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Killing Kennedy: reflections on interactive doc. 1 Sessionon TEDLUISSTV. Transmedia Archives - Life in a City Full of Errors. Big cities have serious errors that affect our quality of life. City of Errors is a cross-media platform that offers inspiration, motivation and creative tools to become part of the solutions rather than the problems of your city.

We are currently working on our pilot for the city of Athens and will soon be ready to adjust the City of Errors platform for any city. Maybe even your city. The first component of the platform is a web-series called “Life in a City Full of Errors”. It’s composed of 10 short documentaries, each focusing on an error of the city through the eyes of a person who actively fights to correct or at least react to it. Enjoy! ERROR #1 [Lack of Solidarity] ERROR #2 [Insensitivity] ERROR #3 [Indifference] ERROR #4 [Rudeness] ERROR #5 [Isolation] ERROR #6 [Stress] ERROR #7 [Disregard for art] ERROR #8 [Loss of humor] ERROR #9 [Coming Soon] And this is where The Game begins… Interactive, transmedia etc. (...) / Corona Extra, Pole of Inaccessibility (Interactive Documentary) Transmedia projects.

Lazarus Mirages.