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Pound Cakes

Standard Cakes. Candy Cakes. Fruity Cakes. Carrot cake with maple-cream cheese frosting. After months and months and months of the kind studying, stressing and panicked all-nighters I only vaguely remember from college in part because I am very, very old and in part because, no, I did not graduate with a 4.0, my friend Alice finally took her very big exam this past weekend. In an effort to compensate for the dozens of parties and outings and merriment she’s missed since the summer, her fiance had a surprise party (and a clean loft, swoon) waiting for her when she got home. Me? I made cupcakes, carrot cupcakes to be specific because carrot cake is Alice’s favorite. But do you know what I have come to realize about people who say their favorite cake is carrot cake?

Nevertheless, I actually have a killer recipe for carrot cake and hadn’t used it in years, which means that you haven’t been privy to it yet, and that’s not fair, is it? One year ago: Pear Crisps with Vanilla Brown Butter, Chocolate Pretzel CookiesTwo years ago: Dukkah-Crusted Chicken Skewers, Pecan Squares. Pumpkin Spice Cake with Maple Frosting. Pumpkin Spice Cake with Maple Frosting Confession: I am a pumpkin addict… and nothing can satisfy the craving like Pumpkin Spice Cake with Maple Frosting. It’s unfortunate that pumpkin is strictly seasonal. If you dare bake a big pumpkin pie in the summer, people will look at you like you’re wearing undies on your head.

Pumpkin cookies on Easter? Not on your life! So that means, right now, while we have the chance, we MUST stuff ourselves with as many pumpkin dishes as possible. This Pumpkin Spice Cake with Maple Frosting is my absolute favorite pumpkin recipe for feeding the pumpkin fetish. Let me start by telling you it’s a BIG cake–three 9 inch layers with a thick layer of maple frosting for each; perfect for sharing with a large group… or not. The cake itself is incomparably moist with a good amount of spice. The Maple Frosting is the perfect complement to the Pumpkin Spice Cake, with an earthy sweetness and creamy texture.

L.O.V.E. this cake. Print Save Yield: 16+ Prep Time: 25 minutes. Almond and pistachio cake. Two posts in a week, yaaay! Its an achievement for me to be honest. What with the weather being so shitty, my pictures never come out well and I hate doing a blog post with horrid pictures. This ones not too great either, but then the recipe is definitely a keeper and since I couldn't anticipate when I'd make it again, I had to pen it down for posterity. I hadn't baked in ages (well, a month to be precise) and somehow that urge to eat a freshly baked cake right out of the oven passed along with a lot of other urges and so baking has been kept to a minimum. So when I somehow stumbled upon this recipe on the Good Food website, I decided to bake.

This is the first time I've used pistachios in baking, or rather cooking at all. Butter- 125 gms at room temperature Caster sugar- 100 gms Eggs- 2 Ground almonds- 60 gms Ground pistachio nuts- 50 gms Plain flour- 25 gms Baking powder- 1/2 tsp Beat together the butter and sugar till light and fluffy. Do the skewer test and then cool on a wire rack. Southern Comfort Whiskey Cake Recipe.


Not A One Says Fall. Caramel Banana Cake Recipes from The Kitchn. This particular cake takes those qualities over the top. In fact, it is probably the moistest cake I have ever made. Homemade caramel sauce is swirled throughout this cake, so it walks the edge between a cake and an old-fashioned English pudding, absolutely silky with banana and gooey streaks of caramel that create strata of even moister cake layered with that burnt, brown sugary richness. I served this cake to my dad at his 60th birthday party this week, knowing it was close to his favorite cake. Sliced up it generously fed all 10 of us, with plenty left to send home as sweet leftovers.

Caramel Banana Cake makes a 3-layer cake that will serve at least 12 people Caramel Sauce makes approximately 3 cups 2 cups cream1 1/2 cups sugar 1/2 cup water1/4 cup butter, cubed1/2 teaspoon salt Warm the cream in a small saucepan over low to medium heat. Stir the sugar and water together in a large, heavy, high-sided pan over high heat. Immediately pour in the cream. Banana Caramel Cake Heat oven to 325°F. Molten Lava Bourbon Cakes.

Is there a restaurant in America that doesn’t serve Molten Lava Cake as a dessert these days? It seems everywhere you turn, it’s on the menu. And for good reason! They are absolutely delicious. But they aren’t cheap. Oftentimes, you’ll be paying $7.99 for the privilege of consuming this ooey gooey masterpiece. Stop doing that! You can make 6 of them at home, in less than half an hour, for less than 1 at a restaurant. To make mine a little different and ready for a great tailgate, I added Jim Beam in with the vanilla. Makes 6 cakes 8 Tablespoons Salted Butter2 tablespoons Unsalted Butter4 ounces Semisweet Chocolate (I used Scharffen Berger 62% Baking Chips)4 ounces Bittersweet Chocolate (I used Scharffen Berger 70% Baking Chips)1/2 Cup All Purpose Flour1 2/3 cups Powdered Sugar3 large eggs plus 3 large egg yolks1 Vanilla Bean, scraped1 teaspoon Jim Beam Kentucky Bourbon Preheat oven to 425.

Melt the chocolate and butter in the microwave, 45 seconds at first, then stir. Have a great week!