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Intelligent bacteria transmediale. Beer, Alcohol & Liquor Luxury Tax. The luxury tax on alcohol to be abolished, while consumers are not expected to benefit. Bottles and Mugs! Serious fans of beer were buoyed by Metro TV news as the Hindu holiday Nyepi drew to a close, for it was announced that the hefty tax on alcohol was to be scrapped. But we'd scarcely cracked a celebratory bottle when a new report on the 16th brought us back down to earth with a bang - as usual, the customers are to get the shoddy end of the stick! ' Industry players and analysts on Tuesday welcomed the government’s decision to scrap a luxury tax on alcoholic beverages from April 1, but they doubted it would bring down the sales price.

Well, let's see. That would be pleasant indeed, if injurious to the health of certain folks, but I'd happily settle for a fair deal at Rp.50,000. Hoped that once the luxury tax was removed, the price of drinks at bars and restaurants would fall... But her high hopes were instantly dashed when What? Patience, Drinkers, no doubt all will be revealed. GAIN Publications/NEW REGULATION ON ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES EXCISE TAX _Jakarta_Indonesia_4-14. House of Natural fiber | Yogyakarta new media art laboratory. Free Fermentology Foundation - Free Fermentology Foundation. Where's Eliot Ness when you need him? Robert Hefner » Anthropology. Robert Hefner see fieldwork photos Professor Office: 232 Bay State Road, #410 Office Phone: 617-353-2194 E-mail: Fall Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00 – 3:00; and by appointment (Office hours are at Dr.

Hefner’s office at CURA, 10 Lenox Street) Robert W. Hefner has conducted research on Muslim culture, politics, and education since the mid-1980s, and on the comparative sociology/anthropology of world religions for the past thirty years. During 2009-2010, Hefner serves as the elected president of the Association for Asian Studies, the largest professional association for Asian studies in the world. View Professor Hefner’s CV Courses AN 101 Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyAN 319/719 Anthropology of Muslim Cultures and PoliticsAN 563 Public ReligionAN 318/718 Southeast Asia: Tradition and DevelopmentAN 704 Proseminar: Contemporary Anthropological Theory Education PhD University of Michigan MA University of Michigan BA University of Michigan. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, Volume 31, Number 5. Documents/124963587/Actes_euroviti_2010.PDF. Dance, Biology & New Media. A Discussion "Relation between Dance, Biology & New Media" with : Thierry Giannarelli (France), Prof.Irfan D.

Pridjambada (Indonesia) and HONF (Indonesia) Presented by HONF and Culturel Centre Français de Yogyakarta/LIP Jogja Saturday, 10th October 2009 - 04.00pm at HONF lab Jl. Thierry Giannarelli is the choreographer of the "Compagnie l'Imparfait". Prof. HONF - the house of natural fiber | yogyakarta new media art laboratory Started as a young community, with various backgrounds and ideals. Recorded video stream. Enseignements de Narjys El Alaoui, chargée de recherche au MUCEM, en 2008-2009. Enseignement 2009-2010 — L'Asie du Sud-Est : approches pluridisciplinaires.

Ce séminaire pluridisciplinaire examinera les processus à l’œuvre dans la constitution d’une aire culturelle qui, par-delà sa diversité, tente de s’élaborer comme une communauté politique. On étudiera les questions identitaires et religieuses dans leur profondeur historique, ainsi que l’articulation des sociétés et des cultures locales à un espace sud-est asiatique et global. Les chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs du CASE seront associés à ce séminaire. 12 novembre 2009 : séance inaugurale, présentée par Andrée Feillard, Les intellectuels musulmans indonésiens après une décennie de démocratie : du néo-modernisme à l’émergence du post-traditionalisme. 19 novembre : Anne Yvonne Guillou (chargée de recherche au CNRS), Le traitement des charniers khmers rouges dans la province de Pursat (Cambodge).

Ce qu’il nous apprend sur l'univers religieux khmer. 17 décembre : Aone van Engelenhoven (Université de Leyde), Secret Memories and the Rite of Language (Lautem, East Timor). Yakita. Bruno Philip. Irfan D. Prijambada. Open Lab at FKY XXII 2010. HONF participate on Festival Kesenian Yogyakarta XXII 2010 (FKY XXII 2010), as this year, the theme is "Art_Community" exhibition, HONF presenting one work taken from cellsKIT program, named "Fruit Wine Fermentation" as the main installation to exhibit. The "Art_Community" exhibition is one of the sub program on FKY XXII 2010, take venue on Vredeburg Fort, Yogyakarta.

The Fruit Wine fermentation has been developed past 2 month at HONF lab, collaborate with microbiology laboratorium, Gadjah Mada University. The installation is well mixed between art, science and technology, which involved some experties both from HONF and microbiology laboratorium. The 'alcohol issue' is lifted to the surface to bring a slight education to people to know the characteristics of local fruit to be fermentated, the process of fermentations, and also the important of gain knowledge to be awared the differentiation between ethanol and methanol.

Indonesia. Les coordonnées de l’Ambassade - Ambassade de France en Indonésie - Kedutaan Besar Perancis di Indonesia - French Embassy In Indonesia. Death toll from alcohol poisoning reaches 16. The death toll from alcohol poisoning rose to 16 as of Thursday afternoon, after three more people died at Sanglah General Hospital. Separate tests conducted by the hospital and the police have confirmed the deadly liquor contained methanol. Head of the hospital's forensic unit, I.B. Putu Alit, said his team had carried out an autopsy on one of the victims, identified only as a 30-year-old woman. "We found methanol in her bloodstream, and the substance had damaged her internal organs," he said. The physician found no signs of violence on the body, only a minor wound in the mouth, likely to have been caused by a seizure. "The lungs and kidneys suffered the worst damage," Alit added.

He urged the public to refrain from consuming suspicious-looking beverages, including those without official labels and registration numbers from the food and drug authority. "Even a tiny amount of methanol is highly dangerous for human consumption," he warned. En Indonésie, la loi sur le blasphème donne prétexte à des violences contre des églises et une secte musulmane. Le Monde | • Mis à jour le | Par Bruno Philip L'Indonésie, le plus grand pays musulman de la planète, a été, mardi 8 février, le théâtre de violences religieuses visant des chrétiens et des membres de la secte musulmane des ahmadis. Dans le centre de l'île de Java, la violence intégriste s'est tout d'abord déchaînée, selon les autorités, contre trois églises chrétiennes. La colère de la foule, encouragée par des agitateurs islamistes, dénonçait le verdict jugé trop "modéré" prononcé par la cour de Temanggung à l'encontre d'un chrétien accusé de blasphème. Antonius Banwengan, 58 ans, avait été arrêté l'année dernière pour avoir distribué un livre et des brochures chrétiens dans lesquels il tournait en ridicule des symboles parmi les plus sacrés de l'islam.

Selon le quotidien anglophone Jakarta globe, le livre en question décrivait la Kaaba, le saint des saints de la religion musulmane, à La Mecque, comme représentant "l'organe génital féminin". Three Men Dead After Drinking Toxic Home Brews. Three men died and six others were in critical condition after drinking their own concoctions made of various alcohol mixed with ethanol in Madiun, East Java, the state-run Antara news agency reported on Tuesday. Two of the victims died on Monday evening while a third man died the following morning. Six other men who participated in the drinking binge have been treated at the intensive care unit of a private hospital in Madiun, Antara reported. Ferry, a staff of the Santa Clara hospital, said that two other men were also admitted to the hospital but were later released. Antara reported that the hospital’s tests on the victims’ blood samples indicated showed ethanol intoxication. “Temporary results from initial examinations showed that the victims were intoxicated with ethanol mixed in the alcohol they consumed,” Francisca, the hospital spokesperson, said.

Madiun city police chief, Setija Junianta , said that police were still investigating the case. Arak Jowo . Méthanol. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le méthanol est naturellement produit par le métabolisme d'organismes anaérobies de nombreuses variétés de bactéries, ce qui explique une petite fraction de vapeur de méthanol présente dans l'atmosphère. En quelques jours, ce méthanol atmosphérique est oxydé par l'oxygène de l’air avec l’action favorisante de la lumière du soleil pour former du dioxyde de carbone et de l'eau.

Le méthanol brûle dans l'air en formant du dioxyde de carbone et de l'eau : 2 CH3OH + 3 O2 → 2 CO2 + 4 H2O. Sa flamme presque incolore et invisible est source de risque de brûlure. Pour ses propriétés toxiques, le méthanol est fréquemment utilisé comme additif dénaturant pour l'éthanol fabriqué à usage industriel, cet ajout d'un poison permet aux industriels de l'éthanol d’économiser le versement des énormes taxes sur les alcools qui sont perçues sur toutes les boissons alcoolisées.

Il est dit "alcool de bois", car autrefois sous-produit de la distillation du bois. Éthanol. Arak (drink) Arak, or araq (Arabic: عرق‎), is an Levantine alcoholic spirit (~40–63% Alc. Vol./~80–126 proof) from the anis drinks family. It is a clear, colorless, unsweetened anise-flavored distilled alcoholic drink (also labeled as an Apéritif). Arak is the traditional alcoholic beverage in Lebanon, Iraq,[1][2] Syria,[1][2] Jordan,[2] Palestine, Israel.[2] Turkey and Iran.

Arak with water and ice Arak is usually mixed in approximately 1/3 arak and 2/3 water in a traditional Levantine water vessel called barik, Arabic barīq ﺑﺮﻳﻖ; then the mixture is poured in small, ice-filled cups, as in the picture. If ice is added after pouring in the cup, it results in the formation of an aesthetically unpleasant layer on the surface of the drink, because the ice causes the oils to solidify out in the arak.

Distillation begins with the vineyards, and quality grapevines are the key to making good arak.[4] The vines should be very mature and usually of a golden color. Aniseed "Arak Rayan" from Syria. Stall - English-French Dictionary WordReference. Home Distillation of Alcohol (Homemade Alcohol to Drink) Home Distillation of Alcohol (Homemade Alcohol to Drink) The concept of distillation is really quite simple. Mike Nixon has compiled an excellent pdf "Distillation - How it Works" explaining all this a lot clearer than what i have below. Right down to plate theory for heat exchangers, without making it complicated.

Either e-mail Mike for it, or download it from me here (95 Kb, 16 Nov 99). A more detailed explanation is in his new book "The Compleat Distiller" at Another explaination, geared towards distilling ethanol from agricultural products,is Purdue University's note "Alcohol distillation : basic principles, equipment, performance relationships, and safety". The University of Akron has a slide show covering the basics too. When you have a mixture of liquids, each with its own boiling point when pure, then the boiling point of the mix will lie somewhere in the middle, and this will depend on the relative concentrations of each liquid. Home-made brew laced with methanol kills 89 in Uganda. Ugandan health officers have confirmed that 89 people from Kabale and Kamwenge districts in southwest Uganda have died after drinking a home-brewed brew laced with methanol - and a further 100 have been hospitalised, including a two-year-old child.

A large number of Ugandans, with little disposable income, resort to drink cheap, home-made alcoholic brews which often contain dangerous chemicals. In this instance local brewers had made waragi - a gin made from bananas - and added large amounts of methanol to increase the potency of the drink. The deaths started a few weeks ago, but because families failed to admit that the patients became ill after consuming the alcohol, the cause of the deaths took some while to trace. "Our response was hampered initially members refused to tell us that these people had consumed methanol-laced alcohol," Patrick Tusiime, a health officer in Kabale district near the border with Rwanda, told Reuters. Read more... Is it safe to drink lab ethanol? [Archive] - Physics Forums.

Homemade alcohol. Fermentation. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. fermentation industrielle La formule de Louis Pasteur a été nuancée ces dernières décennies. On définit aujourd'hui la fermentation comme un système de transfert d'électrons (à visée énergétique) ne mettant pas en jeu des complexes membranaires mais uniquement des partenaires solubles (en général des acides organiques ou leurs dérivés). La fermentation se distingue de la respiration cellulaire par son faible rendement énergétique. Lors de la respiration aérobie, l'accepteur final des électrons arrachés à la molécule (réduction) et transférés aux cofacteurs H2O + H+ (ou plus rarement aux cofacteurs NADPH + H+) est en dernier lieu le dioxygène de l'air. Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] La fermentation précède la maîtrise par l'homme de ce procédé ; en effet, les fruits fermentent sans aucune intervention humaine.

Réactions chimiques[modifier | modifier le code] Fermentation éthanolique[modifier | modifier le code] Indonesia's Tax Hike on Alcohol ‘to Fuel Black Market’ Indonesia's Tax Hike on Alcohol ‘to Fuel Black Market’ | March 24, 2010 Indonesia is likely to see higher prices for alcoholic beverages and more black market trading as a result of the government’s decision to effectively replace the luxury tax on alcohol with a higher rate of excise tax, industry players said.

Just over a week after the government said it would scrap the luxury tax from April, the Finance Ministry on Tuesday released a decree that raised the excise tax on alcoholic drinks by 100 percent to 214 percent, depending on the alcohol content. Krisnadi , chairman of the Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants Association (PHRI), told the Jakarta Globe that the move would trigger more black market trading of alcoholic beverages.

“Based on my understanding, the government was cutting the luxury tax for alcoholic beverages to make the [liquor] price cheaper in the market,” he said. “If the price increases, demand and sales will no doubt be affected,” he said. ARTE Creative - your network for contemporary culture :: :: The Art of Electronic Wine Making. Slant culture. Indonesia's Drinking Problem - Indonesia alcohol consumption. Alcohol Overview, facts, information, statistics. Alcool et islam : une relation controversée.

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Asia-Pacific | Indonesia drinkers face alcohol shortage. Anggur Merah from Orang Tua [Archive] - Living In Indonesia Expat Forum. Alcohol Consumption | Indonesia. Institute for Statistics. Fruit Fermentation Video Tutorial. Indonesia_Bricolabs. The House of Natural Fiber | yogyakarta new media art laboratory. Intelligent Bacteria. Award Winners 2011. Indonésie.