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Natural Makeup Companies

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly in Beauty - Mama Natural. Hey mamas! We live in a world with plenty of “green” and natural beauty products. But finding them can be tricky, as many conventional brands use “greenwashing” marketing tactics to appeal to women like us. To help us separate the good from the bad, here is a post and reference chart from the fabulous Sarita Coren, a holistic mom of five amazing children who blogs at Edible Facial. Enter Sarita Today, the choices for authentically natural beauty products are better than ever.

You can find natural bath, body, and cosmetic products that work as well as conventional, possibly even better. Plus there are luxurious formulas too, so you don’t have to give up on beautiful scents or packaging. You can find natural bath, body, and cosmetic products that work as well as conventional, possibly even better. The best part is that these products show concern for: The main issue we women face is finding the brands that are not greenwashed or pink washed. Definition of each category The Disclaimer Share. Guide to Less Toxic Products. Common Hazardous Ingredients in Personal Care Products More than 10,000 ingredients are allowed for use in personal care products -- and the average woman wears 515 of them every day, according to a 2009 British study that looked at the routines of over 2,000 women. Very little is known about the health effects of these chemicals.

More than 90% have never been tested for their effects on human health, and complete toxicity data are available for only 7% of them. Even though government agencies are aware of the health hazards of some ingredients, such as hydroquinone or phthalates, they are still allowed in personal care products. We are providing information on some of the most common hazardous ingredients, so that you can check your cosmetic labels and see if they are there. Hazardous ingredients are usually present in conventional products, but they may also be found in some “alternative” products which try to be more health conscious. Ceteareth - See Polyethylene glycol (PEG). Parabens. Ok, a very controversial subject gals. Parabens in makeup, I know you all have heard about it before. Many don't know exactly what is it or what it's doing in makeup.

In a nutshell Parabens are used as a preservative in cosmetics and food. It's been said they are the cause of breast cancer/tumors and other skin illnesses (has not been a confirmed fact). You know, just to talk about this subject is very difficult as both sides of the subject prove good points (information on parabens is at the very bottom).... Here's what we been told. As a blogger and being unsure of the longterm effects of the use of parabens, I have to be neutral on the subject! So, take the information that I provide for what it's worth......What are your thoughts?

A list of items in my makeup box (and products that I happen to like alot!) Items I found at home with very few parabens, happy about these! Video list: MsFililocalola - Parabens TheSublimeAgent - Parabens...Cancer on your face and in your food! The Paraben Free Princess. If So Many Basic Grooming Products Are Filled With Toxins, What *Can* We Use? I made the decision about four years ago to clean up my grooming routine. I’ve had severe allergies and asthma my whole life. Being a makeup artist on set, I quickly realized the effects that the cosmetic powders, sprays, and fragrances had on me.

My allergist also warned me that if I was going down this path, I’d better take care. I read several books on how to live a healthier life and I became aware of the risks associated with many ingredients in my makeup. I learned that cosmetic companies are not regulated by the FDA, so I studied up on healthier alternatives. So how do I approach my personal care routine? The most important tool you can possess is knowledge of your ingredients! You can find the no-no list of ingredients here and here. Stay away from the majority of drug store products. Many mainstream cosmetics are filled with petrochemicals and synthetic fragrances.

It's estimated that 60 percent of what you put on your body gets into it and then stores itself in your tissues. 2.