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100 Web Tools. For those unfamiliar with the term, a learning style is a way in which an individual approaches learning.

100 Web Tools

Many people understand material much better when it is presented in one format, for example a lab experiment, than when it is presented in another, like an audio presentation. Determining how you best learn and using materials that cater to this style can be a great way to make school and the entire process of acquiring new information easier and much more intuitive. Here are some great tools that you can use to <a href=">cater to your individual learning style, no matter what that is. Visual Learners. Wigflip. Typing Sites. Many teachers and pupils who use computers a lot can find they wish they could type as fast as they write.

Typing Sites

Many become very quick two-fingered typists but nonetheless wish they were able to type without having to search for the keys they wish on the keyboard. So if touch-typing is something you’d like to be able to do, or you’re looking for free tools to encourage pupils to learn, then the following resources can help make this fun while learning to touch-type. Keyboarding Ideas and Resources is a wiki which has ideas, tips and resources for teaching keyboarding in the classroom from an early age onwards. There are printable resources as well as links to on-screen tools for teaching touch-typing. Touch Typing Program. The free typing lessons supply the complete "How to type" package.

Touch Typing Program

Animated keyboard layout and the typing tutor graphic hands are used to correct mis-typing by showing the right way to type for your learning and practice experience. Lessons' difficulty gradually raises as it starts from only 2 characters and ends with the entire keyboard. When the lesson ends, you can learn a lot from the practice trends: WPM, accuracy and errors distribution.

Tips for success: Take your time. Clean.r. SMARTBoard for Schools. ICT Magic Web Tools. Autocue. Safe Search. Custom Search. Easy Cropper. Talking Photo. Simple Booklet. Have Fun Teaching. I Love Free Software. Kubbu. Avatar Genetator. KidZui. Fonts 101. Stopwatch. Egg Timer. Tick Counter. Kuku Klok.