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How to get bloggers to review your book: A very thorough answer to an important question. Posted on Nov 9, 2011 | 45 comments This blog post has been a long time coming.

How to get bloggers to review your book: A very thorough answer to an important question

It’s one that many of our readers have requested, and today, I’m proud to deliver it. My first novel released in late October, and I’m currently running a blog tour for it through Novel Publicity. This tour has over 200 bloggers, reviewing Farsighted , interviewing me, and featuring guest posts by yours truly ( seriously, you can check the schedule out here ).

As far as blog tours go, it’s huge—in fact, I’ve never seen any bigger. Allow me to clear-up a pretty big misconception before going any further. Illusions and aesthetics. Here’s a new item for our category of soap bubble pictures.

illusions and aesthetics

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Researchers have demonstrated a simple, one-step process in which genetically engineered viruses arrange themselves into extremely ordered patterns with distinctive properties, such as color or strength.

New Technique Turns Viruses Into Useful Tools

The technique could be used to make novel optical devices or biological scaffolds to grow soft tissue, teeth, and bone. The researchers, led by Seung-Wuk Lee, a bioengineering professor at the University of California, Berkeley, used the technique to make structured films. “We want to mimic nature and create many different types of functional structures with a very simple building block,” Lee says. This work is part of a broader effort to make new types of materials using viruses as microscopic building blocks. New Software System for Realistically Adding Objects Into Photos. Citizen Scientist 2.0. What does the future of science look like?

Citizen Scientist 2.0

About a year ago, I was asked this same question. My response was: Transdisciplinary collaboration. Researchers from a variety of domains—biology, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, economics, law—all coming together, using inputs from each specialized area to generate the best comprehensive solutions to society's more persistent problems. Physicists unveil a theory for a new kind of superconductivity.

( -- In this 100th anniversary year of the discovery of superconductivity, physicists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology have published a fully self-consistent theory of the new kind of superconducting behavior, Type 1.5, this month in the journal Physical Review B.

Physicists unveil a theory for a new kind of superconductivity

In three recent papers, the authors report on their detailed investigations to show that a Type 1.5 superconducting state is indeed possible in a class of materials called multiband superconductors. The Great American Bubble Machine. The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere.

The Great American Bubble Machine

The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money. In fact, the history of the recent financial crisis, which doubles as a history of the rapid decline and fall of the suddenly swindled dry American empire, reads like a Who's Who of Goldman Sachs graduates. Invasion of the Home Snatchers By now, most of us know the major players.

As George Bush's last Treasury secretary, former Goldman CEO Henry Paulson was the architect of the bailout, a suspiciously self-serving plan to funnel trillions of Your Dollars to a handful of his old friends on Wall Street. Electronic Circuits Rewire Themselves on Demand, Depending On What They're Needed For. Static Circuitry Northwestern researchers are developing circuit technology that can rewire itself on demand. johnmuk via Flickr Northwestern University researchers--the same ones that brought us self-erasing documents a couple of years ago--are envisioning a day when computers and other gadgets can rewire themselves automatically to better suit the user’s needs at a given moment. - Discover Yourself! Codecademy Lands $2.5 Million From Investors. The Benjamin Franklin Effect. The Misconception: You do nice things for the people you like and bad things to the people you hate.

The Benjamin Franklin Effect

The Truth: You grow to like people for whom you do nice things and hate people you harm. Benjamin Franklin knew how to deal with haters. Claytronics. Top 10 Ways to Access Blocked Stuff on The Web. Chime.In: The Social Network That Pays You To Post. While Facebook has earned billions of dollars selling ads next to the content uploaded by their 800 million members, users haven't seen a dime from their posts. It's an arrangement that extends across many of the web's largest social networking sites -- and one serial entrepreneur Bill Gross plans to change.

Gross, the CEO of UberMedia, which owns several popular social networking apps, is launching a new social media site on Tuesday,, that will effectively pay its users to contribute. Share with and will share with you. The site, which allows individuals to post photos, links, videos and text in two thousand character "chimes," will give users 50 percent of the revenue it earns from selling advertising on their profile pages. Individuals or brands that sell that real estate themselves can keep all of the proceeds from the ads. Nassim haramein. (1) Gabriel Vasile - Google+ - BEST TIME TO POST ON GOOGLE PLUS Indeed, as mediatapper… - Get your CircleRank and see the most popular people at Google+ Guardian of the Hole: where robotics meet sculptured beauty.

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