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Is What You Believe About Yourself Actually True? Are You Guilty of These Prepper Mistakes? Webster defines an expert as a person “who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area” That being said, when it comes to preparedness, is anyone ever really an expert?

Are You Guilty of These Prepper Mistakes?

Let’s be realistic. Every prepper, myself included, was a novice at one time or another. Along our journey, we have consulted books, websites, blogs, and various government publications in our quest to learn abut preparedness in general and the prepper lifestyle in particular. Empty Grocery Store-Now What? What if suddenly we all have an empty grocery store in our city?

Empty Grocery Store-Now What?

When a disaster or unforeseen emergency strikes your neighborhood or city are we prepared for an empty grocery store? The shelves will be empty, or nearly empty, if the disaster is bad enough.

Freeze Dried Foods

13 Steps to Prepare for Civil Unrest. It has been over two years since I wrote about the “Perfect Storm of Civil Unrest”.

13 Steps to Prepare for Civil Unrest

Looking back, it would be easy to think that perhaps the article was a bit reactionary given current events at the time. On the other hand, not a whole lot has changed since then. These are still uneasy times. Facebook. Blog Archive How To Easily Convert a Chest Freezer to a Fridge For Solar and More! Why Would We Want a Chest Fridge?

Blog Archive How To Easily Convert a Chest Freezer to a Fridge For Solar and More!

In the months before purchasing our solar kit, we took measurements of how much power each of our appliances pulls using a Kill-O-Watt meter. After plugging our fridge into the meter for several days, we were able to determine that our upright unit was pulling about 2.25 kWh/day. Naturally Soothing your Eczema Without Giving up all the Food you Love. Welcome!

Naturally Soothing your Eczema Without Giving up all the Food you Love

If you wish you could eat more whole foods without breaking your budget, you're in the right place. Start here for my top 10 baby steps to better Kitchen Stewardship. You might also be interested in family-friendly, delicious and nutritious recipes or one of my popular eBooks to help you on your journey. Nine-year-old boys are a little oblivious to life sometimes. Everybody's talking about Ebola - Here's what you should know. Pin this so you’ll know where to find it later!

Everybody's talking about Ebola - Here's what you should know

Click here. UPDATE: Today, 9/15/14, the CDC released a warning to doctors and hospitals to get prepared for the possibility of Ebola. CDC claims they do not know of any other cases but, “…it is possible that individuals with EVD in West Africa may travel to the United States, exhibit signs and symptoms of EVD, and present to facilities.” The warning goes on to give more specific advice for identifying potential Ebola victims. The Blog: The Money View from My Vantage Point.

It's important not to decide that whatever your own economic situation, that everyone else might not be experiencing the identical circumstance.

The Blog: The Money View from My Vantage Point

I remember that in some of the most economically profitable days of the Reagan administration, my own young family had some of its most challenging financial times. I graduated from college in the early eighties, started working, and bought a small house in a rural mountainous neighborhood where many of the people with good jobs commuted to New York City.

We didn't wish to do that, and so we both took jobs closer to home that paid a fraction of the salary, but without such a commute. When our first two children were born, we were challenged by copays, medical bills, hospital bills, and ultimately the bills of a Northeastern Winter. Preparing For Winter in 2014. The word is, that this years winter in the United states is going to be brutal compared to what we have been getting the last several years.

Preparing For Winter in 2014

It is suppose to hit us a lot earlier as well. My sources say the end of September or early October. According to the newest edition of North America’s oldest continuously published periodical, a decline in solar activity combined with ocean-atmosphere patterns in the Pacific and Atlantic will result in below-normal temperatures and above-normal snowfall during most of the winter across much of the United States. Preparing For a Terrorist Attack - Keeping Your Family Safe. 10 Ways to Use Shoe Boxes to Organize Your Kitchen. Welcome!

10 Ways to Use Shoe Boxes to Organize Your Kitchen

If you wish you could eat more whole foods without breaking your budget, you're in the right place. Start here for my top 10 baby steps to better Kitchen Stewardship. You might also be interested in family-friendly, delicious and nutritious recipes or one of my popular eBooks to help you on your journey. Katie’s Note: I’m so happy to have Lisa Woodruff from Organize 365 back again this week after last week’s “paper clutter reduction” post resonated with so many readers. I trust her professional organizing tips can help you organize your kitchen supplies wherever you are in your real food journey.

365 Days of Slow Cooking. Organize the Paper Clutter in Your Kitchen. Welcome!

Organize the Paper Clutter in Your Kitchen

Cooking School Series: How to Read a Recipe. Do you realize how important health is from the inside out AND the outside in? Scratch Mommy Skincare has got you covered! Check out my 100% organic body butters, lotions, lip lotions, sunscreens, bug solutions, and more HERE. Raw Countertop Yogurt - The Easiest Homemade Yogurt Ever. My quest for the easiest homemade yogurt is finally over. For a time, my favorite was this hybrid: half raw, half pasteurized yogurt made with milk and cream in a yogurt maker that yielded a consistently thicker yogurt than straight raw yogurt. But then along came Viili, a mesophillic starter culture that simplified my yogurt making for good. With a mesophillic or room temperature starter culture, you don’t need to figure out how to keep your milk warm while it’s culturing. You simply let it sit on the countertop in a warm kitchen until the yogurt has set.

The consistency still isn’t super thick like store-bought yogurts, but it’s super easy to hang and thicken the yogurt if you’re in the mood for Greek style or even yogurt cream cheese. Ingredients and supplies for the easiest homemade yogurt To make 1 cup starter culture and 1 quart of yogurt you will need: How to maintain yogurt starter culture using raw milk: How to make homemade raw countertop yogurt. 25+ Ways to Keep Food from Spoiling - Survival at Home. Propane for Preppers - Part One. Having sufficient fuel for cooking and heat following an emergency is always an concern for preppers. If you are lucky, you live in a wooded area and have access to a wood burning stove as well as plenty of wood to feed the fire. Most of us, though, turn to propane as our primary source of emergency heat and cooking fuel. Alas, the only experience many folks have with propane is limited to the backyard barbecue and perhaps a Coleman lantern.

That tells me that if the stuff hit the fan, many of us would be lacking in the knowledge needed to use propane efficiently and safely. If You Just Moved Here... Living in Tornado Country. Where exactly IS “tornado country?” Most people know about Tornado Alley which includes northern Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska at its core (though the boundaries are not completely defined). Some may even know about Dixie Alley, the Southeast’s tornado corridor that encompasses much of the lower Mississippi Valley, including parts of Texas and Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and parts of both North and South Carolina.

70 Things That Go Wrong During a Disaster -Backdoor Survival. As recent as four years ago, when someone mentioned disaster preparedness, the nature and scope of the disaster was typically something caused by Mother Nature. Jewish holidays. Jewish holidays. Jewish Holidays. How To Be An Apartment Homesteader - Apartment Homesteading - Self sufficent.

Winter Storm Survival - Keeping Warm When the Power Goes Out. The 7 Worst Rookie Prepper Mistakes. A journal of life lived simply – On the land, Off-the grid, Close to the Lord. 30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself. Simple DIY Hand Sanitizer. Safe & All Natural Beauty Products You Can Make at Home. Real Food Broccoli Cheese Cornbread Recipe. Cornbread is always a great comfort food around here. Farmer Derek’s favorite version is his very own Broccoli Cheese Cornbread. Fedco Seeds - Fedco Seeds, Organic Growers Supply, Moose Tubers, Fedco Trees, & Fedco Bulbs catalog requests. Pinetree Garden Seeds & Accessories.

Pennsylvania History and Books - Berks County. Love Strawberries? Here’s How To Grow Your Own. The Snare Shop. Our Year without Groceries. 30 Pandemic Essentials. Busting the Canned Food Expiration Date MYTH. Plus Over 50 Different Soup Recipes To Get Bone Broth In Daily! Freezing Muffin Batter - Why Didn't I Think of This Sooner?! Avoiding Tunnel Vision As a Prepper. 52 Week Savings Plan: March prepping bargains to keep your savings on track.

Old Fashioned Chocolate Pudding Recipe. Transforming Ordinary Yogurt into Homemade Greek Yogurt and Whey. Eating Real Food on a Budget: Finding a Method that Works. The Color of Meat and Poultry. Scratch Mommy – Life, From Scratch How to Make Pectin from Apple Scraps - Scratch Mommy - Life, From Scratch. Mom's Monday Macaroni - The Chaos and the Clutter. Berks County.