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The world's largest professional association for the advancement of technology. Electrical engineering, electronic engineering times, ee times, news, analysis, electronic design, products, education, learning ,eet,part search,tech papers, demos,fundamental courses,product search,components,part number | Electronics industry news, ele. Electronics Industry News, Jobs & Products | Electronics Weekly. Electrical Engineering News, Resources, and Community. Concise electronics for geeks. Copyright (C) 2010 by Michal Zalewski <> There are quite a few primers on electronics on the Internet; sadly, almost all of the top hits resort to gross oversimplifications (e.g., hydraulic analogies), or convenient omission, when covering subtle but incredibly important topics such as the real-world behavior of semiconductors.

There are some exceptions, to be sure - but they tend to suffer from another malady: regressions into mundane, academic rigor, complete with differential equations and complex number algebra in transient analysis - a trait that is highly unlikely to be accessible, or even useful, to hobbyists. The physics of conduction [link] As you probably recall from your school years, the dated but still useful Bohr model of the atom explains that atoms consist of a dense center (nucleus) with a variable number of protons and neutrons.

The strongly bound and heavy nuclei of stable isotopes do not undergo any structural changes under everyday circumstances. Hardware/Electronics/Hacking/DIY/Etc.