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5 películas sobre científicos famosos. Flickr / happy-batatinha Desde que el cine se convirtió en una de las principales ramas del entretenimiento y en una de las más grandes industrias a nivel mundial, ha sido su intención dejar retratados en la pantalla historias y personajes, que luego sean recordados y admirados por su carácter único, irrepetible y por su ejemplo de vida.

5 películas sobre científicos famosos

Como sabemos, muchas veces la realidad supera la ficción, por lo que personas e historias que existieron realmente pueden llegar a ser un interesante punto de partida para una producción cinematográfica, y ciertamente, el ámbito científico es una de las ramas del desempeño humano en la que se pueden encontrar muchas historias inspiradoras. Por ese motivo grandes científicos han tenido su historia plasmada en el cine y hoy queremos mencionar 5 películas basadas en la vida de científicos.

La Vida de Galileo (1975) Flickr / 22280677@N07 Una Mente Brillante (2001) Flickr / jdxyw Copenhague (2002) Flickr / flat-earth Einstein y Eddington (2008) Flickr / mansionwb. Not a Quirk But a Quark ... a Quark Star! Astronomers recently announced that they have found a novel explanation for a rare type of super-luminous stellar explosion that may have produced a new type of object known as a quark star.

Not a Quirk But a Quark ... a Quark Star!

Three exceptionally luminous supernovae explosions have been observed in recent years. One of them was first observed using a robotic telescope at the California Institute of Technology's (Caltech) Palomar Observatory. Data collected with Palomar's Samuel Oschin Telescope was transmitted from the remote mountain site in southern California to astronomers via the High-Performance Wireless Research and Education Network (HPWREN), funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The Nearby Supernova Factory research group at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory reported the co-discovery of the supernova, known as SN2005gj. Researchers in Canada have analyzed this, along with two other supernovae, and believe that they each may be the signature of the explosive conversion of a neutron star into a quark star.

Possible new class of supernovae puts calcium in your bones. In the past decade, robotic telescopes have turned astronomers' attention to scads of strange exploding stars, one-offs that may or may not point to new and unusual physics.

Possible new class of supernovae puts calcium in your bones

But supernova (SN) 2005E, discovered five years ago by the University of California, Berkeley's Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope (KAIT), is one of eight known "calcium-rich supernovae" that seem to stand out as horses of a different color. "With the sheer numbers of supernovae we're detecting, we're discovering weird ones that may represent different physical mechanisms compared with the two well-known types, or may just be variations on the standard themes," said Alex Filippenko, KAIT director and UC Berkeley professor of astronomy. "But SN 2005E was a different kind of 'bang.' It and the other calcium-rich supernovae may be a true suborder, not just one of a kind. " "It's a confusing, muddy situation now," said Filippenko. Astronomers have so far found only one example of this beast, however.

El Universo Elegante - La Teoria de Cuerdas - 01 - El sueño de Einstein. Our Universe. NASA - Home. Stellarium.