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A model for corporate mobile learning - Articles. This is Qualcomm’s model for work based mobile learning.

A model for corporate mobile learning - Articles

Most of the academic research, and discussion around mobile learning starts from the more traditional end of the learning spectrum. School. University. The academic study of learning itself. This is both worthy, and useful. Most of the learning you will do in your life, happens outside those places. Our mission at Qualcomm is to offer mobile tools, and solutions that support these two needs. But – we haven’t yet found an academic framework we can use, that captures these realities of mobile in the workplace, and the various challenges that policies such as BYOD impose.

If you are new to these frameworks, I’d recommend the (very) quick crash course at the Mobile Learning Infokit The one that connects closest with our experience FRAME (Koole’s Model for Framing Mobile Learning – 2009), because it clearly shows how mobile learning can be different things, in different contexts. Here are some examples, and contrasting ideas: Apps? 10 Mobile Learning Stats You Need to See and Why.

Tendances m-learning

Livres. Possibilités du m-learning. Forces et avantages du m-learning. Limites et inconvénients du m-learning. A model for corporate mobile learning - Articles - WorkLearnMobile. Why Mobile Learning Is The Future Of Workplace Learning. Embed this infographic in your website/blog.

Why Mobile Learning Is The Future Of Workplace Learning

E-Learning Will Never Be The Same Again. M-learning ou l’apprentissage nomade. En complément des dispositifs d’apprentissage à distance, le mobile-learning intéresse DRH et universités.

M-learning ou l’apprentissage nomade

BYOD, e-learning et m-learning Porté par la croissance des parcs de smartphones et tablettes en entreprise, et du phénomène Bring Your Own Device, l’apprentissage sur terminaux mobiles apparait pour les spécialistes en formation et les DRH comme une nouvelle opportunité et une ressource supplémentaire aux solutions de « blended-learning » (apprentissage mixte avec des dispositifs traditionnels en présentiel et des outils de formation à distance). Michel Diaz, Directeur associé de FéFAUR*, cabinet indépendant français de conseil en e-learning en précise les enjeux : « le Mobile Learning est un formidable outil de support à la performance pour des salariés en quête d’informations, de connaissances et d’évaluation en situation de travail.

Online Learning Courses. Social and Mobile: It’s About the Learning Experience, Not the Tools. It’s safe to say that mobile and social technology are quickly becoming standard pieces of an organization’s learning strategy, so as the new year starts heating up, I want to explore what’s next for social and mobile.

Social and Mobile: It’s About the Learning Experience, Not the Tools

As for mobile, I see a full embrace of the BYOD environment where organizations leverage responsive web design to make sure the mobile learning experience is device- and platform agnostic. Workplaces will free up their Wi-Fi access so connecting with a tablet or smartphone is as simple as connecting with your laptop. Another big step forward will be an increased adoption of downloadable content for offline use, complete with automatic synchronization.

What are the Biggest Benefits of Mobile Enterprise Applications? Mobile technology is playing a key role in the current change and disruption that many businesses are facing.

What are the Biggest Benefits of Mobile Enterprise Applications?

The fact that we carry such powerful computing devices in our pockets, devices that are always on and always connected to the Internet, has created a growing population of consumers and employees that shop, interact and work very differently than they did in the post-mobile computing era. This perpetual connectivity creates tremendous opportunities for businesses to get work done / increase productivity and to create very unique positive experiences for customers, employees and partners.

It also though, puts a lot of pressure on businesses to ensure that they make the best use of mobile technologies to provide these experiences across all those constituents, not as an option but as a core component of any strategy. At IDC we launched a new program this year called Mobile Enterprise Applications to look at the use of software by businesses. 10 Years of Educational Technology Trends in Online Learning Infographic.

Distance Education Infographics Educational Technology Infographics 10 Years of Educational Technology Trends in Online Learning Infographic: Looking Back to Move Forward It is not uncommon to look back in order to evaluate the path forward.

10 Years of Educational Technology Trends in Online Learning Infographic

Let’s look at the innovations and trends in online education from the last 10 years in order to discover where we might be headed. In 2004, the first New Media Consortium Horizon report was also published. Within that report, Learning Objects, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), Rapid Prototyping, and “context aware” computing were considered to be trends for subsequent years. Learning content management systems, E-Learning repositories, and CRM for learning were being developed and sliding into the trough, of all things… came SCORM. The growth of open source content, intelligent searching, social networks, increased access to wireless, hybrid courses, and educational games were also highlighted. Via: Généralités.