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Organize Clothes

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Clothing photography tips - how to take pictures of clothing. Taking good quality pictures of clothing can be tricky.

Clothing photography tips - how to take pictures of clothing

The battle to eliminate or control harsh shadows can seem endless, and soft, even lighting can be a real problem. Figuring out how best to display the clothing so it appears appealing to shoppers is also a challenge. Here are a variety of tips to display your clothing for great results ranging from the most basic folded display to the most professional fashion model. There are some simple techniques which even amateur photographers can use to obtain excellent results with minimal effort.

The following examples show several basic setups as well as a more elaborate fashion model set-up that should allow photographers at all levels to achieve results they can be proud of. The easiest technique to learn and have success with, is shooting clothing flat. The folded technique has some basic limitations worth considering. Full body shots of live models or mannequins requires large lights.

Taking Great Photos Of Your Clothes. Share With The World In order for your friends (and people all over the world) to try on your clothes you gotta take great photos . It's really easy and we've even included simple photo editing tools in your ClosetMix account to help you rotate, resize and crop the photos of your clothes after you shoot them. Here's What You Need The Rules In order to make sure everyone has a good time on you must follow these rules when taking photos:

Wardrobe Tools: Clothing Inventory and Wardrobe Outfit Management Software for Wardrobe Mistresses and Masters. Photo inventory to control wardrobe! Photo inventory to control wardrobe!

Photo inventory to control wardrobe!

Oh yes, I use StylishGirl app on my iphone. [video] for me it is not for purposes of shopping, rather, to keep me rotating my small wardrobe so I have enough variety and don’t wear the same clothes on the same day as the week before (I see the same people Monday, then other classes on Tuesday, etc.) Sometimes I wake up with no idea what to wear, so after I check the weather forecast from my phone, (in bed, with my restorative morning coffee)I scroll through the contents of my wardrobe on my phone, then decide. I take a photo and enter the data (size, price, brand, retailer, fabric blend, colour) whenever I buy a new piece of clothing, and then when I toss one I delete the photo. It’s also useful for planning trips.

As I’m no fashionista, this makes being appropriately coordinated and sufficiently stylish for work much easier (just the initial set up then the one-in, one-out discipline) Closet Nirvana: complete wardrobe inventory and organization pics! Anyone wanna peek in my closet?

Closet Nirvana: complete wardrobe inventory and organization pics!

I joined YLF in July (after I started wardrobe shopping for the first time in 5 years since having kids) and now that six months have passed, I think I am finally done! As in my wardrobe is pretty complete and organized now. I did a major purge a few months ago and organized my closet by type and color. And now I have done some additional re-organizing of some shelves & bought some accessory organizers at Container Store so now it's super organized.

But my closet is getting rather full now. Here is an inventory of what I have and some pics of my closet. I have half a walk-in closet, plus a five-drawer dresser. Creative Organizing. Where we live, the temperatures this week are definitely starting to feel like spring!

Creative Organizing

And with the changes in weather come the changes in clothing needs. Keep Your Closet Full of Clothes that Match to Save Money, Time. "Ellie said, "Isn't it a little warm for black?

Keep Your Closet Full of Clothes that Match to Save Money, Time

" You're extremely pretty, Dr. Sattler," he said. "I could look at your legs all day. But no, as a matter of fact, black is an excellent color for heat. If you remember your black-body radiation, black is actually best in heat. Ellie was staring at him, her mouth open. » Do You Have Rules for Purging Clothing? One Frugal Girl. February 28, 2012 at 8:05 AM I have those clothes.

» Do You Have Rules for Purging Clothing? One Frugal Girl

You know the ones. They sit in the back of the closet and never get worn. Ask and Answer Questions About Managing Your Wardrobe. How Do I Get Rid of Clothes Clutter? 10 Great Clothing Tricks in 60 Seconds. Another several tips, all regarding shoes: Try to alternate between 2 pairs of shoes instead of wearing the same pair daily.

10 Great Clothing Tricks in 60 Seconds

This will increase their lifespan, NOT counting the double lifespan due to only wearing them half as often, due to allowing them to FULLY dry between wearings. Use shoe trees for dress shoes. The most important function of shoe trees is to absorb moisture - if it isn't UNvarnished wood (cedar is the best), it's worthless. Discover your style to keep clutter out of your closet. How to Speed Up Laundry, the World's Most Boring Chore. Does everybody separate their whites and colours?

How to Speed Up Laundry, the World's Most Boring Chore

We wash everything together (two people, once a week at the laundromat, larger machine if doing sheets, etc) in cold water. My clothes are clean. My whites are still white. "Tough" material and clothes we don't care about much, like t-shirts, underpants, socks, towels, go in the dryer after the wash. Everything else (tech material, jeans, other 'nice' materials and more expensive clothes) go home to hang dry.

Tip: always stick your head inside the machine or give the drum a quick roll around to make sure nothing's stuck on the inside after you're done. Pro-tip: on windy days, throw the largest item of clothing over the laundry basket and tuck the corners in to make sure things don't fly away while you're walking down the street to the 'mat.