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Innovación y Apoyo Téc. a Docencia e Investigación » Grandes profesores en la era de la tecnología. Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is a great way of achieving your dream.

At Knowmads we start with that dream, your (business) plans follow from what you know, feedback from your network, based on how you like to do things. One of the tools we use for this is the StartUp Wheel, an organic approach towards starting a business. In today's time-crunched, attention-deficit and multitasking world, micro-learning seems to have cropped up as a possible solution to corporate learning and personal development.

However, what exactly is micro-learning remains a bit of an elusive concept with different people defining it in different ways. Should it be something that takes less than 5 minutes to consume? Can a 10-minute learning byte be defined as micro-learning? Would a commoncraft-style video be considered micro-learning? Is an infographic summarizing and presenting data and text micro-learning?

In today's time-crunched, attention-deficit and multitasking world, micro-learning seems to have cropped up as a possible solution to corporate learning and personal development.

However, what exactly is micro-learning remains a bit of an elusive concept with different people defining it in different ways. Should it be something that takes less than 5 minutes to consume? Can a 10-minute learning byte be defined as micro-learning? Would a commoncraft-style video be considered micro-learning? Edtechpost - PLE Diagrams.