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31 Mind-Blowing Examples of Brilliant Packaging Design. 31 Incredible Rooms That You'll Wish You Had. You may think interior design is easy, but creating the PERFECT room isn’t. Each of these rooms are perfect in their own way and would be difficult for just anyone to pull off. They combine the perfect locations, views, design and furniture to create a space that’s so amazing, it seems like it’s straight out of a catalog. No matter what you like, you’ll fall in love with at least one of these rooms. You could read a book… or you could look out over a valley. Binge watching Netflix just got a whole lot better. Who needs another wall when you have the ocean? I hope you like wood. This house makes a Crate & Barrel feel jealous. Now you can own a rainbow and put it on your wall. Go for a swim or take a nap – it’s your choice. The ultimate log cabin den. Why hello, beautiful night sky. We need more pillows, stat. Every dinner party should be in a room that looks like this.

There’s cozy… and then there’s THIS room. This is the ultimate nook, you can literally use it for everything. Social tinkering. PSLE 2013 Results - A Simulated Analysis | KiasuParents. Here are a few thoughts of mine on PSLE 2013 results. MOE/SEAB should be publishing the t-score distribution which would greatly help pupils to understand where they are in the cohort so they could apply the right schools. But I never found these info from MOE/SEAB web site. 1. What could be PSLE 2013 T-score distribution? If we treat the raw scores of English/Math/Science/MT as random variables, the total sum of the raw scores should be approximately normally distributed. It’s also true for the total T-score which should also be in normal distribution. To determine the total T-score (i.e. the sum of 4 subjects’ t-scores) distribution, we need know the number of pupils (43047 for 2013), the average of total T-scores (it should be 200) and the standard deviation std. Thanks to the readers who questioned me why there are so few pupils over 250 or 260?

My revised simulation results shown that std=25 is a better choice. 2. 3. T=50+10*(100-65)/15=73.3 t=50+10*(100-75)/15=66.7 Regards, Guide to the US Education System. Guide to the US Education System This guide will give you an overall view of how the school system works in the U.S. and will provide you with useful resources. As you will note by the table of contents, you can focus on one or multiple areas. Each section is a repository of relevant information where you can dig deeper into this topic. If you're a first-time visitor to this site, we suggest that you first look at the short introduction. It covers basic information and should give you a sense of other topics you might want to focus on.

Chapters 1. Press Releases - MOE to Enhance Learning of 21st Century Competencies and Strengthen Art, Music and Physical Education. 1The Ministry of Education (MOE) will implement a new framework to enhance the development of 21st century competencies in our students. This will underpin the holistic education that our schools provide to better prepare our students to thrive in a fast-changing and highly-connected world. 2As part of this effort, MOE will strengthen the quality of Physical, Art and Music education. These subjects enable students to develop physical robustness, enhance their creative and expressive capacities, as well as shape their personal, cultural and social identity. New Framework for 21st Century Competencies and Student Outcomes 3To better position our students to take advantage of opportunities in a globalised world, our students need to possess life-ready competencies like creativity, innovation, cross-cultural understanding and resilience.

Diagram 1: 21st Century Competencies and Desired Student Outcomes Desired Student Outcomes 4The desired outcomes for every student are: IrememberSG » About. Who are you and what is this about? IrememberSG is the official companion blog to the portal by the Singapore Memory Project. The nation-wide Singapore Memory Project was started in 2011 to collect, preserve and provide access to memories and stories related to Singapore. The goal of the Singapore Memory Project is to engage individuals, communities, groups or institutions who have formed memories and content about Singapore and would like to contribute them. This will build a culture of remembering which will nurture bonding and rootedness. The Singapore Memory Project is a whole-of-nation collaborative initiative led by the Ministry of Communication and Information (MCI) and facilitated by the National Library Board, in partnership with other institutions such as local and overseas libraries, heritage agencies and research institutions.

The Project is directed by a Steering Committee and managed by the Project’s Secretariat. Who are your partners? Great. 50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World. Life hacks are little ways to make our lives easier. These low-budget tips and trick can help you organize and de-clutter space; prolong and preserve your products; or teach you something (e.g., tie a full Windsor) that you simply did not know before.

Most of these came from a great post on tumblr. There is also a great subreddit ‘r/lifehacks‘ with some fantastic tips as well. 20. Separate egg yolks like a boss 40. Sources – muxedo task: 99 Life Hacks to make your life easier! If you enjoyed this post, the Sifter highly recommends: For Flea Sake | Flea Market Details - For Flea Sake. Factually. Dairy Farm – Flexi Work Scheme. Berkeley Professor Inspires. Tom Hussey's Reflection Photos Give People a Chance to Look Back on Life. How Long to Nap for the Biggest Brain Benefits. The Tiramisu Hero. Ryan's Blog. Bitbillpay™ - Digital-native bill payment. If I Could Tell My Adolescent Self What I Know Now. As I turned 22 yesterday, I’m sitting here in awe, reflecting on my life. When I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to grow up. But now that I’m growing up, I wish I wasn’t.

My life has been full of contradictions: I’ve witnessed people with nothing smile, and those with everything cry. I’ve seen myself chase the ones who ignore me, but I’ve also ignored the ones who adored me. I’ve witnessed too many ironies in my life and have gone through painful experiences. Despite learning from these mistakes, I wish I could tell my young self what I know now. And if some genius happens to create a time machine in my lifetime, these are the things that I’d say: People will come and go.

I think until recently, I’ve had difficulty accepting this fact. I’d wonder about what those people are doing now, what they’ve been up to, what made us drift, or if our dynamic could ever be the same again. Paradoxically, the memories made me sad and happy all at the same time. We Heart It Imgur Forgive. Invent. An inside look at jobs & companies. Make a word cloud. WordSift - Visualize Text. WordItOut - Generate word clouds (and make custom gifts)

Information Is Beautiful. English4u. 中世纪生活.第1集.农民_在线视频观看_土豆网视频 纪录片. B.u.t.t.e.r.c.u.p C.a.k.e.s.h.o.p. -- place where cupcakes live. Carnival & Co. Have a sweet tooth here! LOVEBLUET.