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The Red Tape Chronicles - Belt of Venus. The Belt of Venus rises behind the Discovery Channel Telescope On June 17th, I joined Tom and Jennifer Polakis, Michael Collins and Stephen Levine at the Discovery Channel Telescope for a special visual observing project that Tom coordinated with Lowell Observatory, the DCT team and Astronomy Magazine. My role in this incredible adventure was to create quick sketches of the objects we observed. That's right—sketching with a 4.27 meter telescope! Dream. Come. True. ...Matches pretty well with the title of Tom's article in Astronomy Magazine, "A Dream Night with the Discovery Channel Telescope". The Discovery Channel Telescope is located at the top of an old cinder cone about 40 miles southeast of Flagstaff, near Happy Jack. When I drove up to the gate just before sunset that evening, everyone else had arrived and they were busy shooting photos, exploring the grounds, and circulating in awe inside the facility.

The 4.27 meter primary mirror and active optics infrastructure Messier 13. Scott McCloud | Journal. James Prosek. Episodes. The Talent Code. Alex Bellos.