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Themes. Hosting. Software. Waar koop je de beste WordPress themes in 2012? Over malware en gehackte sites - Webmasterhulpprogramma's Help. Wat is malware?

Over malware en gehackte sites - Webmasterhulpprogramma's Help

- Meer informatie... Hoe weet ik of mijn site is geïnfecteerd? - Meer informatie... Volgende stappen - Meer informatie... Wat is malware? Wanneer uw site is geïnfecteerd, gebeurt dit meestal omdat een hacker via een zwakke plek het beheer over uw site heeft kunnen overnemen. Onder de term 'malware' vallen alle soorten schadelijke software die zijn bedoeld om een computer of netwerk te beschadigen. Nadat uw zoekopdracht in de zoekresultaten is gemarkeerd, kan het in zeldzame gevallen maximaal een dag duren voordat malwarewaarschuwingen (en links naar het formulier voor het aanvragen van een malwarecontrole) in Webmasterhulpprogramma's van Google worden weergegeven.

Belangrijke wordpress plugins

WordPress MarketPress Plugin. To Get Started: Start by reading the Installing Plugins section in our comprehensive WordPress and WordPress Multisite Manual if you are new to WordPress.

WordPress MarketPress Plugin

To Install: Download the plugin file.Unzip the file into a folder on your hard drive.Upload the /marketpress/ folder and all its contents to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder on your site.Login to your admin panel for WordPress or Multisite and activate the plugin:On regular WordPress installs – visit Plugins and Activate the plugin.For WordPress Multisite installs – Activate it site-by-site in Plugins in the site admin dashboard (say if you wanted to make it a Pro Sites premium plugin), or visit Network Admin » Plugins and Network Activate the plugin. This plugin can also work from the /mu-plugins/ folder by uploading marketpress.php and /marketpress-includes/ there directly. Please note: Introduction. Modern Blogger Theme by Lindsey Riel. A Fullscreen Responsive Portfolio Theme. How To Skin Your First Theme Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

A Fullscreen Responsive Portfolio Theme

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text. An Ultra Interactive Portfolio Theme. Traveling Swede. So, my travel plan is basically to follow the weather, stay 1-3 months at a few places and make shorter stops in between.

Traveling Swede

I don’t know how long a will be traveling, but definitely more than one year and probably less than three. I try not to plan to much, but always seem to have a pretty good idea of where I am going six months ahead anyway. Marked in blue are places I have visited, pink marks planned stops. Loading... Map Data Map data ©2012 MapLink, Tele Atlas Destination Arrival Stockholm, Sweden Göteborg, Sweden June 1, 2010 Rome, Italy June 10, 2010. Email Blacklist Check - See if your server is blacklisted. Home – with grid showcase. Theme: Adventure-WordPress. 90+ Excellent Wordpress Portfolio Themes. An online portfolio website is an excellent way for business owners and freelancers to get their work, skills and client cases in front of potential customers.

90+ Excellent Wordpress Portfolio Themes

The word portfolio simply means a bag for carrying loose papers, however, it has many meanings depending on how it is used. In relation to web pages, a portfolio design is typically defined by a popular and often used grid style layout of images of same size. Clicking on a portfolio item often takes visitors to a special page designed to present a client case, a project or a product. For website owners portfolio page templates therefore can be used to present business critical content in a great looking fashion and in a way that is easy for the users to navigate.

Portfolio website typically also include special designs for contact pages, team member presentation and so on. eList Theme Preview. Vertalen. Mindstream Theme — Mobile Responsive Tumblelog. The Best Premium WordPress Themes. StudioPress Themes for WordPress Genesis itself is a very plain theme.

The Best Premium WordPress Themes

It contains all the functions and pages necessary, but there is very little customization in terms of colors, fonts, and header. Think of it like a blank canvas on which you can begin to paint. And in WordPress, you do your painting with a child theme. Studiopress offers a wide variety of child themes to work with. The advantages of using the Genesis framework include price, support, and availability of information, and the disadvantages are very few. PixelPower - Responsive HTML5/CSS3 WordPress Theme Preview. Best WordPress Themes of 2012 (UPDATED)

Best WordPress Themes 2014 Looking for the absolute BEST WordPress Theme of 2014?

Best WordPress Themes of 2012 (UPDATED)

Get The X Theme (30+ Demos). Have you seen the new ULTIMATE WordPress Theme? Watch this 4-minute video, then head on over to ThemeForest and buy it today! Click Here to Purchase! UPDATED July 12, 2014: 2014 is sure to be another great year for WordPress Theme development. With tens of millions of websites powered by WordPress, programmers are constantly innovating their themes to keep pace with the development cycles of WordPress. To help you navigate the world of WordPress Themes, we are pleased to present you with the our 6th annual Best WordPress Themes – this time for 2014. Instead of creating a huge list of random themes, our 2014 Themes will be broken down by category. For your convenience, we’ve broken down the themes on this page by categories including: Responsive, Portfolio, Magazine, Business, eCommerce, BuddyPress, Frameworks, HTML5, Real Estate, Free, and Premium.

Hét platform voor online software en tools. Getting Started - Google Maps JavaScript API v3. Audience This documentation is designed for people familiar with JavaScript programming and object-oriented programming concepts.

Getting Started - Google Maps JavaScript API v3

You should also be familiar with Google Maps from a user's point of view. There are many JavaScript tutorials available on the Web. This conceptual documentation is designed to let you quickly start exploring and developing applications with the Google Maps API. We also publish the Google Maps API Reference. Obtaining an API Key All Maps API applications* should load the Maps API using an API key. . * Google Maps API for Business developers must not include a key in their requests. To create your API key: Visit the APIs Console at and log in with your Google Account. By default, a key can be used on any site. Hello, World. Blog