Tweet: Which Halloween Candy Wins Social Media? [INFOGRAPHIC] Social Media Training Is Now Mandatory: Five Ways To Make Sure Your Company Does It Right.

Why a Facebook Only Strategy is Doomed to Fail. Online Marketing Mastery With Colette Morris. Leverage the Power of Sharing to Grow Your Online Business. Business models are now more social.

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