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Inside My Hideaway. Indiejane photography | 2/196 | portrait photographer/blogger. I recently made the decision not to shoot weddings next year as we get settled into our first year of parenthood, and it got me thinking about all the things I’ve learned at weddings throughout the last several years. Primarily that they’re utterly unpredictable. ;) I’ve learned what to do to avoid most wedding hiccups, but more often than not I’ve wished I could communicate some of these things to well-meaning guests. As wedding season is sneaking up quickly, I thought I’d write out a quick list of 9 things you can do as a guest to help make our jobs a little smoother.

Keep an eye out for us. When a camera is up to our face, our peripheral vision isn’t exactly spectacular. Try to avoid standing directly behind us (especially during formals!) And know we aren’t purposefully trying to run you over. Save your skills for later. There is a time and place for photobombing. Umm, please don’t grab us. Don’t step into the aisle. Today I am a wedding photographer, not a family photographer.

P.S. Psychedelic Daisy. The Magpie Girl. ICING and WRITE. Made by julianne - adventures in making. Alchemy Tea. About « 3 Hours Past the Edge of the World. Hello! I’m Steph, an American living in Brisbane. My husband is Aussie and we have a little girl. As a child, I began sewing to supplement my imagination- you can see that’s still my primary motivation! I teach basic and intermediate dressmaking, pattern making, and I also work as a “Consulting Dressmaker” for my advanced students in Brisbane, as well as for sewists in the online sewing community. Several years ago, I cast around for resources to help me create my own personal style and build a working wardrobe.

In 2012, I built on my previous teaching, drafting and sewing retail experience to build Cake Patterns- a new kind of sewing pattern, geared towards visual learners and time-poor sewists. I’m available by email any time: StephC (at) 3hourspast (dot) com. Pinterest: StephC Like this: Like Loading... Tea Tree. I decided that I haven't really shared too much about my life lately besides the status of the move and y'all are probably totally bored with that, I'm sure. (Thanks, everyone - by the way - for your support during this whole process!

Your excitement for my move has gotten me that much more comfortable with the whole thing.) Anyway, looking back on September's posts so far, I feel like the last glimpse into my real daily life was way back at the beginning of the month, when I posted about my evening at the fair. (The fair was over Labor Day weekend.) Instagram is an obsession of mine, so I want to share with you some of the Instagrams I've captured since the fair. Enjoying beautiful weather ♥ Trying to keep my new carnival friend out of harm's way (AKA: from Calla!) Getting amazing fabric for a steal (Clearance for a .67!) Attempting to teach myself how to cross stitch ♥ Missing out on this Polaroid Land camera. Enjoying the little things in life ♥ Rock hunting Sons of Anarchy premiere! BY THE LOCK. Futurustic Blog | Modern rustic design | Page 2. In December I visited the studio of one of my favourite ceramicists, Nicola Tassie. You may recognise her work from Margaret Howell or The New Craftsmen.

Each pot is slightly different but all display a defiantly strong form and experimental use of clay and colour. I am in awe of Tassie’s experimentation with clay. In fact, every morning I drink my coffee out of one of her cups, and each day I think how incredibly beautiful it is. How did you start making ceramics?

Thank you Nicola! You might also like: Whiskey for Breakfast. Wild Olive. Do you ever start talking about something and the person you're talking to has no idea what you're saying? Maybe you started mid-thought, you used the wrong word, or some background info was needed? This happens to me, and I usually say something like, "I knew what I was talking about! " hoping to laugh through it! Well, I don't want that to happen here on the blog, so today I'm sharing a little about what surrounds me, and how that affects who I am and how I blog.

Allow me to go on for a bit. This post is gonna be wordy! (with a few pics from dessert and stitching the other night!) I live at home with my parents and younger siblings. My family home schools, which means that the house is often full, and fairly loud. Our house is a creative environment, and that's thanks largely to my parents who encourage creativity.

We are all very different people, but we all enjoy creating in one way or another. Which brings me to faith. God is what all of this (family, blog, work, joy, life!) Travel Tip #27 | Love & AdventureLove & Adventure. By: Kindra Hotel Tip #5 Compare Prices and Availability Between a Hotel’s Website and Online Travel Sites. When planning a trip, saving money before you leave is important because those savings at home translate into extra spending money while you are gone. Spending some time now searching room rates will allow you to spend more money when you are actually staying in that room. When you are searching for online reviews, Trip Advisor is a the go-to site. When you find a hotel you are interested in, the website will link you to online hotel aggregators such as,, and, but will not link to the hotel’s itself.

Know Before You Go Using a combination of Trip Advisor, hotel aggregators, guidebooks and the hotel’s website should allow you to get a pretty good idea of the value of the hotel room. Bottom Line A little bit of room research before you leave can pay off big once you are there. Related Travel Tip #24 In "Tips" Travel Tip #26 Travel Tip #23. Gussy Sews -- a blog of ruffles | sewing | inspiration | dream-catching | love. Maedchenmitherz. THE SUN WAS HIGH. Self Constructed Freak. It's that time of year again. Time for me to fangirl over fashion shows! I haven't done one of these posts in quite a while, that's mainly because nothing from the past seasons has really caught my eye or made me want to dedicate a whole post to it.

However, Meadham Kirchhoff's latest collection totally ~BLEW MY MIND~ and I felt like now would be the time to gush about it. Here are my own personal highlights from the show. Giant furry boa things+tinsel earrings+buffalo checks+glitter shoes = recipe for a killer outfit. The flouncy dotted dress and heart-shaped monster applique are the most darling things I've seen in a while! Plastic bats and sequin earrings! Glittery candy corn socks! Ugh, okay, enough rambling.

You knew I would love this, right? Sometimes I like to draw parallels between the looks on the runway and the stuff I've already got in my wardrobe. ...I glanced over at my closet and saw this: Oh yeah! Take the time to see the world. Escapism.: March 2012. The title is self explanatory- this is my 50th Blogger post, yay! But with that came Flickr saying "you have reached your upload limit" and I'm too scared to pay for a PRO account, so I'm trying Photobucket (bear with if this doesn't work please).

(Oh, it's making images appear very very big) (but since this I have removed them and gone with the blogger way so they're tiny now) This week, as you can see- for the first time in my life I've done some sewing- originally it was to try some more material work with my graphics project, but I'm really really enjoying it, and the picture of Morrissey is more for me- it took 6 hours of threading and knotting to a documentry on George Harrison, and I'm actually pretty proud of it. I now know what to do in some of my college frees now, because sitting with a needle and some cloth is as equally fun as a notepad and pen! Another thing I always carry with me at college is a book, and I've just started reading: I love my Mum, she’s brilliant.

(Posers) Bobbly Rainbow Socks. I had a pair of jeans once. They were slick and cool, Teddy boy tight with punky brass zips up the sides. Unforgivably narrow, but just a little stretchy .I became truly attached to them. And I wore them. I wore them day in, day out, hating to see them head off to the launderette and yanking them back on the second they returned. They were tatty enough to wear for gardening, but nice enough to dress down with a Ralph Lauren shirt, scuffed Beatle boots and wild dreads. I would take my teenage angst out on these jeans too, hacking holes in them with penknives and teasing at threads with pins.

Combined with endless scuffing, scraping and adventures the jeans wore out. Blue jeans are the most beautiful things since the gondola. TUTORIAL: Coffee Stirrer DIY Wall Art - Last week, I posted a preview of the simple, inexpensive wall art my mom and I created. Now I’m excited to show you how you can make a one-of-a-kind coffee stirrer masterpieces too! I’m big on projects that anyone can do. And this is one of those projects. If you can smear paint on wood and use scissors, you can make this easy art. Here’s all you need to get started: 1. Additional Supplies: 5. Okay, first things first. So, once you’ve got your palette, it’s time to paint your frames and your coffee stirrers! My mom and I did our painting as the sun was setting, which is always a questionable decision.

I was going for the reclaimed driftwood sort of look. Once your coffee stirrers are painted, it’s time to trim them to fit into the frame(s) you’ve chosen. I found the quickest way to do this is to measure one stick to be the length you need it and then use it as the guide for trimming all the others. After I finished the set of three, I realized I didn’t like the red splashes of color.

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