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Starbucks Customers Pay For Drinks With QR Codes. It was on our radar some time back when Starbucks first launched their QR Code campaign in an effort to be in on the game as earlier as possible but we think that they’ve just upped it all again. Retail outlets, since Starbucks first launched theirs, have also pushed for mobile payments, seeing that it is all the rage these days with the number of smart phone users escalating. The QR Codes can be scanned with a QR Code reader installed into smart phones like iPhone, Blackberry, Android and some other smart phones with Symbian platforms.

If you don’t know what QR Code is, read it over here. At the point of writing this article, apparently, Starbucks patrons can now pay for their goods at over nine thousand locations all across the United States. If the stats were to be trusted, it seems that there has already been more than three million of such payments, via mobile phones and QR Codes, made ever since it was launched in March. (1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile coupons. What is m-commerce. 352/art%253A10.1007%252Fs10257-004-0043-5.pdf?auth66=1398047084_3d753b67d7faef35f0efce43c027358a.

5 Ways in Which Mobile Coupons Can Benefit Your Business. Mobile Coupons are powerful tools for product and service discovery. Use them wisely. If you’ve studied marketing at all or been a marketing professional, you would know that coupons are an essential tool in any business’s marketing arsenal. You can use them to introduce your customers to new products and services, or get them to buy more of a particular product. The principles of coupon usage are as easily applicable to mobile marketing, as they are to traditional marketing; perhaps more so.

Mobile coupons can be directly delivered to customers’ mobile devices. Additionally, most people never leave their homes without their mobile phones; therefore, mobile coupons are more likely to be used than traditional clip-and-use coupons which are often forgotten at home. Advantages of Mobile Coupons: Introduction of new products: Many large consumer brand products introduce new products to consumers by offering them free samples. Features and Benefits · Yowza!! Mobile Coupons. Yowza!! Is savings in your pocket — literally. You spent a pretty penny on your iPhone or Android to own the very best, but that doesn't mean you want to spend more than you absolutely have to on anything else. Yowza!! Mobile Coupons are here to help you out with that no matter where you are or what you need. We've got deals on everything from a nice, new outfit to a lovely, delicious dinner. 1 Download the App 2 Find Local Deals 3 Save Money!

Load Yowza!! Yowza!! Over Saved So Far! Say goodbye to the old tradition of looking and clipping coupons to save a decent buck. . - Smartphone Review No clipping. The deals on Yowza!! Since Yowza!! Download Now For Free! 6 Ways Your Restaurant Can Take Advantage of Mobile | Mobile, Inbound & Content Marketing Blog. Mobile is a huge and sometimes difficult market to reach, and in 2013 we can expect to see this market grow even larger. As a restaurant, it can be hard to find the right ways to get your name out and be relevant in the mobile market.

We thought it might be helpful to provide some great ways that your restaurant can develop a mobile presence that won’t break the bank. 1. Responsive Websites Responsive websites are a fairly new concept but they offer a great alternative to having both a desktop website and a mobile website. Instead of having to create and manage two different sites, a responsive website automatically scales your website to fit any device.

Smartphone users have an easy to use site that requires no pinching and zooming, and desktop users have the full experience that they came to your site to have. 2. You see these things all over the place now and that is for one reason, they work. 3. 4. 5. 6. Like this: Like Loading...