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Portfolio - Brooks Shane Salzwedel. Fibonacci in Nature. The Fibonacci Sequence in Nature The fibonacci spiral appears not only in the perfect nautilus shell, (image) but in events and objects viewed from a far.

Fibonacci in Nature

An energy system in the shape of a fibonacci moves with limited losses. Hurricane Irene. The fibonacci as some of the largest structures in the universe. Sell your art, buying art online, All artwork Search at artFido. Incredible and Unique Drawings by Brooks Salzwedel. All of Brooks Salzwedel’s drawings are hand drawn graphite on Duralar cast in layers of resin.

Incredible and Unique Drawings by Brooks Salzwedel

Color in the pieces are made by layers of transparent tape. Her style is very unique and beautiful. Trees 2008-2009 by SethFitts on deviantART. Ceramic Sculptures by Karen Millar. I discovered these beautiful ceramic pieces by Karen Millar and thought it was well worth sharing.

Ceramic Sculptures by Karen Millar

I love the organic subjects and the simplicity in which they are executed. This is an extract from her artist's statement: "I make work that explores polarity – the relationship between growth and decay, loss and hope, soft and hard, vulnerable and defensive, light and dark, interior and exterior. Organic forms inspire me and are often central to my work. -- .. --- -.- . Tree Sculptures Created with Layers of Painted Glass.