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What cultural and creative industries bring to France – study on the economic impact of the sector. The French, like all of us, love culture. We all listen to music, go to the cinema, watch television, listen to the radio, read newspapers, magazines and books, play video games, and enjoy going to shows, museums and art events. We all know that culture makes our lives richer and more enjoyable. Yet the value of the cultural and creative sector in economic terms is not as well-known. This means it can be underestimated at times.

A new study has been published in France to set the record straight. Here are the most striking facts we have spotted in the study: Cultural and creative industries employ 1.2 million people in France, which is 5% of the country’s job market. You might have seen our tweets yesterday at the Licences for Europe plenary meeting, which closed a 9-month cross-sector effort to identify solutions to bring more content online. Panorama économique: Industries culturelles et créatives en France. Check out the Panorama Carried out by EY (ex-Ernst and Young), this economic panorama presents for the first time, and on a global scale, the key facts and figures of nine cultural sectors in terms of employment and commercial value. The starting point for this study was the realisation of a paradox: despite the fact culture is at the very core of our lives – we all listen to music, go to the movies, watch television, listen to the radio, read newspapers and magazines as well as books, play video games, enjoy going to shows, museums and art events – the economic reality and weight of culture are little known and consequently underestimated.

Several organisations joined forces in order to change the perception of the cultural and creative industries and establish their role in the nation’s growth and labour market. The essential. La culture pèse plus que l'automobile et le luxe. Paris (AFP) - Musique, théâtre, cinéma, livres, télévision, radio, presse, arts et jeux vidéo: la culture et la création pèsent plus que l'automobile ou le luxe, selon une étude publiée jeudi.

Le chiffre d'affaires direct des industries culturelles et créatives (ICC) en France est de 61,4 milliards d'euros contre 60,4 milliards pour l'automobile et 52,5 pour le luxe, selon l'étude réalisée par le cabinet EY (ex Ernst&Young) qui se base sur des données 2011. Les ICC emploient 1,2 million de personnes soit 5% de l'emploi intérieur total, "des emplois qualifiés comme non qualifiés, qui attirent notamment les jeunes". Elles ont généré un chiffre d'affaires total de 74,6 milliards d'euros, si l'on ajoute celui généré par les activités indirectes (20% de l'ensemble). L'étude, préfacée notamment par huits anciens ministres de la Culture et l'actuelle Aurélie Filippetti, doit être présentée prochainement à l'Elysée et à Matignon.

Tordre le cou aux idées reçues. Infographie: la culture made in France. Ecce - european centre for creative economy: Forum d'Avignon Ruhr 2013. Open Innovation, Collaborative Innovation - innovation-3. The geography of creative industries in Europe: Comparing France, Great Britain, Italy and Spain. Cultural and creative industries - France-Diplomatie. Creative SpIN - Baseline study - Creative Spillover for Innovation. Platform on the Potential of Cultural and Creative Industries. Cultural and Creative Industries Knowledge Bank. Les industries créatives et l’économie créative dans les rapports officiels européens.