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Night Vision 20/20, Sarah Sze’s first artwork in augmented reality. Less known to the public eye than its neighbor the Amazon, the Paraguayan Gran Chaco forest has the highest deforestation rate in the world. Every day more than 1.000 hectares of dry forest are cut down for meat production. The indigenous communities who call it their home now live within close proximity of the small towns that have sprung up there.

Men from these indigenous communities are generally employed as agricultural workers by large landowners. These communities are home to outstanding artists, discovered by the anthropologists Verena and Ursula Regehr, who supported and promoted them with local exhibitions. Their drawings and sculptures bear witness to the deep bond they developedwith their rapidly disappearing environment, including plants and animals. Even if their survival and culture are threatened, be it by the growing number of farms taking over the region, the increased cultivation of soy crops or, today, the Covid-19 pandemic, these artists keep on drawing.

Your Life in Weeks. Note: If you want to print this post or read it offline, the PDF is probably the way to go. You can buy it here. This is a long human life in years: And here’s a human life in months: But today, we’re going to look at a human life in weeks: Each row of weeks makes up one year. It kind of feels like our lives are made up of a countless number of weeks. Before we discuss things further, let’s look at how a typical American spends their weeks: Sources: There are some other interesting ways to use the weeks chart: But how about your weeks? Sometimes life seems really short, and other times it seems impossibly long. Given that fact, the only appropriate word to describe your weeks is precious. If you multiply the volume of a .05 carat diamond by the number of weeks in 90 years (4,680), it adds up to just under a tablespoon.

Looking at this spoon of diamonds, there’s one very clear question to ask: “Are you making the most of your weeks?” 1) Enjoying the diamond It can all be summed up like this: Home - The Arcanum - Magical Academy of Artistic Mastery. Eva T.Bony -Tatiana May Kallergi presents ΕPITOPOU / ΕΠΙΤΟΠΟΥ 2014. The project A route (a journey)through ephemeral installations in situ and meetings between artists and residents. Second edition. Andros, Cyclades, from the 12th of July to 31st August 2014. ‘Epi topou’ comes from the Greek prefix ‘epi’, meaning on, on the soil, the point at which one thing is connected with another and ‘topos’, meaning the place.

Just as the first edition in 2013, this project aims to highlight the solidarity between artists and residents, to allow for opportunities to create a collective artistic experience between Greek and French artists which aspires to create a common European identity. In this time of Ecomomic recession this proposal is supported by the personal commitment of the artists, the curator and the residents of the island. It is an expression of the view that art remains a free sphere open to all, an area of action and dialogue. Andros Cyclades map installations map The event includes: -Collaboration with artist groups Campus Novel and Fabrica Outopia Eva T. Google Art Project. NEUROTiQ NEUROTiQ is brain animating fashion – a knitted, 3d printed, EEG brain... SENSOREE @ After Dark: Wearable Technologies Exploratorium SENSOREE landed @ After Dark: Wearable Technologies on the runway. SENSOREE in NYC ! Local global tech craft magic.

Drawing101. Bienvenue ... (Myriam PLETNER) Search results for Myriam's Vernissage. Vernissage de Myriam Pletner et Benjamin Marques - Galerie du Mo. Myriam Pletner - orange. Galerie 5. Polyartiste. Expérience professionnelle : Domaine des compétences : Savoir gérer un cours de tapisserie de haute-lisse, d’une dizaine de personnes et les mettre en confiance : parler pour les détendre, essayer de les comprendre, de mieux les approcher et, faire en sorte que ces personnes s’entendent afin de mieux travailler ensemble Divers : Permis de conduire, anglais scolaire, écriture poétique, initiation à l’arabe, lecture variée, randonnées. A 16 ans, travaille en collaboration avec M. Cavenagot, directeur artistique des papiers Leroy, installé à Ponthierry en seine et marne, pour réaliser à main levée, des agrandissements de dessins proposés par des décorateurs en tapisserie murale. Cours de dessin chez M. A 17 ans, entre à la Manufacture des Gobelins, hautement qualifiée pour son enseignement.

(Continuation de cours de dessin chez M. Cours donnés par l’école des Gobelins : Cours de dessin, de peinture, d’histoire de l’art et d’histoire de la tapisserie des origines jusque à nos jours.